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He is Mo Shan

In the hospital, Yun Xi was woken up by the knock on the door.
"Come in," she said to whoever knocking on the door.
The door creaked and in came Doctor Wang. Yun Xi saw that he was carrying something in his hand. When she asked him what it was, he replied to her that it was lunch for her.
Yun Xi was stunned and hurriedly looked for her cellphone. She found it above the drawer nearby her bed. She looked at the time and realized that it was already past 2 pm. She didn't even realize that she has slept for such a long time.
Yun Xi was really surprised by herself that she had slept for such a long time. If not for Doctor Wang's knock on the door, she didn't know how long she would have slept for again.
When she saw Doctor Wang arranging the foods on the table, Yun Xi was really embarrassed.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Doctor. But you didn't need to do that." She awkwardly bowed down to him.
Wang Lei found her awkward expression very cute, so he chuckled.
"It's okay. Anyway, the person whom you should thank is not me." He told her.
"Then…. Mr. Mo?" Yun Xi murmured to herself but Doctor Wang still heard her.
"Yes, him" he replied.
Hearing him replying, Yun XI again awkwardly smiled at him.
Seeing that she was awkward again, Wang Lei decided to change the topic. "Come here, have the food before it gets cold."
Yun Xi walked towards the food and sat on the couch near there.
"It smells so good. Thank you for the food." She prayed closing her eyes.
'Of course, it smells good. It is from the top-notch restaurant.' Wang Lei spoke in his heart.
Yun Xi took the spoon and was just about to eat when she fell someone's eyes on her.
She looked at Wang Lei and spoke, "You also must be hungry, right Doctor Wang? Come, here have some food."
Wang Lei's eyes brightened up hearing Yun Xi's words. "Since you say so, I shall have some, hehe," Then, he dug up the food hurriedly.
It was not even 5 minutes when both of them had finished eating all the food. They sat satisfied on the couch rubbing their stomach.
"By the way Doctor Wang, who exactly is Mr. Mo? He must be quite rich, right? He actually admitted in this VIP ward and bore all the charges." Yun Xi asked Wang Lei.
Wang Lei looked at her and exclaimed, "What?! You don't know him?"
Yun Xi looked at Wang Lei's accusatory eyes and was confused as to why he asked this question with such expression. 'If she knew about Mr. Mo, why would she be asking him?' While she was thinking of all these; Wang Lei, on the other side, was pitying his brother as the girl whom his brother was interested in had no idea about him.
"Why? Should I know him? Yun Xi broke out of her reverie and asked Wang Lei.
Wang Lei also broke out of his thoughts when he saw Yun Xi speaking to him.
"No. Of course not. How would you know him? You saw him for the first time then how would you know him?" Wang Lei hurriedly replied but even he did not know what he was speaking.
"But if you want to know about him, then I can tell you." He told her playfully.
Yun Xi found his expression rather irritating so she denied him. "It's okay. I don't want to know."
"Hey, don't be like this. I can tell that you want to know about him.  It is okay, this brother will tell you anything you want to know."
The corners of Yun Xi's mouth twitched and she really wanted to beat him. 'What did he mean by brother? Did I call him brother? And, when did I tell him that I want to know about Mr. Mo? How did he become a doctor with this personality?'
"His name is Mo Shan. Haven't you heard this name before?" Wang Lei continued realizing that Yun Xi was really not interested.
"Mo Shan…" Yun Xi wondered, "I think I have heard this name before."
"Think.. think, where have u heard this name?" Wang Lei asked excitedly.
Yun Xi was recalling where she had heard the number before but when she saw the excited look in Wang Lei's face, she decided to tease him.
"Oh, I don't really remember anything. I think I don't know anyone of that name." She wondered out loud making Wang Lei hear it. She was looking at his expression from the corner of her eyes and saw that he was behaving like a deflated balloon now.
"Think slowly. He is very popular all over the country, mainly among girls. You must have heard the name before." He urged her.
Seeing his expression, she also became serious and began to think carefully but really could not recall anything. She felt that the name was oddly familiar to her but couldn't pinpoint where exactly she heard his name.
"Is he a celebrity?" Yun Xi asked since Wang Lei told her that he was very popular, especially among girls.
"No." Wang Lei screamed frustratedly at Yun Xi. "He is businessman, the CEO of this country's largest corporation, MO CORPORATION!!" He told her.
Now, it was Yun Xi's turn to be speechless.
"It's not the same Mo Shan I am thinking of, right?" Yun Xi asked blankly.
Seeing her expression, Wang Lei shook his head and spoke, "Yes, the very one."
Yun Xi suddenly recalled their encounter yesterday and how she had given him the lessons about right, wrong, and apologies. She really wanted to kill herself now. Wait!!! Could it be that Mo Shan wanted to torment her for yesterday; that's why he left her alone today and will be coming to punish her in the evening?
'No, that can't be. Such a handsome man couldn't be that cruel to a girl, right? Get a grip on yourself, Yun Xi.' She told herself slapping her cheeks.
Then, she looked towards Wang Lei and spoke seriously, "Doctor Wang, as you can see I am already fine. Can't I get discharged right now? I promise I will take care of myself."
Wang Lei thought to himself, "Hah! Does she think I am an idiot? If I discharge her now, won't my brother kill me?"
Then, he looked at Yun Xi and replied even seriously, "Ms. Yun, you may feel that you are already fine now. But as a doctor, I recommend you to stay here today and only discharge tomorrow. Sorry, but we can't discharge you right now."
"Hmmm. Okay," Yun Xi was really afraid now. She felt like she was going to die that day.
Yun Xi actually wanted to thank Mo Shan for lunch by messaging him, but now after knowing his identity, she didn't dare to do so.
Wang lei looked at her expression and knew that she was afraid of Mo Shan. He told her to take a rest and that he was leaving now. But when he reached the door, he stopped, turned towards and said, "Ms. Yun don't worry. My brother is a nice person." With that, he left the ward.
As soon as he left, Yun Xi laid on the bed lifelessly as if someone had drained all energy from her.
"What to do now? What if Mr. Mo comes here again? How do I behave with him? Should I act as if I don't know anything or should I apologize to him? What if I run from the hospital right now?" All sorts of thoughts were running through her mind. And, slowly she fell asleep again.

Bình Luận Sách (966)

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    John Ram

    Good friday the flag in the diff between us I think we will heart your vid to get a little more sleep and the win I will heart all my vid of my life and my mom is in the hospital with your family and friends are coming to my house for my birthday I will get back with my mom is in the diff between us but I don't want to you to get your thoughts to share this with your family today and the other one is in mlbb to get the win diamond 💍 I will be in mlbb I will be in touch with you and I will be in


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