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chapter 7

"Racheal, Racheal." I heard a faint voice calling out my name.

"On May 29th. At3:15" It kept ringing in my ear. I felt a lot of thought and emotion, on the one hand, is a voice in my head, and on the other is the faint voice that kept yelling my name. The motion of my body was pale, I wasn’t able to move nor open my eyes, what happened to me? This is the question I kept asking myself but end up with no conclusion.

"Racheal" A voice yelled as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I still stood in the same position but moved when a finger snapped and brought me back to reality

The first thing I felt was a rapid headache, that only the sides of my head felt. I slowly opened my eyes, turning back I met that lady again, she looked very angry
"Hi" was the only thing I thought of saying.

"You better watch your way young lady." She said as she rolled her eyes

Didn’t she say that to me a few minutes ago? And why is she telling me to watch my way? "I don’t get it, did I step on you again?" I asked

"Again?" She hissed as she walked past me.

"That was weird," I muttered

As she walked towards the doorway, I turned around and scanned my environment, and found out I am in the cafeteria which was shocking because I left the cafeteria minutes ago. I can’t be here again, that can’t be possible.

"Hey, here is your cash for the day. I hope you come early today." Brian said as he handed the cash over to me. I glanced at him before staring at the cash, he gave me my earnings some minutes ago why is he giving it to me again?

"Stop staring at the cash, take it, it’s your hard earn money."

"I can’t, you already gave me my earnings earlier."

He raised an eyebrow before he glanced at the cash "What are talking about?"

"You gave me the money, don’t you remember?" I said but he looked more confused than before "You know what! I will just show you." I told as I opened my bag

"Are you under any medical condition I should know about?" He said with a bit of laughter in his voice

I ignored him as I emptied the bag, it was gone, the money wasn’t there. "How is that possible, I kept it here," I muttered

"You know, you are the first person to have claimed that you got paid before you got paid. You know what I mean, I…"

"I get it." I instantly interrupted

I knew I kept the money in my bag, it can’t be possible it was gone, the money was in my bag.

"You still want it or not, 'cause if you don’t, I don’t mind taking your share." He smirked

I snatched the cash from his hands as I furrowed at him.
"Hey, easy okay, I was just joking around you know, there isn’t a need for you to get mad."

"I’m not mad," I said while keeping my books inside my bag.

"Relax, you are just stressed out and it seems like this is your first time working."

I rolled my eyes as I continued what I was doing. I know what I’m saying, he gave me the cash a couple of minutes ago if not an hour ago.

"We didn’t have a clear introduction, I’m.."

"Brian" I interrupted

"How do you my name? I don’t remember telling you." He raised an eyebrow

"Because of you….You know what! Never mind." I said as I walked toward the doorway

"Racheal, don’t be…"

"Yeah, yeah, I won’t be late tomorrow and yes I will come right after I finish my classes," I said

"Looks like you know a lot of things."

"Not exactly, but I know that you will be called out by the chef in no time"

"Really, I don’t think so, why don’t we bet on this." He smirked

He doesn’t know what he just said "Okay, let’s bet our earnings of the day. If he calls you then you have to give me your cash but if he doesn’t I will give you mine cash." I said as I walked in his direction

"Alright, it’s a bet."

I took a sit as I stared at the kitchen door, any minute now, he is gonna call him out and then I get a double payment if not triple depending on how much his income is.
"Any minute now," I said

He smiled at me as he glanced at his watch "I can’t wait."

Five minutes were gone and the chef haven’t called him yet, I was already getting bored of sitting. I decided to grab my phone and chat for a little while. I scrolled through my chat and as expected I saw a message from Amanda

Amanda: I tried calling you back but your phone wasn’t reachable.

Racheal: Calling me back? I’m kinda lost right now.

Amanda: I haven’t told you the gossip about Ruby, remember?

I don’t get it, it doesn’t make any sense. I remember calling Amanda but that was after I left the cafeteria.
"You guys are still here?" A voice said, I turned around and saw the chef coming in our direction.

"Yeah we are actually in the middle of something, anyways do you need anything?" Brian asked

"No, I’m about to leave, see you tomorrow." He said in a deep pitch as he exited the cafeteria

"Looks like I won the bet, he just left and he didn’t call me for anything at all," Brian said

I was too confused, I had no idea what to say or how to react. Everything was happening strangely, first the text from Amanda, I could swear I called her after I left the cafeteria, and now this. I turned back and glance at the glass door, she was standing behind the door, staring at me, her face was so visible, it creeped me out as she smiled. I felt like my body was frozen, I couldn’t move an inch, as our eyes met I swallowed my saliva

"Hey, who are you staring at," Brian said as he tapped my shoulder. I let out a breath of relief.
"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I’m fine." I responded as I let out a breath

"Great, 'cause I need my cash right now."

For a moment I forgot about the bet, why did I bet on this?
"Here you go." I handed the cash over to him.

"It is nice doing business with you." He smirked as he kept it in his pocket "Hey if you’re done sitting, I will like to close h to be cafeteria now."

"Yeah, I’m done," I said as I stood up and walked towards the door. I scanned the surrounding before I stepped out.

I prayed my way back to the hostel. I didn’t want to see her, she is so creepy and weird, and her stares is like pain in my heart. Once I arrived at the hostel, I let out a breath of relief before I walked into the room.

Bình Luận Sách (292)

  • avatar

    It's a great story but the cliff hanger😭 Is there a season 2? I hope so I wanna know the ending. Thank you Author for this great story!!!💙


  • avatar

    maganda ang storytime


  • avatar
    Rachid Chafir



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