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chapter 6

I just finished attending to the last customer of the day. When grandma was telling me stories of her after-school job she never said anything about it being so stressful and exhausting. I have never stood in a single place for hours but today I did. Dad is definitely going to laugh about this if I tell him, to talk less of Amanda, she had already told me that it wasn’t an easy job but I didn’t listen to her. Although It’s not that bad, well the first day of everything is always the worst especially yesterday, to begin with.
I was snapped back to reality when I heard a whisper in my ear, as I turned back there was no one, I felt a tap on my left shoulder, I turned back and began panting, moving backward I felt like I was surrounded with strange giggles, I shook my head as eyes widen when I stepped onto something hard I screamed but my mouth was covered with a cold soft hand almost immediately after I started screaming.

"Shh," The voice said letting go of my mouth

I turned around and came face to face with a deep blue eyes of an angry woman who I’m assuming is the lady in charge of the cafeteria.
"Sorry I didn’t mean to step on your feet."

"You better watch your way young lady." She said as she rolled her eyes

"I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to upset you."

"I heard the first apology I just chose to ignore it." She said as she walked past me.

Ignore it, wow, Is she rude or what? "You better watch your way young lady" I mimic her

"Seems like I’m not the only one here that has her on my nerves"
I turned back and met his piercing ocean eyes once again, I laughed as I turned back and looked at her "Is she the boss or.."

"Nope, she works at the school, maybe a lecturer or something like that."

"Ohh! I thought she was a…..You know what never mind." I said as I grabbed my bag

"Oh yeah, before I forget, here is your cash for the day." He said as he handed over a couple of dollars to me

"Thanks." I smile putting it into my pocket. I grabbed my bag and walked toward the exit door

"Racheal." He paused, as I turned back and looked at him, he continued the sentence "Don’t be late tomorrow."

"Yes boss" I smiled

"Call me Brian,"

"Okay Brian, I will be here immediately after my classes."

"Great and I want to…" He paused as heard his name being called from the kitchen
"Gotta go," He turned around and walk towards the kitchen.

Once I got out of the cafeteria, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, Mom will never believe it when I tell her that I haven’t used my phone for almost three hours, it’s actually an unbelievable fact even for me.
"Twenty messages from Amanda," I whispered to myself immediately as I saw the messages, I’m kinda not surprised, Amanda and I text each other a lot.

I scrolled down to the message, I knew I have no time to read them all, it’s better I call her. As I dialed her number, she picked up on the third ring

"Hey, girl." She said almost immediately as she answered the call

"Hey, just saw your messages. Then decided to call you."

"I have gossip."

Amanda always has gossip for me, sometimes I wonder when and how she gets her information from "All ears girl, just hit me with what you got."

"Well I have two gossips, the first is about Chris Walter and the second is about Ruby"

"Huh, I hate Ruby, is she still hanging out with that jerk Alex?"

"Yes, she is."

"Am I the only one that hates that girl or what?"

"You aren’t the only one, girlfriend."

Ruby was a friend of mine, that’s from kindergarten to grade five. She was a nice friend but changed when she won the spelling bee competition and the beauty contest. From that moment she became overwhelmed by her beauty and her smartness not to lie she’s very intelligent. In seventh grade she stopped talking to me for an unknown reason probably because I was like a competitor to her, when I won the spelling bee three times in a roll and got a badge as the first ever three-time spelling bee champion, she changed or should I say she became worse, she treated me like an enemy, even though I didn’t see a reason why she would get all mad at me, I tried talking to her but she ignored me and specifically told me to stay away from her. The only reason why I tried to patch up with her was because her grandma and mine are very close friends and I didn’t want our relationship with her to affect theirs.

"So which gossip do you wanna hear first?" Amanda asked

"Just hit me up with the best,"

"Okay, why don’t I start with Chris Walter? Did you know that he is cheating on Bianca?"

"Shut up! Tell me more."

"Ohh I will tell you more, that guy is a player. He didn’t just cheat on Bianca but…."

My attention drafted when I sensed an eye staring at me, I turned around and there she was again, standing from afar staring at me, she creeped me out, why will she stare at me like that, I mean I don’t even know who she is.
As I walked I noticed her walking in my direction but it looked like she wasn’t walking but floating.
I let out a breath as I swallowed my saliva when she began coming closer and closer to me but suddenly stopped. Before I could have a complete look at her face she turned back and began walking backward.

"Oh lord." I panicked as I instantly ran away. I ran as fast as I could, I ran like my life depended on it although it actually did.
I had no idea where I was going but I knew anywhere away from her is best for me, I turned back every now and then to see if she was following me.
I let out a breath of relief when I turned back and saw no one. "Oh lord. What just happened." I thought

I took a long deep breath as I closed my eyes and opened them, I felt like my heart was being controlled, it stop beating for a moment, and my eyes started to close as my heart began beating as fast as it ever did. before I knew it I collapsed.

Bình Luận Sách (292)

  • avatar

    It's a great story but the cliff hanger😭 Is there a season 2? I hope so I wanna know the ending. Thank you Author for this great story!!!💙


  • avatar

    maganda ang storytime


  • avatar
    Rachid Chafir



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