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chapter 4

My eyes started to slowly open till slightly hazy, once my eyes cleared; they started to adjust to the brightness of the room.
"What happened?" I whispered as I touched my forehead.
"What happened?" I whispered again as my eyes glistened with fear when I realized I was lying on my bed.
I instantly sat up Immediately as I clearly recalled everything that happened. "I wasn’t laying on the bed earlier" I whispered to myself

How did I wake up in a different setting, I wasn’t sleeping, was I? I turned around scanning my environment as blurriness overtook my seeing, I blinked my eyes when a sudden weakness hits my body which made my head ache badly. I touched my forehead while turning around and scanning my environment again. "Alice is back," I whispered

As our eyes met, she lowered her gaze and continued what she was doing.
"Alice," I whispered while adjusting my position

"Hey girl, how are you doing seems like your first day hit you hard."

What did she say? I was confused I had no idea what was happening, I stared at Alice as she continued talking

"Are you okay? You’ve been sleeping for hours and it’s barely night."

"What’s the time?" I asked as I turned around and was about to grab my phone

"Hmm, I don’t know but anyways I’m going to a party and won’t be back till sunrise." She said as she turned back and walked towards the door

"Alice wait. I don’t get it, can you repeat what you said?"
I wanted to know what Alice said it sounded like she repeated the same words she said earlier.

She took a deep breath before she spoke
"I said I’m going to a party and won’t be back till sunrise."

I widened my eyes when she said that, it felt like I heard something wrong, did Alice just repeat the same thing she said earlier? "Did you just say you’re going to a party and won’t be back till sunrise?"

"Yeah, is anything wrong? you look frightened."

"Alice, is this some kind of a joke? You told me you were going to a party and will stay at Mala’s afterward."

"I’m kinda lost right now, what are you talking about? And how do you know I was gonna stay at Mala’s tonight?"

"Because you told me, you told me some hours earlier, don’t you remember?"

"I told you this? Well maybe I did, it’s the biggest party of the month and I guess told you about it when you were arranging your stuff."

"No, you told me this some hours earlier not when I was arranging my things," I said

Alice glanced at me before she stared at her phone which was ringing"Hey Mala." She said immediately as she answered the call "Yeah I’m on my way."

"I’m sorry Racheal but this conversation has to end now. I gotta go now, Mala is waiting for me outside. But if you need anything don’t hesitate to call me, okay."

Is this some kind of joke? I would swear Alice told me this earlier. I touched my forehead as I felt an instant ache.
"Maybe I was hallucinating." I thought as I walked to my bed and sat on it.

I sat for a little while before I opened my bag and took out a headache medicine. Thank god I listened to mom when she said I need to take some medicine pills with me. I took a pill, I was about to lay on the bed when I heard a buzz from my phone. It’s definitely Amanda she’s always texting me.
I stretched my arms and grabbed the phone, like I said it was Amanda.

Amanda: Hey girl, I just finished reading that novel, I did expect the book to end that way.

Racheal: Do spoil it for me. Haven’t finished reading it yet.

Amanda: That ending was lit, like seriously, you won’t expect it coming.

Racheal: Yeah I get it, just please don’t say a word about the ending.

After I replied I instantly kept my phone, I know if I continued the conversation with her, she will eventually spoil the ending for me. As I rested my head and gently closed my eyes, something flashed to my eyes, I instantly sat up and took a deep breath
"What just happened?"

I covered my face with my hands as I gently laid back and closed my eyes, I felt an unusual feeling, I saw it again, it felt real, it was standing right in front of me, I instantly opened my eyes and adjusted my position.
I stretched my arms and grabbed my bottled water, I instantly gulped it and kept it back to its position.

I could feel my headache reduced when I drank the water. I stood up and stretched a little bit before I grabbed the novel I was reading earlier.
I sat on the floor with my back rested on the wall and knees bent I placed the book on them as I used my index and middle fingers to hold its corner. I love sitting on the floor with my back rested on the wall, it makes me concentrate more.
I let out a short laugh and was about to flip onto the next page when I noticed something, a mark on the side of the novel. "I marked it earlier didn’t I?" I muttered while caressing the mark.
This can’t be possible, I can’t be hallucinating, well maybe Alice told me about the party when I was arranging my things but this mark, I marked on this page earlier.

My head had already started aching, the more I think the more it hurt.
"This is so strange, I don’t think…" I whispered but paused when I heard a continuous buzz from my phone, I glanced at it, and noticed it was a timer. I don’t remember installing an eating timer on my phone. Immediately I held the phone, I realized it was mom’s doing, she’s definitely the one that installed the app. As I turned off the alarm I felt a sudden starvation "I need to eat something." I whispered as I grabbed my jacket, and left the room.

Once I entered the cafeteria I bought a grilled chicken sandwich, I waited for a few minutes before the waitress gave me the sandwich bag. I instantly walked outside the hostel and sat on a bench. I needed fresh air, I haven’t still gotten over what happened, I can’t figure out if it’s a dream or a hallucination.
As I took another bit, I sensed someone behind me, I instantly turned back and saw some kids staring at me, I glanced at them, they looked weird, I couldn’t see their faces but I knew there were three of them "Weird kids" I whispered as I turned back and continued with the sandwich.

I could still feel the kids staring at me but decided to ignore them, as I took a bite I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned back but saw no one.
I instantly stood up and looked around, the kids weren’t there.
"I could swear I felt a tap on my shoulder?" I said before I walked into the hostel

Bình Luận Sách (292)

  • avatar

    It's a great story but the cliff hanger😭 Is there a season 2? I hope so I wanna know the ending. Thank you Author for this great story!!!💙


  • avatar

    maganda ang storytime


  • avatar
    Rachid Chafir



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