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Chapter 4 The Mystery Club

The Mystery Club in St Paula Academy was just registered year 2019. It was applied by Libby who was then a freshman thru the School Club's Committee and was approved by the school board and administration. She then started to recruit members. To be a member, you need to solve a simple mystery case made by Libby or solve a puzzle board with a certain time limit. They started as six original members - Libby, Mimi, Dan, Ike, Lian and Jim. Then by recruiting they became twenty five members. Words spread to the school how fun it is to be mystery club's member. It is really fun because made sure that everybody is having fun. They created monthly activities like solving a case. But some of them along the years either graduated or transferred to other clubs. Even Dan started Photography Club when he became so into photography last year. This year, they were down to 6 members.
When you entered the Mystery club's room, you will feel a sudden change in ambience. It's like entering a place of mystery and magic, like transported somewhere else. There are puzzles everywhere, games and mind tricks scattered around. Mimi and Libby designed this room. They want every members to always feel motivated. On one side of the room stand a big bookcase filled with different mystery novels - from Sherlock Holmes to Nancy Drew to Dan Brown and many more mystery authors. Different settings all about mysteries. There's also a big photo album on top of a table where pictures of all Mystery Club's members along the years are kept along with pictures and evidence from their previous cases. Yes, believe it or not, few students and teachers hire their services. From petty cases like a missing research paper to misplace jewelries to somewhat big cases like locating a lost package and catching the school vandal. They once assisted the police station for a case.
So imagine the members dismay when the school board did not allow them to conduct their own investigation regarding Mimi's case. Saying that they will be biased because Mimi is a member. The school only allowed a private investigator that concludes Mimi is guilty just by seeing a single test paper in her locker. They did not listen to any protest and declared Mimi is the culprit. That instigate Libby's yearning to prove them wrong.
Libby and the other members are gathered in the room. Ashley, May, Nikki, Jon are listening intently to what Libby is discussing. She showed her the note and message she received recently saying Mimi is innocent.
"We will treat this just like any other case. Yes, Mimi is our friend and a member of our club but we will not be biased. We'll give them fair judgement. All evidence good or bad will be submitted," Libby said to the group. "Also, if you know someone who wants to join our club, we will be opening a special slot for them - no test required. We will induct them as member immediately."
"Oh, is this because of the six members minimum policy per club?," asked Nikki.
"Yep. Apparently we are being called out by other pending club applications saying we only have 5 members," answered Libby.
"I can't believe this people," Ashley quipped. "Mimi is only suspended. She is still a member." She sounded irritated.
"I know Ash." Libby said calmly. "But just to satisfy their egos let's just recruit more members okay? I think it's also time since we're down to six members and we are all in Grade 10, we need someone if possible from freshman to Grade 9."
"Okay Libby," said Jon. "And to be clear on Mimi's case, we are to submit any evidence, right? Even though it will not help her clear her name?"
"Yes Jon," answered Libby. "We will be fair on all parties involved. The school board and administration doesn't even know we are investigating this. If you heard anything from anyone regarding the stealing of test papers, let me know immediately."
The members nodded.
"What's the timeline for this Libby?" asked May.
"As soon as possible guys. Mimi's suspension is supposed to end after 20 more days. And I wish that before that we can close this case. Or earlier. I heard that Mimi's scholarship grant will be revoked," Libby said sadly.
"Okay, I will make the mystery board for this one. I don't have a class till 9 o'clock so let me start," said Ashley. "Libby, if you please leave the note and can we print the message you received?"
"Thank you Ashley," Libby sounded hopeful. "I will leave everything to you. I have an upcoming break by 10 a.m. and will continue the mystery board by then."
"I will try to ask around Libby. You know if there's cheating on tests, for sure the jocks will know about it," said Jon. He's also on the basketball team. "We have a practice later. Will update you guys on our group chat."
"And I will also ask around. My girls might know something," said May. She's on the cheerleading team.
"And I will roam around the school faculty and library," said Nikki. "Big case like this, a teacher or other students might be involved."
Libby looked at her members. A surge of happiness suddenly flowed thru her body. Mimi might have a chance after all.
"Thank you guys," she said tearfully.
"Oh Libby, don't worry," said May. "If Mimi is innocent, we'll let the evidence speak. We'll find it and unmasked whoever is the real culprit."
"Yeah Libby," said Jon smiling. "Besides we need to solve this case. The school board will be pissed once we gave them the name of the guilty party." He added smirking.
"How dare they doubt our capabilities," said Nikki. Fire burning in her eyes.
Libby is now smiling. One thing's for sure. The school board doesn't know what's coming to them. She know each member's strength and sooner or later this case will be solved.

Bình Luận Sách (441)

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    Mikmik Lom

    ecstatic story


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    i love you


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