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Chapter 2 Mimi

"It's been a week since my life was ruined." said Mimi feeling sorry for herself and while crying in bed. "What should I do? Now everybody thought I cheated all my life. I worked so hard to get to where I am. And now it's all gone."
Mimi is the eldest of four siblings. Her dad died when she was just eight years old. From an early age, she learned to help out her mom with household chores and to be self sufficient. She always study burying her head with a book. From elementary up to present she's a scholar. When they turned high school students, she started accepting tutoring and research work to augment their household needs that helped them greatly with their finances especially that her other siblings are also studying. Her father's insurance is not enough to cover their monthly expenses and her mother can only work part time because their youngest is still young to be left alone at home. And this issue with the school will greatly affect all of her possible income. She felt guilty and stupid. Then a realization hits her.
"I have to clear my name fast. I am not the one who stole those test papers and I need to prove it.," she said determined. "I shouldn't be laying here in bed feeling pathetic. I didn't do anything wrong so proving my innocence should be easy."
"Mimi?" she heard someone called her from her door.
She walked to open the door and saw her little sister Amy. "Yes Amy baby, do you need anything?" she asked smiling.
"I heard you crying. Are you okay?," Amy asked quietly.
"Of course, I'm okay. I'm just practicing a scene from our play," she told Amy cheerfully. "Do you want to eat?" she asked while checking her watch. It's past five o'clock already and their mom's not home yet. "Let's go downstairs and check what we can cook."
Knock knock. They heard knocking in their main door while going downstairs.
"Mimi? It's Libby. Open the door please."
"Just a minute," Amy said in a loud voice. Mimi laughed. She opened the door. "Hey.." And her tears fell again. Libby hugged Mimi. They stayed like that for about a minute. Then Mimi ushered Libby to the kitchen. "Come inside. Would you mind if we talk here? I'm about to cook dinner. Mom's not home yet."
"Sure, no problem," Libby sat down at the counter. "Mimi, I'm not here to ask how are you because obviously you're not okay." started Libby. "I'm just here to remind how awesome you are. I'm not saying this because you're my friend, but really, you are awesome. The most honest, patient, smartest girl I know. And nothing will change how I see you. We both know that you didn't do it. And I'm sorry because I wasn't able to clear your name immediately but please know that I'm still trying and won't give up until you're proven innocent."
The sincerity in her voice touched Mimi. "Thank you Libby," said Mimi while wiping her tears. "I'm glad that you're still on my side despite the evidence they showed last week. Honestly, I'm afraid how this will affect everything that I've worked on."
"Don't worry too much Mimi," Libby said softly. "Many of us still believes in you. Your friends, classmates, our club members, and our teachers. Whoever did this, will be sorry. We'll show them the truth. For now, let's focus on things that will help you clear your name okay?"
"Okay!," Mimi said with conviction. "But first, I need to cook dinner. My other siblings will be home in a while. I have to feed them and Mom."
"Let me help you " Libby said while standing up and grabbing a vegetable to cut up. "I supposed with what I am seeing here, you're going to cook chicken stew right? "
"Right," Mimi said smiling. "You're really good with your deductions Libby."
Libby smiled back. They continue to cook while talking about their day. Libby missed hanging around Mimi. After the school's verdict to her case last week, Mimi distanced herself. She won't pick up calls or answer to chats, she won't even answer the door and would pretend to be sleeping or away everytime she or their other friends would visit.
At six o'clock, Mimi's other siblings arrived. Tim, Nate and Anne. And after a little while their mom came home.
"I'm sorry kids, I know it's late," she said while walking towards them in the living room. "I had a job interview earlier and the manager asked me to wait to finalize my contract and job offer." She was smiling widely. "I was accepted and will be starting my work on Monday."
"Wow, that's great Mom," said Tim. He's the second eldest child next to Mimi. He's currently in Grade 8. "But we didn't know you even applied for one."
"Oh well, I think it's about time Tim," said Aunt Tessie. "Amy who is our youngest is now old enough to be left alone at home. Our neighbor Mrs. Santos also agreed to babysit her just in case. And kids, I don't want to pass on this great opportunity. It's too long that I only stayed at home. But lucky and thankful enough that my previous experience still counts. This will also be a big help for us."
Libby saw Mimi bowed her head. She knew that Mimi's feeling guilty.
"Congratulations Aunt Tessie," she said loudly. "Don't forget to treat us to a meal on your first salary," she added jokingly.
"Thank you, Libby." Aunt Tessie smiled at her.
"Oh, it's almost seven o'clock. I need to head back home." Libby said while gathering her things. "Mimi, I'll drop by tomorrow with Dan okay? We'll bring ice cream. Strawberry, your favorite?"
"Sure Libby, that would be great."
"Bye everyone, see you tomorrow," Libby said while waving. Before she close the door behind her, she saw Mimi walking towards Aunt Tessie. And by the looks of it, this would be a serious talk.

Bình Luận Sách (441)

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    Mikmik Lom

    ecstatic story


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    i love you


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