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Take Me To Your Heart -Chapter 6-

WHEN Orcel returned to their resting place. Myra is already lying down. It turned out that she did not follow her. She already knew why she would get tired walking fast. 
"You look like you won the lottery with your ear-to-ear smile, Orcel?"
"Even more than the lottery, Myra."
"And why is that?"
"Because he smiled at me with a wink." "You know that feeling when your crush does that to you?"
"Your heart is always bouncing like a ball." right, Orcel?"
"Yes, Myra, I'm feeling like I am flying to the sky right now," she was thrilled. 
Myra frowned now that she had heard Orcel speak straight English. And she thinks she was skilled. But she ignored it; maybe it's just clever. "Geez, you fantasize too much, Orcel; it penetrates to your bones; oh, slowly flying; maybe if you fall, that man won't catch you; your hair will surely break when you fall."
"Don't say anything else, Myra; I might lose the good feeling I had right now."
"Hmp! I hope you fall into your fantasy.
"You're bad, ah! "But it's okay that I fell, Myra, but I hope that when I fall, he'll catch me."
"Geez, I just said it; maybe he won't catch you and break your bones along with a strand of your hair."
"Hmp!" she teased her friend, and she got annoyed when she remembered that the man was really stuck. 
"Oh, why did your face suddenly change, Orcel?"
"Because you're right, maybe he won't catch me when I fall."
"You've come to your senses."
"Yeah, because really he's stuck because he didn't even tell me his name!"
Myra laughed. "You're crazy; just now you had a beautiful smile, then you were sullen, and you don't even know his name; don't think about him anymore; let's relax."
"That's even better!" She suddenly became depressed. 
While Anthony was driving, he couldn't stop smiling because of the woman. "Crazy woman!" And he was also surprised. He did that to her. Damn, he still knows how to wink-wink. He never did that to anyone, just now. He admitted that she touched his heart. 
"Uncle, why are you smiling?" his niece asked. 
"Huh? "Did I smile, Nicole?"
"Yes, Uncle, you are. Is it because of Aunt Orcel? "You had a crush on her?" Nicole smiled. 
Anthony looked in the mirror to see if his niece was right that he was smiling. 
"Nicole, you are too young; why do you already know those things?"
"Yes, Uncle, I'm still young, but I know what happens around me."
"Is that what I'm saying? Since you use the internet so much, you already know something, Nicole!"
"Uncle, it's not because of the internet; I'm just seeing it from you."
Anthony frowned at what his niece said."What? "Which one do you see in me, Nicole?"
"Uncle, you seem to know what that means."
"You're young, and you sound like an old woman when you answer. I don't know what I'm trying to say to you, Nicole."
"Uncle, it means you like Aunt Orcel, right?"
Anthony just stared at his niece because of what she said. 
"Uncle, admit it."
Anthony just shook his head."While I'm not." When he realized what their conversation with his niece was about, he even shook his head. 
"Uncle, I only saw you smile today." because of Aunt Orcel. You never smile at any woman. just looked at them seriously."
Anthony just smiled and shook his head. Well, at her age of 8, you can't hide anything from her, even though she's young. "You are so smart, Nicole!"
"Brother Nick and I just inherited from you and Daddy and then from Grandpa."
"I don't know what to say to you, Nicole; you're the one who talks, and your brother is quiet."
"Uncle, I am a girl." "And then my brother is already asleep."
"I'm past you; we're home; Nicole, go down first; I'll carry your brother."
"Yes, Uncle."
The kids were so smart, and their mother didn't see it. He cursed why he thought that bastard woman! He took a deep breath because he felt suddenly angry. He carried his nephew. 
Orcel was already awake at five o'clock the next day. She let Myra sleep. She immediately got up and took a bath, even though the water was cold. 
"You woke up so early, Orcel. "Are you going somewhere?" their boss asked when they met in the kitchen. 
"No, Madam. I just want to walk around there. "It's just exercise."
"Hmmm, okay. I'll leave you."
"Go ahead, Madam."
Orcel walked lightly so that she could observe the surroundings."Wow, this place is beautiful; the surroundings are clean, and the houses are big mansions. I guess only rich people live in this town?" She said while her eyes busy looking everywhere.
San Vicente can be said to be a prosperous town. You can't even tell if they are all rich. There are also farmers. but mostly businessmen. Like Anthony, they own the sugar factory and more. So he is super busy with his job as CEO of Victorino Industry. 
Because Orcel was fascinated by looking everywhere, she didn't realize that she had come a long way. When she looked at her, she said, "Oh, where am I now? I think I'm going to get lost." She looked at her foot. "Geez, crazy foot," she said, blaming her own foot. 
That morning, the siblings Nicole and Nick were outside the house; every morning they play ball to exercise. 
"Nicole, isn't that Aunt Orcel?" the boy even pointed who was he referring too. 
"Huh? Where, Nick?"
"Outside our gate."
The girl looked at the gate quickly. "Oh yes, it's Aunt Orcel; come, brother, let's go see her." The siblings ran towards the gate. 
Orcel was about to return when someone suddenly called her name. 
"Aunt Orcel?" shouted the two children. 
Orcel immediately turned around when she heard her name. 
"Aunt Orcel," the two children called her again. 
Orcel smiled when she saw who was calling her, and she immediately approached the two children. "Oh, Nick, Nicole." She knelt down so that she could match the two. 
"Aunt Orcel, come inside first," she said. 
Orcel shook her head and said, "No, because I am a stranger. Also, don't let someone come inside."
"Aunt Orcel, we know you already. Don't worry, Uncle Anthony; he's still asleep."
"No, Nicole, your parents might scold both of you."
"Grandpa, Daddy, and Uncle are nice; they wouldn't scold us."
Orcel wondered if her uncle was kind because he was grumpy. "Even now, Nicole, I am a stranger." 
"Nicole, Nick, who is she? Do you know her?" Don Martin asked. He came out because he heard his grandchildren talking to someone. 
Orcel stood up when someone spoke. 
"Yes, Grandpa, she's the one we call Miss Pretty."
Orcel blushed because of what the girl said about her. 

Bình Luận Sách (244)

  • avatar
    Mark Joshua Briones

    very nice


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    جيد جدا


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    Baricuatro canillasImee

    love this


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