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Love Me, Love Me Not

Love Me, Love Me Not


Chương 1 Prologue: The Beginning of The End

It's been three years.
I'm finally back in this neighborhood. It's making me emotional since I have a lot of memories here. Memories with a certain someone. I wonder how he's been doing. I can't believe that I miss his laughter so much.
"Nadine, get your stuff. We're going now."
My father shouted from the car as I clenched my fist. Words can't describe how much I hate this person. Even if we're related by blood, I loathe him so much that I'd rather just be an orphan.
"Stop wasting our time; you know we don't have all day, right?"
The woman next to him glared at me as I struggled to pick up my luggage. They just watched me do all the work. Amelia is my stepmother. Just like every other story, of course, we don't get along. That woman hated me for coming into their lives, although she was the one who destroyed my family.
"Ugh, why do I have to be here?"
Emma grunted as she rolled her eyes at me. Well, I don't really know why she's here in the first place. It's awkward enough that we're going to the same school. I just really hope that we're not going to be in the same class. That would be... weird.
"We need to help your sister move to her new place."
Ethan snorted as he gave me a smirk. I seriously can't believe that these two are twins. They're the complete opposite of each other.
"She's not my sister, ew!"
Emma said in disgust as I continued to stay silent. I'm not really offended by her since I also don't want to be related to someone as judgy and harsh as her.
I'm just glad that I won't be living with these people.
The car ride was awkward; Emma had her earphones on while Ethan just took a nap, ignoring their mom talking about their grades and going to an academy. It's weird listening to all that without getting involved. I noticed my father was glancing at me once in a while. I wonder what's going on inside his mind. It's the first time he's meeting his daughter after three years, yet he never even asked me about how I've been. It's disappointing, but I learned how to live without expecting much from others in the three years that he had been absent from my life.
"I already signed all the documents that you need to enrol in the twins' school; they're in that envelope."
He finally spoke, and I just nodded in response. I honestly don't want to talk to him after what he's done. It's unbelievable how I never got an apology from him, despite being the adult in this conversation.
"You should be grateful that your father even did all that. So please, for the love of God, I hope this will be the last time we're meeting each other."
Amelia interrupted, as I didn't know what to feel. This was actually our first time meeting each other, and she's already planning not to have another encounter. I badly wanted to scream at her for being the reason everything that happens right now. I wish I could just say what's on my mind instead of being silent. One of the perks of being an adult is that you can say anything to a child and not feel guilty about it.
"I can't send you to your rental home; you should go by bus here."
I can't believe he just said all that.
"But I don't know which way to go..."
I said it truthfully, hoping that he has a little bit of sympathy in him.
"You have a phone, don't you? Google the direction. Hurry up and get going. We're late to our appointment."
Amelia sighs in annoyance as both Emma and Ethan finally join the conversation, or more like mocking me; for god knows why. Seriously, I just wanted to scream at them.
"Ugh, can you go already?"
Emma said, pushing me to the door. For the love of God, please help me be patient.
"Bye bye!"
Ethan waved at me as if mocking me. I seriously, honestly hate this family. My father didn't even look at me as they drove away. I feel like crying, but then again, it's useless since I can't really do anything about it.
"It's going to be alright."
I wish. But no. Carrying my huge luggage in a bus clearly pissed some people off because it's already cramped enough for people, and now with my luggage, I can't bring myself to stand this humiliation and get off the bus halfway to my destination. It's unbearable. It's like God is seriously testing me with the rain suddenly pouring. I'm just glad that I don't have any of my textbooks with me, or else they're going to be ruined.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Go away!"
A man yelled at me as I continued to stare at him in confusion. What the heck is happening? As he got closer, I finally realised that I'm standing on his supposedly room, although it's clearly the bus stop, but nobody seems to be here, so maybe this bus stop really belongs to that weird old man? I wonder..
"Now I have to sleep with the water; why did you have to go and stand in my home?"
The man glared at me, shooing me away in this heavy rain. Woah. I just want to scream at everyone at this time. I was grateful that I managed to get into my rental home.
"What the hell?"
It's unbelievable. He told me it was a rental home, but when I arrived, it was a tiny room with no window. I was too shocked to even say anything when the owner showed me the room. I don't even know if anyone could live in this kind of environment.
"Bathroom at the end of the hall. The first two months already have been paid for the rent, and the man said that you're going to be paying the next time, right? No pets or friends allowed; the gas is broken, so you should eat out. If there's anything, write your complaint and put it in this box."
The owner said to me. I still couldn't believe everything that was going on. I feel like I've been scammed—by my own father. How am I supposed to pay the rent when I'm still in high school? Did he expect me to work? He lives a leisurely life; why can't he at least make sure that I'm well fed?
"Well then, don't be so loud cleaning up, yeah? There are other people living here."
The owner added before finally leaving me in this tiny room without a single window. I just hope that I won't suffocate to death here. If I didn't have my savings, I would probably die, I think.
I just want the day to end already.

Bình Luận Sách (744)

  • avatar
    Saidali Colod

    goods reading


  • avatar

    this story caught my attention, it is really amazing story about lovers, a must read !!


  • avatar
    DAN azumiBuhari



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