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CHAPTER#4.2: The Secret
[Jacob’s P.O.V.]

I can't seem to get my mind off the contents of the article that I have just read.
I said something in the air, “That's not even possible...”
“Perhaps this search engine was simply toying with my head. This isn't real—not it's even close to being real!” I was about to scream, but I remembered that I needed to keep this a secret.
Nobody should ever know that I'm starting to like a guy...
“You're a boy, Jacob. You're a boy—a boy! Boys are just for girls,” I slapped myself twice to bring myself back to reality.
Because of the nerve-wracking material I'd read, my entire system was panicking.
"Jacob, take a deep breath. Relax. Panicking will not help you in any way, instead It can only make things worse. You should relax," I attempted to calm myself down. I took a deep breath and wiggle my feet to get rid of the bad thoughts that had begun to overwhelm me.
I should get out of here...
I closed the computer and erased all of the tabs that I had open on that search engine. I should have done it in our room, but Hae Soo won't allow me to use her laptop, and it would be riskier if she knew about my secret. It should be a personal secret that only I could know. This is a secret I should die with. If Daddy finds out that his son is starting to like a boy, he will get so furious.
As the monitor’s light faded I immediately run to my sleeping quarters. I knocked on the door to see if my older sister was inside but no one answered. I walked into my room and threw myself on the bed.
“Perhaps I'm literally going insane. Why on earth do I believe I like him? He isn't even likeable. He isn't even on the same level as those who can beat me. He was just as wealthy as our family because his father was my father's business partner,” I kept reminding myself. "He's not likable at all, despite having that attractive almond-shaped eyes, pinkish kissable lips, thick but neat brows, a little pointed nose, and a really likable personality—“ I came to a halt on what I was saying to myself because I knew I was being ridiculous.
“Oh, dear! He's not likable—in fact, he's lovable—but he's absolutely likable," I kept murmuring and crying at the same time.
I was about to throw a tantrum when I noticed my sister's horrified expression.
“HEY! What have you done with my favorite stuffed animal?” She almost burst out crying and laughing at the same time.
When I saw Doraemon's head actually ripped in half, my eyes widened.
“How thoughtless of me, Noona...” As I cried out loud, I said.
“S-shh. S-shh. It's all right. I-It's simply my favorite doll. Nothing is more important to me than my beloved brother,” she remarked as she hugged me hard and caressed my back.
“I'm so sorry...,” I sobbed desperately.
“Shhh. Everything will be OK. It's normal to start admiring someone and to feel heartbroken after being dumped by a girl,” she stated, which caused me to burst out crying.
If you only knew...
[Hae Soo's P.O.V.]
“Mom. MOM! I've got some exciting news!” I cheerfully knock on my mother's door.
I opened the door, and her two eyes widened as she was shocked by my arrival by her door's threshold.
“What happened? Did someone get hurt?” She was taken aback because of me.
I shut the door and began to tell her the question that Jacob was asking me.
“JACOB IS STARTING TO LIKE SOMEONE!" I said happily as I jumped up and down.
“Hey, tone it down," mom replied quietly. "He might hear you,” mom added.
“He was so anxious because he had begun to like someone! Our Jacob has grown into a big boy, now!" I said being so excited.
“No...” mom murmured softly, seeming a little disoriented.
I then realized that I had been the only one who was overjoyed the entire time.
“W-why? Mom," I said, “Is there something wrong with Jacob, developing feelings for someone?” I asked of her.
“Do you think he's starting to like a girl?” Instead of answering my question she asked me back.
“Yes. He mentioned earlier that he had just saved someone's life this afternoon, and it was a girl who should have been hit by a flying soccer ball,” I said to mom, my eyes sparkling. “I had a feeling! That the curse will be lifted, when Jacob reaches puberty!” I exclaimed joyfully.
“Oh, that's nice,” mom commented not even smiling.
“Why are you dissatisfied with it?” I ask of her sadly.
She had to be the one who was pleased, just like I was right now.
“I'm glad he's already starting to like someone,” mom said with a smile.
She's not happy about it—not at all. Her eyes were filled with fear and anguish.
“Do you think Jacob?" I said and pause for awhile to look at her, "if he really likes a girl, was just lying to himself?” I asked of her.
I was aware of it. She is dissatisfied...
“It was also a part of it, but I'm sad because—” Mom began to sob, having not finished what she was about to say.
“My baby is growing up so quick that he had liking someone,” mom said as she continue sobbing.
It was then that I noticed the excitement in her eyes, but also the anguish within those...
Oh, Mom... I knew Jacob had gotten his tender heart from you...
[Kyunmi Seo's Point of View]
I'm Kyun Mi Kim, the wife of Aromatized Perfume Company CEO Manuel Seo. Hae Soo Seo and Jacob Seo are our two children. I also came from a respectable family, much like my husband, but I never pictured myself as a simple housewife. My family was generous back then, so I formed some foundations or charities to support the shantytowns or even rural areas in South Korea. They said that happiness is all about money, but I believe that happiness comes from having a generous and pure heart. My family was the most valuable treasure that I had, especially my children.
Everyone wanted to know what my secret was, in having the everlastingly gorgeous aura that I had have my entire life. I merely said two words to them. It was, "My Family."
Nobody has the authority to harm my family. They'll have to get over my dead body first. Mr. Moon had caused both of my children trauma at the time, and I was horrified. He dared to do filthy things to my children, who are the most valuable possession I possess. So, I went to great lengths to put him in jail. He betrayed the innocence of my son and daughter, especially my precious Jacob...
He suffered a great deal as a result of the incident. He had to go through a number of psychological procedures merely to forget about what had happened.
'How dare he play with my son's tender heart!'
I never expected that the son I had protected from his father, would be abused by a stranger. My support for Jacob has never wavered since what happened to him. Though I knew my spouse was already have hints about our son's gender issue, I was still defending him. Always, he was opposed to Jacob's being a softy. Even though I usually get the impression that he loves his son, he never acts like a great father infront him.
Fathers may truly love their children in this way.
Basically, he just wanted them to have a better life than they had before. To give them the life they deserved, he was doing everything in his power. I don't really side to anyone of them because I love them equally.
Because of this year's change in my husband's behavior towards Jacob, I was able to rest my mind and heart. I've never felt so content as I do right now. As a person who is always willing to share her happiness with others, the number of foundations that I have expanded was actually making me a very busy housewife.
When the kids returned home from school, Jacob had a lot of bruises on him. As a result, Hae Soo went to the trouble of preparing first aid kits for the boy. As soon as I finished browsing the internet, I shut down the computer. After all, they had just returned home. After a long day of brain-stressing lectures, they must be starving.
I was told by our maid that I should just called her. "Madam, you should have just asked me to cook for them."
"Nothing to be concerned about." As I grin at her, I told her, "I just want to cook them something nice once they got out of school."
"They're extremely fortunate to have you as their mother and wife. Ma'am Kyun Mi, it's rare to see someone as perfect as you are," the maid said, "You're truly a gift from above," she added and smiled at me.
I just smile politely at her.
Everything I want is for my family, I just want them to be healthy and safe.
When I tasted the baked macaroni that I had made, I said, "Oh, it's done."
Afterwards, I divided it into two medium bowls and made two glasses of low-milk hot chocolate.
"I'll call them to come down—" the maid's words were cut short when I stopped her from calling the children,
"It's not necessary," I said, smiling as I did so. "I'll deliver it to them up there," I added.
I walked up the stairs with the tray of food in my hands. Hae Soo was sleeping when I knocked on the door of their room. I set the tray on the table and smiled.
"Where's Jacob?" I asked myself but shrugged to my own question. "Perhaps he's inside the bathroom," I said to myself.
When I exited their room, I noticed a noise coming from the movie theater.
Jacob could have been engrossed in a film.
My phone rang inside my pocket, which startled me.
I took out my phone and exclaimed, "God, I almost slid."
Before taking the call, I went into my room.
“Hello?” After I responded, a woman's voice with a strong high tone replied.
“KYUNMIII! My FRIEND, how are you doing? You are sorely missed! I'm permanently returning to Korea!” she said excitedly .
“OMO! OMO!” I exclaimed. “Is that for real?!” I said so surprised.
It's a former high school classmate who has been out of the country for nearly two decades. As a result, we spent about two hours on the phone.
“KYUNMIII, I'll see you soon!” she said, "Until we meet again!” she added before hanging up the phone.
It's great that she'll be returning here in Korea.
I was happily thinking of her going back when I immediately stood up.
"Oh! Crap I almost forgot what I was doing just a few moments ago," I said and open the door just to see Jacob running and went straight into their room.
“What happen to him? Why is he running in the hallway?” I said to myself as I shrug.
I was about to advise him that he should be careful when he runs, but he was already inside their room when I turned around.
“Oh never mind,” I scratched my head as I entered the study area and turned on the computer. As the computer booted up, I was humming.
“That's strange," I said while clicking the mouse. “Can someone tell me where the rest of the tab is?” I said to myself as I start panicking.
I just closed the search engine but not the tabs.

“Is the computer broken?” I said confusingly, “That's it!” I said in the air, I was restarting it to see if it would happen again.
"Something wasn't quite right in this place,” I came to a conclusion.
I need those websites and I forgot all of them. I still haven't listed all of them. I was just gathering the names of the people who would be receiving funds from the new foundation I'm forming.
I opened the history, but—“OH,”—I said nearly in hushed tones...
"What was that?" I said when I noticed the most recent tab— a website about an article— "Boys who like boys"
I almost let go of the mouse controller.
As my tears began to pour, I exclaimed, "Oh my dear Jacob."
“Have you really grown up? I never expected this right now—Have you really grown up?” I said while wiping my tears with my hands, "Have you developed feelings for someone? What is his name? Is he a kind guy? Is he not, like Mr. Moon, the monster?” I was babbling to myself and shakingly clicking the recently closed tab.
As I read the piece, I took several deep breaths. I can't tell how many times I shook my head as I imagined my little Jacob's reaction as he read this. I read the steps inside the article, saying that if you know someone who is starting to like a guy or same-sex—the least you can do is encourage or support them on their journey.
Even if I hadn't read this article; I would still support my kid, even if he started dating someone of the same gender. The article was correct. It's the very least we can do. We can't make someone dislike someone...
I cleared the search history and restarted the computer...
I should keep my son's identity hidden from everyone, including my husband. He'd be furious if he knew anything about it.

Bình Luận Sách (303)

  • avatar

    i love the story,, my feeling like a roller coster when read this story


  • avatar
    Try Sha

    I love their story


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