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At that time, Tsuky Miki made William leave.
- I need a year alone. – Said Tsuky Miki. – Or more than two. - He said towards William.
The worried butler didn't agree, he offered a coffee towards the butler, when they drank, the butler fell into his arms.
He paid William's extended vacation which would be a year, not to be there, so he could actually put his plans into action.
On second thought, Tsuky Miki thought it best, two years away from him, putting William drugged towards a private plane, in short, the old man woke up in a luxury hotel.
Seeing that beside the bed, a personal friend of Tsuky Miki who would keep an eye on William and not let him back so soon, so that Tsuky Miki could proceed with her plans.
The poor butler called him in a rage about rights and kidnappings, but Tsuky Miki was literally adamant.
What this did not coincide with his return, doing this kind of thing with a man who had treated him like a son and was a supposed father to him, Tsuky Miki laughing and said, that life was not always what they wanted.
Forcing the old butler, for a trip around the world, with everything paid, to know every part of the planet earth, he would have a guide who would keep an eye on him, to leave him alone, and with that, not stop him from doing what he had in mind....
- As you can do this to me, I did everything for you. - Said the butler on the phone.
- I don't understand, what's going on? - William shouted.
- William, you won't make it back for a year, it's no use at all, I need you to stay out of Paul Lovecraft County. – Said Tsuky Miki.
- I don't need any of that. - Said his butler.
- By the way. – Said Tsuky Miki. – The cards would be blocked and monitored, for withdrawals and certain amounts, they would have to call me directly, and you would not be able to return before the established time.
- Damn, boss, this is kidnapping. - Said William.
Tsuky Miki needed to plan, and those plans did not include William, nor his prior knowledge of what he intended to do.
- No, it's not kidnapping, I didn't put you in private jail, nor imprison you somewhere, I'm sending you towards various parts of the world, you can very well enjoy your time. – Said Tsuky Miki.
In Selina's case this year, he wouldn't have to worry about her for a long time, unless she ran away.
She'd be stuck in the Black Gate for a year if she didn't run away, and if she did, she'd be an outlaw, by then, she'd have time to plan, what to do while he wouldn't have either William or Selina to get in the way.
Keeping Dick away, and any of the boys, and also a plan to keep the Warriors Society away.
He would have a few weeks to plan...
4 weeks later...
Tsuky Miki got involved in gambling, and it was a bookmaker that no hero would enter, but with demons that would, that was just an invitation, which he accepted, it was interesting to say, that he was inspired.
Initially, he shouldn't, but he did, it wasn't against the rules, but no one stopped him from doing it either.
4 weeks after the demons bet...
Tsuky Miki found himself falling towards some ruins, there was an earthquake, he fell from the crater, falling towards cracks and with a part of his trunk being pierced, vertically.
He had a sharp rock, which had pierced him vertically, its thin tip, with a thick extension, pierced from his shoulder towards a lung.
As he broke his spine in the fall, at that time, Tsuky Miki didn't know if he would die from the hemorrhage, or from his punctured lung, or if they were left alive on a bed.
There were several sharp rocks near his spine, the fall itself that made him break his spine, he didn't move, above him, he'd seen it, not counting the fact of that sharp rock.
That was Sun-Star that was on top of him, a part of the tip of the sharp rock, had pierced Sun-Star's shoulder that was on top of him.
- Tsuky Miki... - Sun-Star tried.
- I know you're a good person, but I don't think, I'll last. – Said Tsuky Miki.
- They will arrive. - Said Sun-Star.
- Do not speak. – Tsuky Miki tried. - Stay quiet. – Said Tsuky Miki.
- It's so beautiful. – Said Tsuky Miki.
Sun-Star felt the hot blood splash and spread on that floor, her body in Tsuky Miki's, feeling the blood, there was debris all around them.
- I do not know. – Said Tsuky Miki. – I had faith in you, that I wouldn't do anything wrong. - He said.
- Shut up Tsuky Miki. - He requested. – I hear your heart.
- You're heavy, Klaus. – Said Tsuky Miki.
The vision of the man under him, blurred, he saw a light, he was a beautiful person, he didn't know if it was a man or a woman, what mattered was that he was beautiful, and he held his hand out towards him,
- Come with me. - Said the voice.
- Yes, I'll go with you. – Said Tsuky Miki, he raised his hand from the arm that was not pierced, whose blood was spreading on the floor, he took the hands of this beautiful red-haired man.
- It's so beautiful. – Said Tsuky Miki, he's calling me, he extended his hand that took him.
Tsuky Miki Delphos fell into unconsciousness when, he heard a scream, followed by a light.
Three weeks ago.
There was a particularly loud earthquake that was not destructive because of Sun-Star and some Selenians.
Taking place in the busy streets of Golden Valles, it had fractured, some of Luthor's properties, which in the meantime, was an old building, or even what was Luthor's property, were working directly for him.
In experts and scholars, and scientists to make studies they were sending, scholars and archaeologists, that they had in the course of research.
They discovered ruins, an ancient city with temples relatively intact under the sewers of Golden Valles the whole city had other buildings they were researching, among these there was an ancient civilization, mummifications, and ancient ones, before the year 1300.
There were tunnels that collapsed, that for more than a month or so were doing the research.
Among them it was organized by Luthor, which they were funding out of pure interest, besides there were many relics and monuments, besides what would be an image, statues of what would be a huge bat man.

Bình Luận Sách (294)

  • avatar
    Liyana Mohammad

    Nice story


  • avatar
    CapistranoMark Niel



  • avatar
    Rebecca Tumulak



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