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Chương 8 Examination

A week has passed and we've been staying here in the hotel but dad decided to go home yesterday because the company was already looking for him despite his leave of absence, after all, he just got his promotion.
I'm too lucky to have a father like him, very supportive and of course having a lovely mother.
"Sweetie, bring this lunch box. Don't you ever forget this, eat it once you feel hungry, okay?" Mom reminded me almost ten times already but still, I nodded smiling.
"I'm sure you can do it. Good luck!" She cheered.
"Thank you, mom." I smiled back.
I took a deep breath facing the door.
"Now, off you go." Mom suddenly pushed me slightly towards the door which made me laugh.
"Yes, mom!" I yelled still laughing.
Good thing, Mr. Malaya sent a car to bring me to the Academy for my examination day. When I got inside the car, I looked at the windshield. Today is the entrance exam. I did not even realize how time flies too fast. What may happen to me? Will I get to pass the Genius Course or… the Special Course.
This will be the most difficult examination I'll ever experience, this time it's quite… unique. So I have to do my best.
Right now, my goal is to get the Genius Course, I have to be in that school no matter what. I know that all my dreams happen for real, that is why I have to work hard, I want to prevent the danger now that I see a glimpse of the future, if I could be able to stop that from happening… I will.
When we reached the venue, I got out of the car and saw more than a thousand teens of my age. This place is like a close wide field with so many chairs occupying it. But despite it, I can't deny the fact that the view here is amazingly beautiful.
"Kelly!" The driver called which caught my attention, he was also the person who drove us last week from the airport.
"Any how, any who?" I joked.
He laughed "I have to go now; I'll be coming back at exactly 5:00 pm to fetch you. Meet me here, okay?"
"Aye! Aye! Captain Martin!" I made a salute position which made him chuckle.
"What a funny kid." He said to himself smiling while shaking his head. "Gotta go, see you later!" he got inside the car and drove away.
He introduced himself as Martin before. So, I called him Captain Martin, kinda like it.
I was walking, finding where to go when suddenly someone bumped on me which made me fall to my butt. Ouch, it hurts!
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I looked up to see a beautiful girl. She's wearing a white jacket that falls to her knees and white gloves.
"I'm fine." I smiled to reassure her.
"Here, let me help you." She smiled offering her hand.
I took it but then a vision popped up in my head.
~ A little girl version of her crying in front of a man who's holding a knife, smiling devilishly at her. Suddenly, she stands up to push the man with force but instead of falling... the man turned into... an ice!? ~
"Hey! Are you okay?" The girl suddenly asked with worry, taking me out of my vision.
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that, I suddenly remember that I forgot to bring my pencil." I covered up.
This girl has a... special power!?
"Oh! Don't worry! I have too many extras!" She smiled widely and then searched inside her bag for a pencil.
After a while, she handed me two pencils "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, smiling.
She's so kind and I could feel the bond between us, kinda curious though because it seems like something is pulling me towards her. My instinct never betrayed me.
"Oh no. Don't mind it. That will serve as my apology." She leaned closer to me and whispered "You know, I'm kind of running away from my bodyguards." And she suddenly turned frustrated "Agh! I hate bodyguards!"
"I can see that." I laughed followed by her. This girl must have been through a lot. I know and I've been there.
"I like you!" She smiled cheerfully.
We're kind of the same.
"What!? No way! I prefer a guy, I'm sorry." I acted like I was dumping her.
She laughs "Ew! It's a no, no." And we both laugh once again.
Well, it's a start of a good friendship, I think, to the fact that school has not yet started. We stopped talking when,
"Calling all aspirants! Welcome to the Underground field of the Geniuses Academy. We will hold the examination from here. I want to remind you that only 500 students will be chosen to enter the Geniuses Academy for this year." Most of the teens I saw turned worried from the announcement… Everyone wants to be part of it.
"Now, choose any seat you seem to be comfortable with and papers will just be given to you. You have given one hour for the Examination Questionnaire Test. And this..." The announcer pointed to the big screen in front "will serve as your countdown. If it turns to Zero, no one should be seen writing or you will be disqualified."
"You have three parts of the Examination. The first is the Questionnaire. The second is the Strength Test. Third, will be the Body Scanner Test." He continued. "Now, choose your seat." He ordered.
"By the way, what's your name?" The girl asked which caught my attention and made me look at her.
"I'm Kelly!" I answered cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you Kelly, I'm Stella." She said as we started searching for our seats.
"Nice to meet you too, Stella." I stated with a smile.
We decided to take a seat near each other at the bottom part of the field. Just as exactly when the test began.

Bình Luận Sách (322)

  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


  • avatar
    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


  • avatar

    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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