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"Thank you for the lecture ma'am" Newton retorted sadly for refusing to go on a date with him like other ladies. Many girls could have jumped at the idea of a date with the son of a major in London. A rich spoilt brat who uses ladies to gratify his sexual desires and dumps them.
He must be wondering what sort of lady I am but I needed to prove to him that not all ladies scurry for rich people. We have ladies of discipline and morality who value hard work. They don't just go for free things knowing that they don't last but believe in the dignity of labor. They labor to feed and take care of themselves not dependent on men to survive.
They raise their shoulder high because they keep their dignity as a woman. Their bodies are preserved for Mr. Right and not just any Dick, Harry, and Tom. Some call them strong women, and some say they are tough and independent. But one thing is sure, they are decent and well-behaved. You can count on them not following Aristoes, Sugar daddies, nor can you name them,' runs girls'.
With these thoughts flooding my heart, I shrugged off the pity party for myself. I can weather any storm, knowing that there is a time for anything. There is a time to stay single and a time to marry. I can not be desperate because I know that I shall not lack my mate according to the wisdom and understanding of the scripture. My mate will locate me at any time.
Age is no barrier. You can marry early if God brings him early and it can be later as He wishes. Whatever age, you marry make sure you marry right and not wrongly. Marriage can make you or ruin you for life. I rest on His unfailing word. I have seen women that marry at age forty-three, some fifties and some sixties. Yes, you heard me right. I need my peace of mind.
Some are married and want to come out of it, while some are trapped in a loveless marriage. I want a good, peaceful home and not vice versa.
"Hey, Derin what's up?" Lilian my friend came to my compartment.
"Fine I guess "
"What's the problem with you? You don't look fine at all."
"It's a little thing that happened and I am fine now."
"Alright, girlfriend. One guy called Isaac came looking for you. Is he your Mr. Right?"
If only Lilian knows that I Lost my peace earlier on because of the man I thought was going to be my man forever. Not knowing that he had been frolicking with Sophia and she is carrying his baby. Oops, poor me. Life goes on, irrespective of his immortality. I had o high opinion of Isaac and he has proved that he is no better. Anyway, I am learning how not to depend on anyone but on God.
"Derin, what's up with you? You are lost in thought again?"
"Lilian, have you ever been disappointed before in a relationship?"
"Hahaha, so it's about Isaac then. He came in looking troubled and you are unsettled either. Better take it easy with men."
"Are all men the same?"
"Of course yes, I have been betrayed three times and I gave up on men," Lilian explained.
"We have good faithful men out there and I will meet one very soon." I declared in faith irrespective of the way I was feeling. Sometimes you have to drown the voice of the devil.
Then a familiar voice declared, " You've found one already ". We both turned in the direction of the voice.
Chapter Seven.
Derin's P.O.V
" Dr.Randy!" Lilian and I exclaimed, amazed to see him.
And what does he mean by the statement? Is he referring to himself or someone else?
" And who is the right one if I may ask?" Lilian inquired of him, while I kept mute watching the scenario.
Randy is a surgeon in London and has been on my neck for a date. Though he's a good Christian not just by name but in reality.
But I hate to lead men on when I know that I can't settle for a relationship. I never for once pictured him as my husband-to-be.
We could be platonic friends with no strings attached but will he be content with that? He may want more and I know he's itching for a relationship with me.
Of course, you can be sure that I was eager to hear his answer about the right man for me.
"This is for me and Derin to discuss. You know what I mean?" Randy retorted.
"My babe, aren't you lucky, all the men in London are coming your way!" Lilian teased and we started to laugh.
"How about dinner tonight, Derin?" Randy demanded.
Oh no! Not again. Why does the devil keep bringing these men the same day I lost the one my heart desired?
"Okay, there is no harm in going out with a fellow brother like you." I retorted without thinking.
Randy beamed and his face glowed. My heart skipped. Meanwhile, Lilian kept on watching us feeling amused.
"I will be here by 7 pm tonight. Thank you, Derin." Randy left and I held my breath in fear.
"Don't tell me that you are falling in love with my brother, Randy?" Lilian interrogated.
"Sincerely, I'm confused myself. Do you know he's been on my neck for an outing like Newton and some other men but I've been ignoring them? But I don't know what's happening to me now, Lilian. "
"You are becoming weak in faith. You feel that you are of age and need a man. But you must be careful not to give out yourself cheaply.
Never be desperate for a relationship. God has a man for you. You shall not lack your mate.
Don't lose your value. The principles you've held on to for years should not be thrown away because of a little disappointment." Lilian poured out herself reminding me of the moralities I've held on to for a long time.
Wow! My babe, you are pretty wow!'
I hurried to hold her in my embrace.
Hmm, this got to me, the need not to be desperate.
I made up my mind to go out with Dr. Randy but will stay calm and steady. No falling in love, more so, I do not have the assurance of God. Everything is happening so fast that my heart skipped for fright. This is a big temptation for me and I have to keep my dignity. The more I thought about it, the more I became convinced about knowing God's will in marriage. I have stayed up till this moment. I will not let down my guard.
Many get frightened that no one will come to marry them after some years but age is no barrier to marriage. I recalled that a mature sister who was a virgin, about fifty years old got married to a widowed pastor. Today, they are very happy together.
By seven thirty, Dr. Randy came to pick me up.
"Wow, you look stunning in this lovely silk dress. It's like a maiden just stepping out of the moon. No woman has ever made my heart skip like this?" He uttered with a smirk on his face. He looked hot and handsome in his shirt and trouser with a lovely bow tie.
I kept mute refusing to say a word.
He strangely looked at me wondering why I was not moved by his sugarcoated tongue. But I ignored him and waited beside his car. Later he opened the door of the front seat while I entered the front seat and crossed my legs.

Bình Luận Sách (847)

  • avatar

    I didn't expect to find a Christian content in romance novel. It feels really refreshing and new. Keep it up!


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    Aman nasranAman

    the novel so great


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    Jhea Onelan Relox

    it is very idealistic novelah I read


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