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Chương 5 TYRANNY

2 YEARS AFTER rejected by Reagan Owen Academy. Commodore explore everywhere. Whether Major Leomord was there or not, he will go everywhere.
Commodore started to ruined his neighbors morning by vandalized their houses. Just like a bell, his name always be heard.
"Commodore, let's go home," his mother begging to his reckless son. "When everything start? How you became miserable?"
But he proudly said, "MISERABLE? HA! I'm not miserable but I am free from jeopardize my life, mum. I don't wanna go home."
Mr. Keyton saw them in the forest, he approached Lenora, "What's going on here?" Lenora didn't respond. "Commodore, you made everything worse. Unlike Hearst, ge is responsible young lad."
Commodore laughed as he can't show his smirk because of the mask covering his mysterious face. "Then, Mr. Darn Nero is more significant than you. He has abundance of knowledge that he can provide as an excellent professor in Reagan Owen Academy, Sir Keyton." A sarcastic laughing howling in the forest.
Mr. Keyton unexpectedly disappointed because of Commodore. "You are just a little boy!" His rage makes Commodore much happier.
"Then never compare anyone so, no one will do it with the same intensity, sor Keyton who has a bald head!"
Mr. Keyton was about strike him but he run so fast. "Your son is unbelievable of all the boys that I met in this City."
"Life is inevitable. My son is always be my son no matter how he destroyed this village for his own happiness."
"But he is not selfish. Indeed, he just wants to explore everywhere, even though, he is homeless. Living in the street, in the tree, and in the market." Don Derwent Spike with his soldiers road everywhere.
Lenora was speechless so he swiftly went to her car to go home. She just wants to fetch his son but she can't take control over it.
"I felt so powerless mother..." she sighed.
"Through the years, you became the most enthusiastic and fantastic grandson," Major Leomord was in the midst of catching fishes in the lake when Commodore visited him with alacrity.
"A zealous day, the accused me again for being like this. I hope one day they will understand my tyranny, granfa." He sat next to hus granfa.
In the azure sky, he smiled. He can't even remove his mask but he wants to show to his grandfather that he is quite well for being a 9-year-old boy.
Forgiveness is make me lack of control because it's not easy to give and to say. How's everything ends like this in an awful way? I set about the goals as a payment of the punishment that I've done to myself from the past. Through the years I convinced myself that I am a gullible man who can't afford the knowledge of others. It's not depressing, it's a sword with rust. I am aiming for the chance that I could bring back the power in my hands where asking is not bad. I want to be a passionately curious like Einstein but I am too indolent to do that. I recall all the matters that we've talk about. That even her doesn't believe that I am sick of being a deterioration in the world. I want to become a type of lion who is moonshine when it comes to deliberating his speech in the throng. As they look at me as a foolish child who doesn't have a parents to save his mental health.
It's damaging my mania when the night comes. A sign that I need to respite but I couldn't help but to fight the midnight being terrible in a mirror like a man who lost his dopamine. I need some ecstacy to erase the turmoils in my head. It's freaking irritated that the tv shows disturbing the sadness that I feel right night. O don't wanna be happy but I can't see the reasons why I am being like this... Somewhat stressful due to the severity of poverty and burdens encumber the solutions that I have. The water brim over the basic and bucket, I want to drink but my mouth stay closed.
Rushing the plans ended up being a broken glass. Most incidents meant to happened that you'll get remorse and remove it abruptly to your life. Living is nothing when you don't take an exam to test you capabilities on a certain things. On how your crafts make them crazy when they knew that you are a trouble.
An axiomatic sky filled with grayish hues. Cloudless day, I know rain will never abate. It's apprehensive and aghast the system of my brother to come and join with me in my experiment to make a bombs. I want to witness the explosion in this village as I am seek for revenge. But he earnestly beg and request to play with him.
"Brother, how can I go with you in the play ground? If my experiment will not succeed?"
His eyes imploring at me. Should I surrender now and give my time for him?
"Whether you succeeded or not, I will be always be your little brother who willing to invite you to play with me. I know that they're not treated better because of your ugliness. But they will never see that you are the most protective brother that I have in my entire life. No one can beat you because you are the because you have vin and sturdiness." He smiled at me that I will never understand how happiness work when I am in the midst of firmness.
TOMORROW, a news that I heard from Mr. Kinley is strange thing going on in ROA. As he is one of the shareholders of the school which means, one of the owners of prestigious Academy.
The Aurora village was panicking but it suddenly disappointed. In the void, I watching the ladies gossiping about me. I hate being here in the garden as there's no peace here. They are always curious about my face and I can't wait to shock them all.
"Did you heard the news? Aside from you, there's a mysterious guys who destroying our Academy. I thought, you are a cursed child but only in Aurora village. In ROA is the idd version of you as he doesn't have a mask anyway," Lady Serene told me.
"Oh really? I never thought that you you visited me just to inform me about how scary I am. Do why are you still here?" I stood up, as I am taller than her.
"Because my father told me about the deals of our parents. Honestly, I don't like you and I WILL NEVER MARRY SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" she pushed me with indignation in her hands.
I bring uo about the agreement to my father who was in his office in the middle of the night. I don't wanna meddle with his decision, but thus time he is meddling with my life.
"I choose Lady Serene Ivans as your future wife. I know their family and you deserve her," he doesn't look at me. He remaining doing something in his desk.
"You shouldn't decide for me. It's my life."
"Wasted life," he corrected.

Bình Luận Sách (150)

  • avatar
    Fernandez Aikee

    hi papano ba kumita


  • avatar
    Loelkem Bihag

    thank you


  • avatar

    it's good


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