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chapter 5

Present day. 10 years later
"Erik, someone is looking for you" Erik is now 32 years old. Still has no permanent job, no house, still a homeless. He is currently working with one of Yuri's house project.
"Boss Yuri, what's up?"
"Can you drive me tonight? I have an important meeting tonight and I afraid I will be drinking"
"Okay boss. I'm out here at around 5 pm. Is that alright?"
"That's fine. I'll see you at around 6"
"Yes boss. Let's meet at Mr.Park's store then"
"Yah! Erik, you still don't have a place to stay, don't you?" Yuri was offering Erik many times already to rent the apartment that he told him but until now he keeps on rejecting the offer.
"I am already looking for an apartment. Don't worry about me boss"
"But my offer still stand. Just let me know so I can arrange everything. And also, let me buy you a phone. You don't know how hard is it to find you" Erik just smile at him and when back to continue working.
At the Young corporation. It was a gloomy day at the office. Tiffany assumed the CEO position after Mr.Young announces his retirement. Mrs.Young was against that because she wants to assume the position to give her more power if she became the chairman and CEO of the company. But she can't do anything when the board approve Tiffany as the new CEO of the Young Corporation based on her credentials and based on her way of dealing with the business.
"Tiff, what the hell is wrong with you? You don't have to yell at them. Can you just talk to them in a more professional way?" Jessica have had enough already. Tiffany changed since she became the CEO. She wasn't the loving, kind hearted, polite and respectful Tiffany that she knows. It looks like the pressure of being at the position consumed her and mostly likely the frustration in finding Erik added up to it.
"What? It's not my fault that they are giving me rubbish reports. They should have done their jobs properly"
"You are not like this, Tiff. This is not you" Tiffany just look at Jessica while holding her necklace where she puts her ring. "Tiff, it's been more than 10 years. It's about time to give up. You have to let him go now. You've been looking for him everywhere. You need to move on now, Tiff"
"We are not going to have this conversation again, Jess. You can go now"
"If not now, then when? Tiff, you can't live like this. You have to let go of him and start a new life. Let yourself meet someone. You're waiting for him but are you sure...."
"No jess. Don't you date cross the line. You don't know anything about us. So please just let me be. Leave me alone" Jessica decided to let her cool down because no matter what she say to her she will never listen to her when it's about him.
Before Jessica steps out of the office, she look back at her bestfriend who is now crying while looking at the photo that until now she doesn't what was on that photo that she always stares at.
Jessica's phone rings and she her husband's name
"Hi, honey"
"Are you okay? You sounded like...sad or upset?"
"It's about Tiffany. I don't know what to do with her anymore"
"Just let her be. Maybe her mom is pressuring her again. Don't worry, she is a tough one" Until now Yuri doesn't know about Tiffany's real life. He doesn't know about the man that she was looking for. Jessica keeps it from her husband because she promised her best friend.
"I guess so. Why did you call?"
"About that. I just want to let know you about my business meeting tonight."
"Okay. Just don't drink too much. You're driving"
"No, I already ask Erik to drive me tonight"
Erik. Something rings in Jessica's mind. She remember Yuri told her about him years ago. Yuri told her that he met Erik at the store near his office. And Erik was a homeless boy back then with no known family member except those who raised him in the orphanage. Jessica felt goosebumps all over her body upon realizing that he might be the same person that they are looking for.
"Wait. Yuri. What is Erik's full name?"
"Erik Kim. Why?"
"How old is he now?"
"32. What's wrong, Sica?"
"Nothing. Just asking. I have to go now. Bye. I love you"
Jessica couldn't believe that she was probably with the person that they are looking for all this time. But she has to prove it first if he was really who he thinks he was before telling Tiffany. She decided to keep it to herself for the mean time.
“Seo, do I have any schedule after lunch?”
“Ms.Young you are free after lunch”
“I told you don’t call me that when it’s only us”
“I know unnie. Are you okay? You don't look okay to me”
“Seo, do you remember Erik?”
“Erik Oppa?” she nodded “of course I do. How can I forget him. He is my big brother. Actually we met several times” Seohyun was the little girl in the orphanage before. Tiffany met Seohyun when she applies as her secretary and she hires her instantly upon knowing that it was really her. It’s been 5 years and they still work together.
“You met him? Where?” Tiffany suddenly felt that she still has a chance to meet him again
“Yes. We always meet at the store near Mr.Kwon’s office. I think he lives near there. But I haven’t seen him for awhile now. Why did you ask, unnie?”
“Nothing. I suddenly remember him.” Tiffany lied. She didn’t tell anyone about Erik, afraid that Mrs.Young would found out that she is still looking for him.
"You can go now, Seo. If anyone ask for me tell them that I have something important to do” Before Seohyun can open the door, suddenly Mrs.Young barge inside looking upset or angry. She bowed to her and immediately closes the door.
“What are you doing here,Mrs.Young?” Tiffany coolly ask her but Mrs.Young throws the envelope at her desk. Inside was several photos of her meeting with the private investigator that she hires for Erik.
“Care to explain why do you need to hire an investigator?”
“It’s nothing. I was asking him to a background check of the our new competitor” Thanks to her quick thinking, Mrs.Young didn’t suspect her anymore
“I hope you are telling the truth. If I found out that you are up to something behind my back you know what will happen to you” it was the same every time she was being suspected by her. But she is not the same Tiffany that she can threaten anymore.
After Mrs.Young left her office she phone someone. “Hey Yoong, how is it going?”
“I manage to buy 5 % last week. So we still needs 20% or more”
“Do what you have to do, Yoong. I needed the 25% as soon as possible”
Tiffany ended the call and hide her phone. She knows that Mrs.Young was tracking her phone activity so she got herself another one that she only uses for personal business.
“Just a little bit more and you can no longer have the power in your hand. Just a little bit more and I will be finally free from you”
Around 5:30pm Taeyeon came back to Mr.Park’s store.
“Hi Mr.Park, can I use your bathroom?”
“Go ahead. You don’t even have to ask every time” Erik smile at him showing his chin dimple. Mr.Park really admires Erik’s perseverance.
Years of knowing Erik, never did he hear him complains about his life, lack of money, no food to eat, instead he was always grateful of whatever he has. The fact the he never ask him for anything makes him even more proud because he can see that Erik was trying so hard to make a living.
“Mr.Lee, is it okay if I leave all my bags at the storage? I will work tonight. Yuri asked me to drive him”
“Just place it at the side. You still can’t find a place?”
“I am still short of money for the down payment”
“Where are staying then?
“Somewhere. Like the usual places” The usual means somewhere in the park, in a small alley or somewhere he will not be penalized if found sleeping.
“Just accept Yuri’s offer”
“Nah. I can still manage” then Yuri suddenly enters the store
“Hi Mr.Park” he greeted him and turn to look at Erik and handed him his new phone “Hey bud. Here. Don’t you dare return that to me. Have that so that I can easily contact you and for me not to guess where the hell are you staying at”
Erik has no other choice but to accept the gift. It was the first the he was able to hold such thing. He is really grateful to Yuri. For all his help to him.
Erik and Yuri exited the store laughing before they drove away.
Few blocks away from the store, Tiffany was standing looking at Erik with her hands covering her mouth. She is so sure that it was Erik ,the man that is with Yuri. But she doesn’t know why they are together and they seems to be a close to each other.
“Jess, who is with Yuri right now? Who is driving him?” With these questions, Jessica knew that she already saw him.
“You saw them?”
“Just answer me. Who is he?”
Jessica was thinking if she will tell her or not but by sound of Tiffany’s voice she has no other choice but to tell her “He is Erik. Erik Kim”
“How long did you hide this from me?”
“I swear I only found out today. I didn’t tell you because I am not sure if he is really the one we are looking for”
Tiffany didn’t answer her, she just hung up the phone. She can’t think of anything other than she felt betrayed. If they tell her about him at first maybe she and Erik are together by now.
Trying to understand everything, Tiffany decided to just go home. She needs to have a plan for her and Erik. Tiffany drank her sorrow away that night. She cancels all her appointments the next day. She just want to be alone.
Jessica got worried because it was unlikely for her friend to cancel all her schedule and not to show up at work. She went to her house and she saw Tiffany sleeping on the couch with bottles of beer everywhere. This is the first time that she saw her drunk.
After talking to Yuri, Jessica found out that he was really the Erik Kim that they are looking for. It was her fault not realizing it from the start.
But what worries her even more was she didn’t know how Tiffany will react when she found out the life that Erik have right now. She doesn’t want her friend to feel guilty and to blame herself. All she wants is for he friend to be truly happy.

Bình Luận Sách (268)

  • avatar
    Isagani Abanero

    so nice story


  • avatar
    Reign Berry Tesara



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