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chapter 4

Tiffany thought that her life will change once she found a new family but it wasn’t the case for her. She was adopted only for the cover up of the death of the real daughter of the Youngs. Mr and Mrs Young was one of the richest in the country. They have more than 5 companies under their name.
As soon as the left the orphanage, Tiffany was sent to the mansion of the Young. She was told to stay in her room and she can go out when told to go. She needs to follow orders from Mrs.Young.
Her room was equip of everything that she needs. Her own library, study room, computer, musical instruments. She even have her own refrigerator full of healthy drinks. Her life is complete because she can have everything that she wanted but still she feels something is missing.
Later that night, Tiffany was accompanied by a maid to the dining room where Mr. And Mrs. Young was waiting for her.
“Good evening” she politely greeted her new parents but they didn’t even look at her or greet her back.
“Sit down” Mrs.Young instructed her
“You can now serve the food” Mr.Young says as he put down the papers that he was reading
Tiffany was fidgeting in her sit. She doesn’t know what to do or how to behave in front of them especially to Mrs.Young. She was told to only speak when ask to. She was told to go out when she was ask to. She feels like a robot that will only move when her master ask her to.
They finished their dinner without them talking to Tiffany. All they talked about was business. Tiffany went back to her room with a heavy heart. She wants to get out of that house. It wasn’t a home for her. A home is where it was filled with love and happiness but that house was all about money and power. Tiffany didn’t know what to do. She can’t even sent a letter because no one will be able to send that to him. Everyone at the mansion was afraid of Mrs.Young.
She started missing the warmth and love at the orphanage. She’d rather stay in that place than to be imprisoned in that big mansion. She misses the laughter of the other kids. She misses seeing them happily playing around. It hasn’t been a day since she left but she feels like she was gone for a long time already.
She found a thick notebook on her table and she decided to make that as her diary because she can’t even talk to anyone other that herself.
Months passed by, Tiffany was sent to study in an international school where all the children of the richest people in the country studies. Tiffany thought that it was her chance to be able to finally send Erik a letter. She really misses him and she always wonder what he was doing.
All her plans was gone when Mrs.Young threaten that once she found out that she kept in touch or mention that orphanage, something bad will happen to her. She also told her that she has eyes everywhere and she will easily know if she’s doing something behind her back. She was forced to forget everything about the orphanage but she doesn't have any plan to do so.
Tiffany was left with no choice but to obey her. Tiffany finishes high school with an honor but her parents shows no reaction about it. She didn't even received any congratulatory from them. After the graduation ceremony, Tiffany was sent back home immediately and was told to study for the entrance examination of the chosen University by Mrs.Young.
"You don't need to attend any party. Go to your room and read all those books that I bought. You have to get into that university no matter what. Do you understand that?"
"Yes, Mrs.Young" Tiffany was not allowed to call her mom because according to her, Tiffany was a mere employee of her. Tiffany wasn't really happy about it.
She thought that she can never escape from then and that she owe them her life. Just like what she always do, she didn't complain, she follows them again.
"Erik, look I already got my High School Diploma. I hope you're proud of me. I miss you so much that it hurts so badly" Everyday Tiffany will look at their photo. She will talk to Erik through that. Erik gave her strength to go on with her life.
Months later, Tiffany was accepted at the University. Tiffany was told to take the a Business Major. She wanted to take the fashion but she can't even do that. She was given no choice from the start. Tiffany was really scared of Mrs.Young.
Before the start of the school year, Mr.Young sneak in to her room. "Dad, what are doing here?" Mr.Young was different from her wife. He's only showing the fatherly side of him whenever his wife is not around. His wife doesn't know about it and she doesn't have to know it either according to Mr.Young.
"I just want to wish you good luck. You're a big girl now. A college student, wow! If you need anything, just let me know. And here take this phone. I know you wanted to have one long time ago so here you can have your own now. My number is already saved in there so you can call me anytime. And also, some cash. Buy whatever you want, eat whatever you want. I know my wife is not giving you enough. I want you to enjoy your college life, Tiffany"

Tiffany was so touch by what Mr.Young have done for her. He is the only one that she can rely to in the mansion. He can go against her wife just for her. Everything was a secret that they kept from Mrs.Young.
"I'm afraid Mrs. Young will be mad when she found out that you gave me this phone"
"Don't worry. She knows about it. And it's my call this time and she can't do anything about it. So kept if with you. Promise me you will study hard" Tiffany hugs her dad
"Thank you, Dad. I don't know what i will do without you. I love you, Dad"
"You deserve it, Tiffany. I love you too my daughter"
Mr.Young left the room and Tiffany was so happy to finally have her own phone. Mrs.Young won't let her have one because she still didn't trust Tiffany. Mrs.Young is still afraid that Tiffany will betrayed her one day and all that she have right now will be stripped from her.
Mrs.Young is a billionaire and so is her husband. But she was so strict with Tiffany's expenses. She don't let her spend money and everything that she buy was being monitored by her. But Mr.Young was giving Tiffany money behind Mrs.Young's back. It was more than enough for Tiffany spend.
Tiffany kept all the money because she knows that one day is she will need that money. In order to keep that money away from Mrs.Young, she kept her true identity from her. The Young didn't know that Tiffany was not her real name. She kept it a secret from them. And with her real birth name she uses it to open a bank account to keep all the money that her dad gave her.
"Tiffany, now that you're in college it doesn't mean that you are free to do everything that you want. Let me remind you again that everything that you have is mine. Whatever you do behind my back I can easily know it. I have people around you. So watch out. Don't do things that you will regret"
"Yes, Mrs.Young I understand"
"Good. And remember I sent you there to study. Make sure that your grades won't disappoint me. You are not allowed to talk to other people. You are not allowed to flirt to anyone. I have eyes every where"
"I know that, Mrs.Young"
Mrs.Young dismisses her and she was sent back to her room again. It was always like that whenever she was summon by her. Tiffany never dares to disobey her because she saw what she was capable of and everyone in the mansion told her to just follow her so that she will not be harm.
From that day, Tiffany bows to herself that she will find a way to get herself away from Mrs.Young's shadow. She needs to think a way to defeat Mrs.Young in the end.
At the age of 21, Tiffany finishes college with flying colors. She graduated at the top of her class. Tiffany can finally breathe. It was a hell of a year for her and the pressure to top didn't help her.
After the graduation, Tiffany was invited by Jessica to her house to celebrate but Tiffany refuses to go because she knew Mrs.Young won't let her.
"Jess, you know my mother won't let me"
"God, Tiff you are not a baby anymore. Don't worry, I know a way that they can't refuse"
True to her words, Mrs.Young wasn't able to say no. She eventually allowed Tiffany to go with Jessica because apparently, the Young was doing some business with the Jung's.
"You wicked. Why didn't you tell me that they are business partners. I never saw my mother speechless"
"I told you I have my own way. But to tell you the truth. There's no party. I just want to get you out of your house away from your mother" Jessica knows that Tiffany's situation based on observing her. Tiffany was never late to go home, always her mother permission with everything that she was about to do be it with school or with friends. She wanna know why is she like that. Like she was being manipulated all her life.
At the Jung's mansion.
"So what are we gonna do now?"
"Tiff, can you be honest with me? I promise that everything that we are gonna talk about tonight will stay inside this room. I want you to trust me. I wanna know why are so scared of your mom? Why are you like being manipulated by her. What is it that you are hiding?"
"No. Don't do this to me , Jess" Tiffany suddenly felt scared. A part of her wants to tell her everything and a part of her remember how scary Mrs.Young was.
"Please. I want to understand you. I want to know you more. I want to protect you, help you from anything. You are like my sister, Tiff" Tiffany look at Jessica and she saw the sincerity in her eyes, the concern in her voice and that made her the best decision in her life.
"I am not a real Young. I was adopted" the secret of the young is now known by their business partners daughter. Jessica didn't expect that because the young portray the happy and complete family
"So that was the reason that you are so afraid of her"
"Yes, Mrs.Young never treated me like her daughter except those times that I was needed to accompany them to some business meetings. I need to follow everything that she ask me to do. My life is in her hand"
"Oh my god. I never thought that someone like her still exist"
"Jess, help me find the Heaven Orphanage. I need to find someone from there. I know he is waiting for me" Jessica look at her because it was the first time that Tiffany mention someone.
"Who is he?"
"Erik. He was also at the orphanage. I promise him that I will keep in touch with after I move out there. But Mrs.Young forbid me to do so. I just want to know if he's still there"
"Okay. Wait me here. I am just gonna call someone to look for that. Don't worry you will see him again"
Tiffany stayed quiet while waiting for Jessica. Her heart is pounding. She is hoping to meet Erik again after all those years. But her hopes was gone the moment she saw the look in Jessica's face.
"Ahm. According to my dad's secretary...the orphanage was already closed years ago. All the kids there was eventually adopted except for the 20 year old boy who was unfortunately have to go on his own alone"
Tiffany felt that her world crushes. She turns pale upon hearing that because Erik was the oldest in that orphanage. She started to cry knowing Erik was out there somewhere alone in the street.
"That's Erik. Jess, help me. Erik has no one to go to. He doesn't have anything. He knows no one except from the orphanage. I need to find him. Jess, he needs me. I need to help him. Jess, I want to see him again. I miss him so much"
That was the first time Jessica saw Tiffany like that, sobbing so hard and asking for help. She was so sad to know than behind those angelic face is broken smile.
Jessica promise Tiffany that she will do anything to help her find Erik. She promise her that none of what they discussed will go out of that room.
Too exhausted, Tiffany fell asleep holding the ring in her necklace. She knows that was Tiffany's most precious possession but she doesn't know the story behind.

Bình Luận Sách (268)

  • avatar
    Isagani Abanero

    so nice story


  • avatar
    Reign Berry Tesara



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