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A nurse entered Olivia's room and tried to calm her down and injected her sedative so that she can sleep and rest. She is very weak and needs rest for faster recovery.
On the other side
Marcus entered his room writhing in anger, slam the door and punch the wall so hard that his knuckles started bleeding. He leaned his forehead on the wall and a tear rolled out of his eyes and fell to the ground.
"It's good that you released your mistake," Mars taunted, sitting on the sofa sipping his coffee,
Marcus surprisingly looked back at him, "What do mean, Mars?" Marcus pretends to be calm.
Mars put his coffee mug on the table and walked towards the cabinet, took out the first aid kit from the cabinet and moved towards Marcus. He grabbed his hand and cleaned the wound and applied an ointment on his hand,
"We are twins and don't forget that we can sense each other pains and sorrows, I mean, I never saw you crying for a girl,"  he said smirking
"I was not crying." Mars grinned his teeth,
"Oh really? Now you started lying to me as well, I just saw a demon all of the sudden changed into a prince and trying to charm his princess." He snorted looking at Marcus.
"Mars, I am really not in a mood to get bullied by you, you better shut your mouth, you should go out and serve your poor patients, you are meant for them only!" he exclaimed frowning at Mars.
"Marcus, why do you look so tired and frustrated, didn't you slept last night?" Mars taunted.
Marcus turned back to look in the mirror, Mars is right his eyes are red and puffed, his face is actually looking tired. He thought looking into the mirror.
"Brother let's have a good breakfast and if you want you can admit your feelings to me, I will keep them secretive," Mars said wrapping his hand on Marcus's shoulder,
"Mars will you please leave, I have nothing to admit," Marcus said frustrated.
"Marcus you really changed!" Mars exclaimed this because he is bullying Marcus and Marcus did not burst out in anger, He looks sadder, not angry.
"Stop this rubbish and leave," Marcus shouted.
"Ok, I will talk sensible," Mars smiled,
"I had checked all her reports and my doctor, who is treating Olivia told me that she is recovering well and medicines are working super fast. She will back on her foot soon, not need to worry."  Mars explained
Marcus heaves a sigh of relief hearing that a small smile crept over his lips
"I heard, what you said doctor, Now leave," Marcus said while opening the door and raised his hand to signal him to get out.
Mars walked out the room waving his hand,
Marcus closed and door pick out his cell phone and called Tom,
"Tom, did you find any information?" He ruthlessly asked
"Master, there is no missing report that has been registered for Olivia so far. Moreover, the team didn't find any news about Cox," Tom obediently answered.
"How can that be possible? Does nobody bother about missing Olivia? although she is a princess." Marcus frowned.
"I regret to say that master she is not a princess and she lived her life in an orphanage." Tom calmy conveyed the message,
Marcus' face turns red because of anger and he shouted, "How it could be possible? We have confirmed Cox has a daughter named Olivia,"
."You are right master," Tom professionally said,
"Master, we are trying very hard to find King cox and we will soon present him in front of you".
"I need action," Marcus yelled at him and disconnected.
He slammed his phone on the wall in anger and the phone smashed into pieces.
He opened his laptop and run his fingers rapidly on the keyboard, he was checking his company website.
 He was too fed with all the kidnapping and revenge now he wants to focus on his business,
He is a workaholic and loves to work although this revenge is something very important than work this girl is getting on to his nervous and he just wanted to finish and get rid of this girl as soon as possible.
He closed his eyes and leaned his back on the sofa, trying to calm himself,
As he calms down, he got a glimpse of Olivia crying in pain, He immediately opened his eyes,
"What's that?" he asked himself,
"How can I sense her?"
He again closed her eyes and sensed her again, his heart twitched,
"Mars is my twin brother and I tried so hard to sense him so many times with the wizardly powers, but I never succeed, Then how can I sense her being with her only for four days?"
He hurriedly stood up from the chair and walked to the bathroom had a quick shower, dressed up professionally and rushed to his company in his Lamborghini.
He drove down the valley leaving behind the woods, he pushed the breaks outside a tall building having an "M&M groups of the company" looking at the brand hoarding his face glow up with proud,
His blue eyes sparkled, he entered the building, everyone stood and bowed him,
He did not address anyone and arrogantly walked to his private elevator Tom who was waiting for him outside the elevator. Tom submissively followed him to the elevator and both entered the elevator, his office is on the 25th floor,
"Master, there is bad news." Tom stood by him lowering his head,
Marcus creased his forehead raising his brows at him.
"Do you really expect me to listen to you? you useless fellow," he yelled.
"I am afraid to say this Master, but I request you please be patient and it could help you," Tom words trembled, he clenched his fist tightly,
Marcus raised his hand, and Tom proceeded.
"Master, King Cox's Kingdom was attacked by Kingdom Dragon 15 years back, That time Olivia was only 5 years old, Rumours are that the entire royal had been killed by the dragons or escaped the attacked successfully."
"Through our reliable sources, I get to know that, since then nobody saw any of the Cox family members,"
"The Olivia we have might not be the one we are looking for,"
Marcus shocked to listen, Tom. He punched the elevator wall so hard that it dinged the iron wall.

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    Josiane Silva

    ameii obrigada


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    Jane Lira I.Motas



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    Elayza Mae Borlaza Genonsalao



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