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Chương 5 Location Spell

Emma's POV:
Where did my niece go to? Who were these hideous men who were staring at me with those ugly?... I trailed off recognising each one of them slowly.
I stood up straight as I faced him, "King Alec, I do not appreciate this unnecessary confrontation. I told you, you and I were finished. I will not take orders from you!" I roared with a hint of frustration.
 "But you answer to me do you not? "A fat man asked. 
 I quickly recognized him. Our incompetent King Rodrick. He over-ate filled his pockets with the best things of the land. He tortured the poor making me heartburn, he cared nothing for laws and traditions, filling the palace with nothing but middle whores and all sorts of vile things royalty should frown upon.
I surely ought to end his useless life. He had not listened to me when I told him of the prophecy. He was going to run this kingdom to the ground and unlucky for us he did not give as an heir. Useless bastard. Had he not been the last of the house of Reign, I would have shattered him to oblivion.
Biting my tongue as he said these words,  I clenched my teeth, afraid I might not handle myself well. The House of Reign was blessed to be leaders of the witch kind, to end it altogether would bring a curse on my people.
 " I will take your silence for a yes, My Great witch," he replied mockingly, swishing his hand carelessly in the air.
I should have ripped his heart out of his chest, good for nothing piece of-
 "If you are done insulting me inside your little mind, I suggest you give us what we want, you ugly old hag," King Rodrick rumbled, standing up to his full height, unintentionally revealing his potbelly.
I looked at the "we" he was talking about.
All a bunch of rich thieves and fools, in my opinion, King Ariah, the arrogant king of winged men, foolish King Damian king of werewolves and Lycans, and king Alec, the evil king of vampires. 
"What is it you want? " I asked not flinching even for a second,  maintaining my dignity.
I felt a hand grab my neck, in a second the vampire king had super sped toward me was now was tightening his hold around my neck. I gasped a little as he slowly squeezed, " Never. Leave. My. Presence. Without. Permission." he growled ever so slowly in my ear, before letting me go. I leaned forward trying to regain the air I lost, breathing in heavily.
 When I was able to finally look up I was caught in their gaze. How could a King allow this blood-sucking leech to hurt one of his own people before his own eyes? Oh yes,  it was cowardly King Rodrick, imbecile as all of them. 
I coughed a little standing straight and staring back at them,"I want the location." King Alec grumbled. 
"What location? " I asked trying to provoke this useless being.
 He looked at me with bloody eyes, his soulless stare searching mine. If looks could kill I would be a burnt witch. But nevertheless, he didn't frighten me, no one did, well except-
"The dragon boy! We want his location!" he growled louder, his hands gripping onto the throne.
"What dragon boy? " I asked, perfecting my act as if I had no clue about what he was talking about.
 He chuckled under his breath probably realizing what I was intending to do. Standing up slowly, he proceeded to speak, "Is your old brain that loose that you forget?" he asked, "because I hope for the sake of your miserable life that it is not because you want to make a fool of me," he grunted. 
 I stood silently watching as his fangs grew slowly, he turned to our king, death in his eyes, "Must I or will you do it?" I could see King Rodrick’s eyes shift in fear. That useless coward! Overgrown toad! To think I once thought he could be a true leader-
I screamed holding on to my head, taking a step forward. I felt like someone was burning me. Was I on fire all of a sudden?
 "aaaaaaaagh!!!!!" I let out another petrifying scream. Whya was I burning why was I so hot? Why couldn't I breathe?! No, I couldn't take much more of it. I would die. Too much heat, too much!!, "Stop it, please!! Please!!! " I screeched.
It was burning me. I would die. I was dying. I felt weak and faint I couldn't breathe... Then suddenly it all stopped. I gasped falling to the ground. My body releasing steam. Fading heat traveling all around my body. My legs felt like they were being ripped apart but the pain was subsiding. 
When it finally stopped, I opened my eyes. I was fine, no burnt marks or any other, but completely tired and faint like someone was giving me a little oxygen little by little.
My hand reached for the table trying to pull myself up but I couldn't, instead, I slumped on the floor sitting there like I was a grieving widow. I looked back at the table as I felt much better now though I could still see the heat rising from my bare skin and felt powerless. 
 A man stood up from the table and walked to me. It was King Rodrick. he pulled me up to my feet, "We won't ask you a third time you stupid hag," he said aloud, "unless you want..." he began lifting his hand.
 I saw it. It was a flame ring. Red and black. It was made for the royal family, the House of Reign. 
Only a person from the royal lineage of the Witch kingdom could use it. Unfortunately, the last royal was this Heathen standing before me. 
He cared much more for the praises of the other kings than that of his own people. The flame ring was made when a certain band of third-class witches wanted to overthrow the throne. It was designed in such a way that whichever royal had it on could teleport any witch he so desired, torture them by the invisible flames and banish them. I wondered why the great witches before me decided to make such a ring.
If only they had known it would be used by this stupid king against their own descendant. Its magic was strong because of how old and ancient it was. Just a twist of the ring at the top would kill a witch or wizard at any time, of course, that took a lot of concentration and power.
Only two rings were ever made, one for the king and one hidden in the palace somewhere just in case. Luckily only the protectors knew the exact location of this ring. I touched my face and realized I was bleeding from my nose. Wiping the blood from my face onto my black dress,  I stood before them fuming as if I would kill one, and I would have if I was not under the control of that ring. 
I knew an easy spell that could kill a vampire and turn a wolf to a puppy, the rest would die with blood rushing to their brains. 
"The location spell," Alec boomed as if very much bored. 
I looked around hesitating, "Do it you fool!! " he bellowed. I stuttered at first feeling weak and defeated but I became more confident as I began to mutter the spell under my breath.
" Elohim ever kiata Kazan frazonaire elohime kiata kazan frazonaire , Elohim Ever, kaita, Kazan, frazionaire! " I chanted closing my eyes. I separated from my body and was pulled somewhere so fast. 
 "Where are you?!" a voice boomed in my ear. I recognized it as Rodrick's scruffy voice. 
 "I'm standing outside Ignere. The dark forest," I replied as I looked at the heavy mist surrounding it, it was night so that was expected.
  "where are you now?! " 
 "I'm still outside the forest, " I replied, confusion laced in every word.
"Move woman!! " he bellowed in my ear. 
I paused taking a step. This was odd. Usually, when finding someone, we would be shown three landmarks. But here I was stuck at the edge. Truth be told I did not want to go in, but this imbecile of a king made sure I had no choice. I took a step forward walking into the forest. Then suddenly I found myself back in front of the forest. I paused startled. 
 "where are you now?!" 
 "a-at the edge of the forest" I replied, a stutter in my voice. 
  "Didn't I tell you to move?!" he shouted in my ear making me want to slap him.
  "I did! But I'm back here-"
 I tried again moving and the same thing happened. "Don't play with me hag!!" Rodrick said pushing my physical body. 
Making my spiritual one be thrown forward. But I didn't stop for some reason, no I  was now flying across the place. Being banged against the trees repeatedly. I could see a tail as I was just being banged all over the place like a rag doll into trees the overgrown trees with threatening glares. I screamed my lungs out feeling my head starting to ache my lungs losing heat. 
In my physical body, I was being lifted by an unknown force and being bashed across the great throne room. I opened my eyes managing to pull myself out of the trance. 
 Death. My magic whispered.
 I was sprawled across the floor, very sure I broke more bones than I could heal. Blood was all over my clothes. The magic that had stopped me from entering the forest was dragon magic, made from one of the last, probably a golden. This is why it took the shape of a dragon to hand me my punishment.
 I was sprawled, right in front of Rodrick who looked shocked and as pale as death, "w-w-was that supposed to happen? " King Damian asked terrified. He should be. He knew how powerful I was but if even I, the keeper of magic itself was no match for the Dragons, who was he?
Even the Vampire King looked uneasy and was now standing up. King Ariah was staring at me like I was an abomination. 
 "What happened? What made you fly like that?! " he asked,  looking like a fat pale ghost. 
 "Dragon," I managed to gasp out," I couldn't see the location.." I paused as the blood spilled from my mouth," When I walked in I found myself back to where I was the first and second time. Then I was lifted by a-" I trailed off. 
My head hurt and I felt blurry and weak. Rodrick's fearful eyes turned back to look at his fellow scared friends. They were speechless about what they had just seen as was expected.
"w-we must destroy all of them...now," Alec said shakily.
 I looked up through the blood that dripped down my face passed my broken body and shattered ankles.The pain was immense. But had I heard the Vampire king actually stutter? Did he sound shaken? That made me smile for some reason. 
I realized that maybe being ruled by a golden dragon was much better for my people than these hooligans. I watched as they tried to think of what to do. King Rodrick still standing by me. It sickened me that he didn't even bother to dismiss me or help me, I was dying. I was losing too much blood. My magic whispered of death. My death. My end was near but I would not go and leave my kingdom and my Abigail under the rule of these pathetic beings.
I quickly spotted the King’s ring which was on his finger. He was standing right next to me. I was not thinking, but I do not regret what I did next. Lunging in, I used all my shattered strength bitting his finger which had the Flame ring clean off his hand, since I could use not my broken body. 
 He yelped with pain as he staggered back. The pain staying inside him. The finger still in my mouth I watched him. He looked at me horrified and I saw the other kings shocked as well. 
"You dare do this to your king! " he roared with anger, clutching his hand to his chest as he took a step back in horror.
He was no King. He was nothing but a child in the game of thrones.
 " I will kill you with my bare hands!" He couldn't even kill a mosquito, " How dare you?!" he paused as he saw the ring on the finger. My tongue and teeth worked together as I pulled the ring out and let that fat finger drop.
  "T-That ring is useless in your hand, g-give it to me and maybe I will spear the last few seconds of your miserable life!" He stuttered out. I saw the hesitation in his eyes.
 However, he was right. I was dying,"If you don't, I-I will execute everyone you love!!" 
Stupid man! Even if I wanted to give him the ring back and go save my Abigail, my bones were broken. The movement was something I could not do.
 "That ring is useless to you! " he muttered underneath his breath.
A smile spread across my face. Maybe it was but now that he didn't have it, it was useless to him too. 
 "Enough!! " King Alec stormed, but before he could come close I muttered some words and teleported away from there. 
I found myself on the floor in my bedroom where I had been taken from. Immediately I felt my darling niece's hands come over me. "Mistress! By Erania! happened to you?!" she cursed as she rushed to me.
I had no time to explain. I was pretty sure the king had already ordered his guards to execute me and my followers, including Abigail. 
I tried to sit up as the flame ring rolled out of my mouth. 
"No mistress!! Lay back!! I shall find a healing spell!! " My niece panted, breathlessly. She was still a novice witch, she knew a lot like I taught her but not enough to replace me. My heart fell knowing she would not have any more family In a few minutes. 
 Death was calling me home. I could feel the darkness swarming in.
She stood up going to search for the spellbook but I shouted for her to stop. I knew she wouldn't find it or do the spell in time. This was not a minor healing spell it was one to save a life on the brink of death. Instead, I had to tell her one last thing as I panted breathlessly. She held me in her arms begging me to stop talking and just rest as she started to sob. That was a luxury I couldn't afford just yet.
 "Take a hold of yourself, Abigail!" I replied sternly. Her duties as mother witch would begin when I had breathed my last and that moment was soon approaching. She had to be strong no matter how much the tears sting from being kept beneath one’s eyelids.
  "I need you to get out of here! " I told her knowing the guards were close. 
 She shook her head   "Not without you my paria (mother)!" She exclaimed still clutching my hands.
I told her how much I loved her and how much her mother did also. She sobbed telling me to stop talking nonsense. I was the last of her family, once I was gone, she would be alone. Suddenly we heard a petrifying scream, and more followed. I knew immediately that the guards had arrived and we're now slaughtering my followers but my niece would not be one. She had to live as the next protector. 
 I quickly squeezed her hand as I felt my last breaths coming quickly."You need to leave parissa (daughter)! Stand up and get that book behind you," I told her.
She didn't move, tears flowing freely,"Now Abigail!! " I screeched. 
 She stood up in alarm, snatching the sacred book from the shelf. "Memorise every spell in that book, read every historical moment and treasure it! " I ordered as she sobbed, kneeling next to me, "Control yourself!!" I shouted as we heard the screams coming closer. 
She nodded biting her lip and staring down at me through swollen eyes. My fragile but warrior-minded niece, "come close to me," I said. She moved closer to me, "Take the ring."
 She glanced at the ring, picking it up through glossy tears, "it's yours, keep it forever, " I whispered. she held my hands tightly in hers and I let my magic leave me, it wasn't my time anymore. the yellow streams to magic lighted up each vein as they flowed into the palm of my hand, a dragon scale forming. 
Abigail looked at it wide-eyed and I smiled, placing the scale in her hand which immediately dissolved into her body her veins lighting up as mine had, "you are now the keeper of magic, " I whispered. My fingers managed to find their way to her coal locks, a soft smile on my lips,  "find the dragon prince Abigail. Protect him with your life," I whispered in her ear. 
She looked at me shaking her head, a horrified look in her eyes, "No! What are you saying?! Not the dragons!" she murmured. 
"The dragons are not bad, " I eased, searching her eyes, "They are only powerful and that is what those selfish people we call kings fear the most. Remember what I told you, he is a golden dragon. He is good. Remember the story, " I gasped as I felt a sharp pain rush through me.
Then I paused as I saw someone I knew so well suddenly appear. " Your mother is here," I said softly as the woman sat beside me, Her spirit leaning against me with the same sunny smile she used to give me when we were little.
  "No Aunt Emma, don't leave me!! " 
 I smiled at her, "Your mother says she loves you so much, and I agree on how much we do," I said. 
  "Mistress!! " she screamed.
 "Find the dragon, the dark forest Abigail. Protect him. " I trailed off as darkness consumed me, "Go, Abigail!  Go before you die! Noowwwwwwwww!!! " I screamed as the door opened, I saw Abigail disappear into thin air as she teleported, feeling an arrow drive straight through my heart.
I gasped my last.
Death. My magic whispered softer and more faintly than before.
I know, I whispered back. Then there was light and I saw my sister and mother. She looked at me with open arms, her dark raven locks falling past her shoulders, eyes a twinkling sea,  "Welcome home Emma, you have served well."
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Bình Luận Sách (167)

  • avatar
    John Erick Doroliat

    hi tago man


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    Nadia Shafiqahh

    good ii ❤️❤️


  • avatar
    EncarnacionPrincess divine

    very good


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