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Chapter Two

The clique were walking in a park discussing about the incident in the room. "I can't imagine living without my special ability", Amber groaned.
"Like I can't fix up broken things again", Darcie shrugged. They left the park and saw some people playing tennis. There was a large crowd watching them.
Dave brightened up;"I'd loved to play tennis." He ran to the scene leaving the rest behind.
"Doesn't Dave know we have a meeting very soon?", Chloe asked.
Finley checked his watch. He replied;"Well! We still have about an hour thirty minutes left."
"Then let's go cheer for him", Darcie suggested. They all walked down to the scene.
Dave was far better than his opponent. He had up to 40 letting his opponent score love. The crowd went awestruck with his fabulous performance.
"I can't imagine Dave is outsmarting this guy", said Finley. He continued yelling Dave's name to encourage him more.
The opponent finally scored love after a stressful game. Dave didn't slow down his pace and sealed his win within the next few seconds. The whole crowd carried Dave in the air, hailing him. The opponent got so sad and shocked. Dave was so happy and on top of the world. He turned and saw his friends smiling at him. They gave him thumbs up and he gave them same. The crowd continued praising Dave, carrying him high up in the air.
* * *
Master Noah and the parents were in a room. He sat on his throne while the rest sat on smaller sized chairs.
"First and foremost, I would love to apologize for the way I reacted yesterday", Master Noah started addressing them. The rest nodded their heads, accepting the apology.
He heaved a sigh of relief;"There's danger right now."
"What danger?", asked Finley's Mum.
"A sworn enemy of mine has managed to get me. If I'd let you guys continue living with your powers, you wouldn't have been alive today." He now saw confusion on everyone's face, murmuring amongst themselves.
He then explained further;"There's an idol that gives you your various abilities, given to us by Satan. Our biggest enemy has interrupted with it. In this condition, if we continue making use of our abilities, your lives will be threatened." The parents now understood what he was trying to say.
"How did he do that?", Dave's Dad questioned.
"I've got no idea!", he got off from his throne. He walked up to a wardrobe, nearby.
"Come see the idol!", he invited others to join him.
While telling the parents on what to do, the kids all entered the room. The adults were caught unawares, some got scared by their sudden presence.
Amber saw the idol, Master Noah was holding and asked;"What's that idol doing here?"
"It's our source of powers", her Dad replied.
"Powers? I thought it was Satan", Darcie got surprised.
Master Noah gave a faint smile. "Our source of power is not happy. That's why your powers were taken away."
"Well anything that's going wrong, solve it yourself because as for us, we're not fully Illuminati", Dave chuckled. This got Master Noah angry but Dave's Dad prevented him from going to confront him.
"Is there any way we can make it not angry again?", Ethan, looking rather serious.
"Yes! Your parents and I were just discussing about it."
"And it's ...?", asked Finley.
Master Noah took in a deep breath and said;"There's a place known as Zantis. You guys have to go there."
"What's happening in this so called Zantis?", asked Finley's younger sister.
"The people of Zantis are suffering from a terrible unknown disease. Satan would be happy if you could help them and even give alms to the poor." The parents looked at him in astonishment after saying this.
"All of us are going there?", Amber questioned.
"No! No! Just the first child of every family is qualified to go." The clique looked at each other for a while.
Master Noah brought out a picture of a mansion. "You guys should rent out this mansion during your stay", he showed them the picture.
"Why...", Ethan tried saying something.
"Just stay there and don't ask any unnecessary questions", he cut in sharply. "You guys should start getting prepared for your journey to Zantis tomorrow", he added. Everybody kicked against what Master Noah just added.
"The sooner you go, the better for all of you", he tried calming them down.
"But it's in a short notice", Darcie complained.
"You won't understand! Just comfort the people of Zantis and come back here quickly."
"How are we going to Zantis?", asked Ethan.
"Just bring your belongings here tomorrow", Master Noah replied. The clique turned and started going to pack their belongings.
"Master Noah called again;"You guys won't come back until the idol signifies it's satisfied with your work." The clique still remained silent and left the room. Master Noah now told the younger ones to exit the room and they did so.
Immediately the children left, Master Noah got rushed at and questioned by the parents. They asked why and complained he didn't do the right thing not telling them the truth.
"Attention please!", he calmed them down. "You all know they would've refused to go if the truth was disclosed. They need to stop our enemy if we want to keep on being alive", he explained.
"I pray our kids won't get killed in the process", Finley's Mum was worried.
"I know everything's going to be alright", Master Noah assured all. Each parent was still worried, all in deep thoughts.

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