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Thé Baker

Chapter One

At high school! Six friends, three guys and three girls were going to the canteen during break time. They got their snacks and went to eat together. They were discussing jokingly with each other. Dave opened a textbook and started glancing through it very fast. That was his special ability. "I wish I had the power to read fast and understand", Chloe told him. "Luckily, that's what I was given. You're blessed with the super strength", he smiled in return.
Theo joined them. "We're gonna have a great time during the holidays. We've set up an agenda, holding events after every two days." The clique showed excitement on their faces.
Theo gave them handouts. They collected the handouts. They got even more excited as they read out the events listed down to be taking place. Theo smiled, seeing he has won their attention. "Oh My God! There's a skiing competition, one of the last events", Finley exclaimed. "You're good at skiing?", Theo asked. "There's no one I've seen better than Finley when it comes to skiing", Dave crossed his hands on Finley's shoulders, smiling. "Thanks Dave!", Finley was way happier. "Theo! How much are we to pay to register?", he asked. "Just a pound!", said Theo.
Finley brought out a pound and gave to Theo. "Wow! You're really eager to partake in the skiing competition", Theo got surprised. He looked at the rest, signifying if they were paying or not. "We're gonna pay later", Darcie spoke on behalf of them. Theo gave Finley a small piece of paper. "Fill in your details", he said. Finley began writing down his details. He gave the form to Theo when he was done. Theo left the clique, and they watched him go. They got back to their discussion after his exit.
* * *
The clique entered the room their families always met. They were all welcomed. "Darcie!", her parents called her. She went to meet them. "School's going on a vacation after tomorrow, right?", her Dad asked. Darcie nodded her head in response.
"Ok! We're planning on throwing a party", her Mum added.
"For...?", Darcie became confused.
"It's for the celebration of our silver jubilee since we were given special abilities by Master Noah and the Devil", her dad answered.
"Wow! It's been this long?", Darcie got surprised.
Ethan joined in. He greeted Darcie's parents. "Come and help me restore the flower vase I just got destroyed", he pleaded. "Why do you always spoil things, Ethan?", Darcie got irritated. Ethan had to hold her hands and take her to the place, himself. Darcie went with him reluctantly. They walked past Amber and her family.
"Amber! Help me take away this ink stain on my palm", her younger brother showed her his palm. Amber used her power and took it away. "I can't wait for the silver jubilee celebration", her younger sister told the family. They started discussing on how they would love that day to be like.
Darcie restored the once damaged flower vase. Ethan used his telekenesis ability to pull a stool towards them and Darcie kept the vase on it. The two now headed back to their various families.
Master Noah came into the room. He observed everyone was talking about the upcoming celebration and shook his head, feeling so sad. Dave turned and saw him looking at them, keeping silent. "Everyone! The Master's here!", he announced to everyone. They all turned and saw him. They walked towards him and started asking him questions and making suggestions concerning the celebration. He started feeling pissed off and shouted;"Stop!!"
Everybody kept quiet, looking so astonished and wondered at why he reacted like that. "What's wrong, Master? You hardly get angry especially not on anniversaries like this", Dave's Dad asked him. "Yeah! He's being rude to us today", Finley's younger sister added. Finley, who was standing beside her, tapped her lightly and told her;"Don't talk to your Master in that manner." Master Noah looked at everyone and felt sorry for overreacting. He sighed;"I'm O sorry for they way I reacted. I wasn't thinking rightly." The rest remained quiet. Master Noah took a deep breath;"I've got some bad news for you guys."
Everybody seemed both interested and worried. "What's the bad news?", Ethan's Mum asked.
"We're going to have to quit the silver jubilee celebration." Everyone became sad and started asking him for the possible reason to cancel the celebration.
Amber made everyone kept quiet. She then faced Master Noah;"Master Noah! Why are we to quit our celebration?"
He didn't reply directly but said;"Your powers will also be taken away in the next five seconds." Confusion was written on their faces and they started complaining to him when they found out their powers were actually taken away from them.
"Quiet!", he yelled at them when the noise became too much to handle. "I want all the parents to see me tomorrow for further discussion", he added. He left the room, leaving everyone in confusion.
"I wonder at the cause of all these", Dave's Dad thought.
"Master Noah!", Finley called him. He still left the room, not answering anyone.
* * *
Hey guys! How's the starting?
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