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Chương 7 Cassie Rebecca Paige Isabel husston Justin

Cassie and Rebecca drag their large suitcase towards their dorm.
it looks like we are not living alone ".Cassie said looking around to see males clothes hanging around the corner of their dorm.
well that makes it perfect for someone like you "Rebecca reply knowing that's what Cassie wants, they climb the stairs case to their room, Rebecca look around the corner of the staircase, why is a stair case this dark, it creepy, Cassie open the door to their door to be blessed with series of cobwebs.
NO!". Rebecca shouted startling Cassie who drops her suit case in fear.
what wrong Rebecca "Cassie reply shaking Rebecca whose eyes were closed tightly.
Christ, no "Rebecca shouted again, she saw a girl right at the front of their dorm , tears were falling from her eyes but at the same time there was a knife in her stomach, with a blurry vision of a man who stand at the corner smirking and watching how the girl fight for her life, with blood sprouting out of her stomach.
hey Rebecca, open your eyes , stop Rebecca you are scaring me" . Cassie scream in fear, shaking Rebecca who seems to be running out of breath.
Rebecca, Rebecca, stop playing this games, open your mother fucking eyes". Cassie scream loudly attracting some students who went over quickly to see what was going on.
what wrong ".Houston ask looking at the beautiful lady who seems to be running out of breath on the floor.
help, she is dying ". Cassie scream tears running out of her eyes, Houston grap Rebecca by the arm ,carrying her in his back, before running to the college hospital, with Cassie running with him, she doesn't even care at that point.
what the emergency ". the nurse reply rolling Rebecca into the wards.
she was fine some minutes ago , but suddenly she scream and fall to the ground, shutting her eyes tight, before gasping for breath ".Cassie reply hurriedly, wiping of the sweats on her forehead.
have you guys experience this before ".the nurse ask.
no this is definitely the first time ".Cassie reply.
she might just experienced something similar to seizures, we're most of her cells fail duty, but you should wait for them to conduct the test, you can wait over there".the nurse reply nicely, pointing over to the waiting chair at the corner.
I will rather stand here, am OK ".Cassie reply going closer to the theater, before the nurse close the door, at this point she doesn't know weather to cry or laugh, she is dead hungry and thirsty ,but this bitch at to have a seizure, almost making her go insane, seizures is kind of a normal experience, OK Cassie listen, theres no need to panic it a simple seizure, she kept repeating to Herself,mumbling it under her breath.
she is going to be fine ". Houston said his arms rapp together, he was learning against the wall, his hair all over his face.
Cassie turn to look at the guy who helped her, she stand there for a minute trying to digest how handsome the guy is, is it a thing in this school to be handsome, he wore a blue shirt with free black pants, his muscle almost ripping off his shirt,his hair was all over his face, making him more handsome, holy hell she is so smitten
hmmmm ".Cassie sutterd short of words, OK this guy is more handsome than the cab driver, making her almost wet in her pants, is she wild or something .
hey am Houston, is she your friend ". Houston asked looking at Cassie, who fold instantly, wishing she could disappear.
no she is my sister ".Cassie reply, sucking her tounge, an act she do when she is nervous, if Rebecca was here she would have laughed at her childish act, Cassie run a quick glance on him again, holy moly talk about someone been dangerous handsome, his hair make him more attractive, people like him should be a model or something, this is far the best looking guy she have seen today.
are you new here". Houston asked, running a hand through his hair.
yes we just arrived few minutes ago ". Cassie reply not looking at him, so she won't embarrass herself anymore.
I may have to go, I have to be somewhere take care of yourself "Houston reply, running a quick look at Cassie before walking away.
Cassie stare at his fading figure, smiling ,he got ass too.
ma'am, your name and the patient name. " the nurse asked.
Cassie bethel and Rebecca bethel ". Cassie reply.
well the patient is OK and ready to be discharged, just sign here". the nurse reply, giving Cassie a book and a pen to put in her signature.
Cassie rushed to Rebecca ward, before giving her a huge hug, straddling the shit out off Rebecca.
hey, woah woah, calm down you are breaking my bones ".Rebecca groan pushing Cassie away.
OMG, are you OK, are you feeling some pain, should I call the doctor ".Cassie rushed her words at once.
hey, it not like I am dying ".Rebecca reply, rolling her eyes.
well, you were almost at the gate of heaven if not for me, be thankful ".Cassie joke looking around the ward.
why are they getting my blood "Rebecca ask looking at the blood bag, hang over her head.
to run a series of test on you, they think it a seizure ,so they are running some test." Cassie reply, running a hand through Rebecca head. Rebecca removed the pin drawing out the blood from her.
as you can see I am OK, I just saw something OK, let get out of here, ". Rebecca reply, before taking the blood bag putting it in her clothes.
Rebecca, it for your health, why are you so insecure ". Cassie reply frowning.
are you following me or just standing there ". Rebecca reply jumping through the window, those doctors scare the shit out of her, why run a blood test instead of a scan. the two girls rushed to their dorm slamming the door shut.
Rebecca what was that for, if you are not scared well I am, you were minutes from dying, how can you run out of the hospital like that ". Cassie muttered, using her hands to remove the cobwebs.
doll, look at you all worried, I am fine I just have a flash of a dangerous scene when coming, it was gruesome but I will tell you later, stop worrying your pussy ". Rebecca reply smiling.
Jesus Christ, why the hell is this room this dirty "Cassie reply sweeping the wardrobe.
it looks abandoned ,did you see our roommate "Rebecca reply setting her clothes and laying the bed.
OMG, Jesus Christ, how can I forget something this dazzling ".Cassie reply giggling.
girl tell me about it, stop keeping me in the dark "Rebecca reply staring at Cassie, who was already sleeping on the bed
I saw this handsome guy, girl he carried you, OMG I can't explain how amazing he is". Cassie reply giggling.
wait did you know his name, I wish I can see him". Rebecca reply throwing her books on the bed.
the room is slightly big,with a big wardrobe at the corner, the girls set their bed opposite each other, with their table facing the window.
you are not sleeping ". Cassie ask Rebecca.
I saw this girl, a white pale short girl,with blood coming out of her mouth, she was standing at the door staring at me, I really freaked out, it was damn scary".Rebecca explain her short vision to Cassie, who widen her eyes in surprise.
wait ,when did you start day dreaming, when did all these dream start coming, you just witnessed a murder ". Cassie reply with all seriousness.
are you in your right senses ". Rebecca reply laughing.
OK ma'am, as the suspect, you said you see what, well that a ten years in prison since you didn't report it to the police". Cassie reply with all form of seriousness.
mother fucker.

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