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Chương 6 luca Rebecca Isabel Paige Cassie Mr mushroom Mr Lorenzo

hey Mr handsome, what your name please ".Rebecca ask respectfully, of course in a flirting manner .
I think this should be a peaceful, free of questions and unnecessary drama or flirting ". Mr mushrooms scolded, before turning back to a look at who he was directing the question to, Rebecca just roll her eyes, she knows Mr mushrooms is obsessed with her, but she doesn't do older men.
common sir, it was just a harmless question, he is hot and you are not ,it a different thing ". Cassie said smiling, Mr mushrooms run up a quick glance on her before hitting her with his walking stick.
ouch that hurts". Cassie shouted soothing the pain quickly.
my name is Luca". Luca reply gently with the most coolest voice the girls have ever hear off, it felt so soothing that they had to check again if he was human, men this man voice is on fire.
respectfully sir, I have a ear problems or is it my ear drum, while does this sounds like, come sit on my laps ". Paige said, making Luca smile gently, freezing the girls heart again.
do you have like a boyfriend, or kinda girl friend, if you are single, well you are welcome cause am single and definitely searching for you". Rebecca flirt, smiling like a fool.
no, I don't have a girlfriend, but I like your vibe". Luca reply looking at Rebecca jently.
you all should hear this, did you ear that, he likes my vibe, like my vibe, holy cow". Rebecca said grinning and fanning herself, yes it felt hot all of sudden, the man is a very good looking creature.
The whole ride go on and on about Luca, the girls just wanted to hug him, probably some were already day dreaming about sex with him, it was chaotic, no matter how Mr mushroom shouted at them to stop, they kept the question going till they actually fall asleep .
they are actually teenagers, don't take this personal". Mr mushroom apologize.
you should warn them, they should be careful of what they wish for,this is for them to learn a lesson, isn't it".luca ask with a raised eyebrow.
yes actually I couldn't find more perfect people , because if they don't trouble the school this much I would not have sent them here" .mushrooms reply smiling.
here is the package ".luca hand over 20,000 dollars to mushrooms, who smiled and receive the money happily before stepping out of the car.
but, they have to come for holidays, specially those two that ask for your name ". mushrooms said to him.
the others ones do come for holiday don't they". Luca ask.
yes they do bye, will try to get more ". mushroom reply before walking to a car packed by the side of the road, leaving the girls in the car.
hey girls, we are here "Luca announced shaking the girls to wake up.
holy crap "Rebecca shouted, scaring the rest of the girls, who shake their sleep away, they all stare at her wondering why she shouted.
are you guys not seeing this angel ".Rebecca shouted in shock, the girls turn to look at the driver seat, before dropping their jaw, holy gorgeous, is he even human at all, they drool at him almost budging their eyes out of the socket.
girls we are almost at the school ".Luca reply smiling.
sir repeat that word again, please say anything ".Cassie ask grinning, Rico just laugh before kicking the engine back to life .
Rebecca relax back to her sit, she looks at Isabel who looks at her again, something doesn't seem right ,she have surely see this face somewhere, where was it, Rebecca look at Cassie but she seems like the only one over thinking it .
Mr mushroom ".Rebecca muttered unknowingly, before something cross her mind.
yes Mr mushrooms, where is that bald man".Rebecca asked curiously.
I can remember him excorting us to this car, but what happens "Isabel reply her smile fading away, she looked at Cassie but it seems like she and Rebecca are only the one with something up here.
you don't have to worry yourself guys he left already,".Luca reply before driving towards the college.
Rebecca could not pinpoint anything, but she sense danger, it was a naughty feeling though but it was pointing at something she couldn't understand.
the school security open it large gate for Luca to drive them in, the four girl get their bag at the end of the boot admiring the campus, Luca lead them to the principal office where they sign there registration.
holy Molly "Paige muttered looking at the Italian principal, he looks nothing like Mr mushroom, who is all fat and bald, mhen this man look like he is in his twenties.
are you sure we are in the right place "Paige ask Rebecca who nod her head in disagreement, the man jet hair was pack in a bun, he was wearing some Italian suit, and is collonge seems expensive, how the fuck can a principal afford a Italian suit.
your name ".mr Lorenzo ask looking at them dead in the eyes, the four girls cower standing behind Luca never have they seen a more deadly but beautiful sight in their life.
they are the transfer student from mushroom " . Luca reply taking a sit.
you test them already ".Lorenzo asked running a quick look at the student whose face where down.
yes negative "Luca reply.
this are your booklets, and the school first examination is next week, so sit tight, the school rules are in this handouts and so are the direction of the school, any one who fail to do so will be punished by the school authorities, which is not only me, and your room direction are in the handouts also ,you can go now ". Lorenzo said handling them their handouts. the girls shakily collect their handouts and fight to make their way out of the office, the man cold aura sucks the breath out of them.
OK this place is really scary ".Cassie muttered when she keeps reading the school rules.
you should learn to caution what you say, you can be punished for speaking bad about the school and their rules, just take your time to read them"luca reply before leaving them to fend for themselves.
the four girls look around trying to locate their school rooms, the students stare at the new arrivals strangely, while some lick their lips in satisfaction.
OK this stares are creepy, are they not supposed to be in their room or something "Rebecca ask having this strange feeling about the stares coming from some particular students .
the air around here is kinda friendly "Cassie reply giggling.
look that our dorm right there "Paige shouted looking at the room number.
guess we have to leave you alone, let go to the lecture room together, since we are new here, we should kind of stick together ".Isabel reply in fear, this stares are not sitting right with her.
well I can't stand Paige ...............
yes let's do that it looks like we are here all alone, just ourselves ,we need to stick together, and forget the hate right now till we are familiar with the environment ". Rebecca said cutting Cassie off ,she looked around to see the people still staring at them.Cassie and Rebecca waved at them before they keep looking for their dorm.
wait we are almost getting to the end of the college, let's take a break ".Cassie muttered, she is definitely thirsty.
hey look that our dorm "Rebecca shouted happily, it not that far from Paige and Isabel dorms.
but why is our dorm secluded from the rest of the building , why is it standing alone not joined with many rooms ". Cassie reply frowning, she wants more roommate.
you should be happy, this is going to be extremely quiet, and we can do a lot of stuff without being caught ". Rebecca reply, cause she is really thankful of this apartment, she doesn't like to mingle with alot of people except are enemies.
thinking About your sense of reasoning again ". Cassie said laughing.
it unbeatable ".Rebecca reply smacking her head.
you liar, I know you accept because it is working in your way not mine, fucking snitch.

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