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Chương 5 Mr mushroom Stephanie Paige Isabel Cassie Rebecca

The journey to Italy
Mr mushroom.
Cassie, I hope that's not some hammer in your luggage. "Mr mushrooms ask, checking the girls luggage.
I think this is very rude of you Mr mushrooms, you are literally checking my bra and my sister own, this is supposed to be private "Rebecca groan, seeing as Mr mushroom keep removing her tools from her bag.
I bet you have no idea about the school you are about to go, you are not allowed to take or carry any object just your cloth "Mr mushroom reply, checking the list on the paper in his right hand, to throw out the things the college forbid to be taken in to the school.
not the makeup Mr mushroom, do not mess my makeup bag like that". Paige frown staring at me mushroom.
shut up girls OK, so drop your phone in the box here". mushrooms command, as the girls hand over their phones to him.
OK this get to be the weirdest college in the world, which college don't allow phones ". Cassie ask in surprise, like phone is like a daily necessity of human, how can this college deprive them of that.
Mr mushroom can you put back my makeup boss ".Paige ask nicely.
OMG someone ugly face is about to be revealed ".Rebecca joke, laughing with Cassie.
you know am way prettier without the makeup, so stop making up shit "Paige reply.
you guys shut the fuck up, and stop arguing and singing to my ear, now get into the plane while I am still asking nicely ". Mr mushrooms said, using his right hand to direct them to their plane.
they all handover their tickets before settling down, Immediately Rebecca butts hit the sit she slept off like a baby, with her head on Mr mushroom shoulder, who also sleep after making contact with the sit while Cassie could not get her mind away from the fact that she is traveling to another country, she always dream of getting out of the country, but she was scared of her mum reaction, but here she is traveling with her best and perfect sister in the world, where they could do all bad things in the world without their mother having an idea, it was amazing.
Paige keep tapping her fingers together, she was scared and excited at the same time, because she saw alot of creepy things about the school, but it was all from Google, but what attracts her the most is that the Google specifically explain about the beauty of the students in the school and how unbelievable they are, she could not wait to hook up with one and get Cassie and Rebecca jealous, but she is definitely going to have a lot of fun .
Isabel sip her coffee slowly, she couldn't get over the dream she have about the four of them coming to the school, even though she hate Cassie and Rebecca, but she can't get over the dream she kept having since the day she heard they are going to be transferred.
this was quite funny because, as they get closer to Italy she kept having strange feeling and she dream about how those fairy tail about vampire and wolf ,witch existed in the school , it was messy but when she explained it to Paige she just laugh it off, since they just watch vampires diary, and twilight, so that may be the cause but on some thought it felt so real.
hey Cassie ".lsabel called out to Cassie who turn around to see who is calling her name.
any problems, you want me to solve ".Cassie said jokingly, winking at Isabel, knowing very well how Isabel hated all those things.
ewwww, just wanted to ask, did you believe in vampires and wolfs and witch ". Isabel asked curiously.
you ask one hell of a weird question, but I can relate since you are weird, hmmmm they died along time ago, you know what I mean perish, they are fairy tales, I even heard they never existed, I don't even know why I think of answering you".Cassie reply looking at Isabel, who frown at her last reply.
well am just asking, if you see one, what will you do".isabel asked, but this time Paige was waiting patiently for Cassie reply .
well probably fuck the hell out of them, you know they are so hot, like freaking hot"cassie reply smiling.
goodness what was I expecting from a dumb girl like you".Paige muttered closing her eyes to get a nap.
who the fuck is dumb " .Cassie ask.
just let her be, I ask the question anyways ". Isabel reply, going back to her sit maybe she was just over thinking everything, or this might just be a fantasy that she dream Of.
still thinking about your dream ".Paige ask Isabel with her eyes closed.
yes, but not that much ".Isabel reply.
try to get some sleep the atmosphere here is great".Paige said sarcastically.
mother fucker "Isabel reply with her middle finger in the air, making Paige laugh.
Rebecca wake up to meet every one asleep, she was sweating with pounding heart, she just had a dream, someone talk of bad dream, a human with fangs as sharp as blade sucking her blood with her moaning out of pleasure, sounds stupid right, this is probably an animal trying to drain her blood but she is there in her dream enjoying the shit, that can never be her in real life.
hey why are you sweating like that" . Cassie asked after waking up to see Rebecca staring into space.
you won't believe what I am about to tell you, I Dream about this human, I could not see his face but his fangs were really clear to me, and he was sucking two bags of blood outta me, but I stand there smiling and even moaning ". Rebecca explain laughing the dream sounds funny to her, this person is about to kill her, how can she moan, Cassie burst into laughter clutching her stomach.
wait what, you horny virgin, that why you should have sex idiots ". Cassie reply, is this a sex Dream or something.
whore, what more was I expecting "Rebecca asked.
something like, OMG sorry, are you hurt, get your mind of it I am not mum or aunt Becky "Cassie reply giggling.
well, you should not forget you are also a virgin ".Rebecca reply sticking out her tongue.
I have sex before, remember Mr Mark, and Brandon ".Cassie reply staring daggers at Rebecca.
keep deceiving people not me". Rebecca reply going back to sleep before they both argue till the get to their Final destination about been a virgin or not.
Mr mushrooms.
OK girls, time to get in a cab ".Mr mushroom shouted at the girls who kept looking around and smiling like a fool, he was even surprised to see the girls at a normal behavior, like these girls totally destroy his school how can they act all innocent.
Mr mushroom, please ask the driver to help us with our luggage ".Paige ask, looking stressed, dragging a full suitcase is no joke at all.
he is sent by the school, does he look like a bus driver to you".mr mushroom ask in surprise before settling down at the front sit after greeting the driver .

the driver step down to put their luggage in the trunk, he is kind of Tann ,with messy blonde.
holly shit "the four girl exclaimed rooted to the floor, they all stare at the driver who stare at them back, OK is any body lost of words, that definitely the way to describe the moment, the man is too handsome to be a driver, like he is so hot .
respectfully sir, if you ask me to get on my knees now I will do just that". Rebecca flirt still lost of words, the driver laugh gently before getting into the car, he get this reaction everytime the students see him, so he is kind of use to it.
can you get in your knees inside the car Rebecca, and get your butt sited without wasting my time " Mr mushroom shouted at the teenagers, who rushed to sit down.

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    Jake Garcia

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