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Chương 4 Isabella Cassie Rebecca Paige Mr mushrooms

final decision.
Mr mushroom.
welcome Mrs Stephanie and Mrs Sharon, I am so pleased to have you hear, as your daughter may have report to you, the school they are transferred to will be available on Sunday to pick them up, and if you have not meet your final decision, your kids might never finish college, so by 9.00pm they should be ready, and be rest assured that I will follow them to submit their application.
you see I have no decision to make, it is their mistake so they have to sum up for the consequences of not always minding their business, bunchs of idiots ".Mrs Sharon spat out angrily, she could not believe they have to finish their college in a far away place like that.
am done here, and you two better tag along "Mrs Sharon said staring daggers at Paige and Isabel, who follows without uttering a word.
so what can I still do for you Mrs Stephanie, you do not seem to have come to a final decision yet, any problem. "Mr mushroom ask.
Matter of fact they are a lot of problems, because I never knew you could send them to Italy , I am not saying what they do is bad, but their are lots of students that do far or more worse but they never get transferred. ". Stephanie reply .
Mrs Stephanie, I don't think you know the consequences of their actions, if I don't tag this as a rape, this two rape a young man in his thirties, flirt with him, record him without his knowledge , and even threatened him with it, are you tagging this not serious, this is apart from beating up their teachers, and silly prank that they pulled on even me, and you called that not serious ".mushrooms ask not believing his ears, this woman raised up a hooligan, I mean this two teenagers could rape anyone they see, as long as it is threatening their life style.
am so sorry I didn't mean it that way, I, I, I am so sorry Mr mushroom, I didn't mean it that way, I think I will see you before the weeks run out, common girls let go,"Stephanie reply making her way out of the principal office, how could she even defend them, if everything they do is to harm people, she never taught of them becoming so unreasonable.
mom we didn't mean all this, he just lied, we never pull prank on anyone ". Cassie said eyeing Rebecca who quickly nod her head.
shut that trap, shut your mouth, and you Rebecca don't even dare talk or make any excuse, I will think this over, just have it at the corner of your mind that you may not finish college ".Stephanie reply walking away.
what mum, that cruel ".Rebecca said looking at their mother fading figure, before they burst into laughter.
you know she will never do that "Cassie said with sarcasm.
she cares so much about education, but some show of regret must be in action ".Rebecca reply.
exactly, I can't just get this news out of my head, like babe we are going to Italy ".Cassie said almost dying of excitement.
the funniest shit is that, we get to have our own house, like we are getting an apartment all to ourselves, nobody to scold you when you go home late, just drink and smoke some shit alone ".Rebecca reply, like she could just sleep at home instead of going for lecture.

babe this is crazy ".Cassie exclaim in happiness .
so where should we go after this, Mr mushrooms Will never let us inside his school compound ".Rebecca asked.
may be, club or just somewhere we could party ".Cassie reply, flirting with Rebecca.
good ness you are one horny girl, let just go home, good behavior saves the day pretty ".Rebecca reply smiling.
mood killer, anyways Brandon invited me to his house party, are you in".Cassie ask.
no, just some sleep will do, don't you dare come home late I can't defend you when it comes to mum ".Rebecca warn
just go, I am probably just going there to mess with Paige ".Cassie reply
who the fuck are you lying to, we both no that you are going there for a different reason, whore ".Rebecca reply eyeing Cassie who smiled before walking away.
Mrs Stephanie.
hey, don't think about this too much OK, just let them go OK, this is the best advice I can give you as a friend, you can't just jeopardize their life for some stupid reason ".Becky reply.
you think this is stupid, they hate us, and you know that, and you still call this stupid ".Stephanie ask with wide eyes.
then you have keep your children in check, you could have protect them, instead of been harsh and un welcoming, I was the one they come to whenever they are bullied in school, did you know about this, all you just want to hear is them been upright and we'll mannered, when you didn't even teach them how to".becky reply harshly.
then they come to you, but you taught them how to stand up for themselves in the wrong way, they were timid but you show them out to be strong ,and how to do things their way, you don't have any idea what I go through, you were not pregnant at 18 years old, and when you were chase out of college, you had a family that was well known and rich, I have no family, and I have to work, so don't you blame me for not been there for them when I had to put food on their table ". Stephanie reply in tears .
but you have time to make things right, but you never did, I can remember them waiting for you to come around and ask how their day went, but you never did, deprived them of this, and they will totally hate you".becky said, looking into Stephanie eyes.
you can't get them to hate me, I am trying to protect them ".Stephanie reply.
no you are trying to cover up your secrets, those wild and dirty secrets, they will know through some way, even if you don't want to tell them, you can't suppress their powers for too long , I really know this is hard for you, I know you love them, but you have to learn to let them go, to even cover up the secret most, it is either they find out from the source or find out from you, I guess you know which one is the worst ".Becky reply, sitting next to Stephanie and rubbing her hand gently.
this is the least I can do, if they find out about them, they find me and probably kill me, but for the mother love, I will let them go". Stephanie reply in tears.
thank you so much, for choosing this decision, I know it hard to make but trust me it is the best.

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