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Chương 2 Mrs Stephanie bethel Mr mushrooms Cassie bethel Rebecca Maxwell

Cassie and Rebecca both walk home silently, slowly taking their steps one after the other, to avoid waking their mother up, yes they come home late, who will find such news entertaining, so the only option is to come home late when their mother is completely asleep. then they can eat, sleep and wake up early to go to school, till she find out.
That a funny taught and idea that Cassie brought, and now they are buying the idea and their mother seem to be asleep. Cassie on the living room light to see if there is anyone on the couch but luckily they only met their mother bag.
OMG what a great relief "Rebecca mouthed, what a great relief it is.
I told you it is going to work "Cassie reply jumping on the couch.
and what exactly is going to work "Mrs Stephanie ask, making the two of them scream their lungs out.
OMG mum, you scared me"Rebecca reply hands on her chest, okay this plan was dumb as fuck.
and why did I scare you, care to explain where you went to, just take a look at the time, it's past ten", Mrs Stephanie shouted at the grown up, okay raising two rebellious kids is a problem.
OMG sorry mum we get carried away at the library, we couldn't even grab time",Cassie reply lying perfectly, Rebecca almost burst into laughter, how can one lie perfectly without blinking.
and when did you start going to the library, if I can remember your grade is nothing to write home about "Mrs Stephanie ask curiously, this two never seize to amaze her.
mom we have to read the text is just around the corner, don't worry too much mum, this year results will be very good ", Rebecca reply, with Cassie nodding her head repeatedly, she almost wanted to clap at Rebecca speech, because their grade will always be a mess.
They both turn to walk to their room, the steps they take were counted by their mother, she couldn't believe this two liers could still come up with something after been expelled.
And why are you going up and pretending as if nothing happened in school "Mrs Stephanie ask already on the couch, the two ladies froze on their step, what was that word again busted, OMG Mr mushroom.
mom nothing happens just the usual warning and activities ", Cassie reply shrugging her arms like she didn't care.
matter of fact, school was unbelievable interesting today, no fight, just the both of us studying hard ",Rebecca said with a pounding heart, even if they put on that nonchalant look Mrs Stephanie knows better than to believe this deceiving rats.
Mr mushrooms says the opposite of that"mrs Stephanie reply still not believing that her daughters could lie so perfectly.
Cassie shift uncomfortable,she doesn't like to lie to her mother but finding the truth will Break her heart.
maybe he called the wrong parents, mum We are both tired and hungry, and I feel very sticky, I need to shower immediately "Cassie reply, avoiding her mum questions.
if you make a step, consider that as me disowning the both of you, you were expelled and transfer to another school, and you think I didn't receive the mail "Mrs Stephanie shouted at them, they lie so perfectly and couldn't even defend themselves.
Mr mushrooms keep saying the same thing over and over again, that you were not discipline, I try to caution you and you guys promised me that you wouldn't be transferred again, and you will be on your best behavior, so what am I seeing. "Mrs Stephanie ask them on her feet, they have attend half of the college in New York, and she doesn't even know what to do again, she is fed up of these two.
mom we didn't do anything wrong, Mr mushrooms just hated us, he make us clean the toilet and even punish us when we are not at fault. " Rebecca said slowly with Cassie nodding in agreement.
so you should tell me why he will notice you guys only among over 2 million students, do you guys think am stupid, how could you beat up someone who impact knowledge into you"mrs Stephanie ask in disbelief, do these two even think at all the expenses she will have to go trough to transfer them to the other school.
mom we were at our best behavior, but the teacher wanted to force himself on us"cassie reply lying, any excuse to get them out of the situation.
"like I don't know you guys seduce him to have his sextape so you can threaten him to give you good grades ".
" mom who the fuck said that , seduce, Mr mushroom be taking his hatenes to the next level "Cassie reply faking shock, that was exactly what they did, and that was her idea,who the fuck tell their mum.
he told me himself, Mr Mike told me himself, I met him on his way home and he showed me the tape, I can't believe you guys went this far, just to impress me", Mrs Stephanie reply, she felt like crying, when did her daughter become so bad and rebellious.
mom we are sorry, he just kept giving us bad grade so we had to do that "both Cassie and Rebecca beg already on their knees s, there's no need to lie again since that fat principal snitch on them.
which school are you transfer to",she asked
mom I think LUCERS college ".Rebecca reply trying to remember the name.
Wait what ,how could he do this "Stephanie ask, her eyes almost popping out of the sucket, it was slightly unbelievable, did he wants her daughter dead .
mom any problem"cassie asked worriedly.
nothing to be worried about baby girls just go to your room "Stephanie reply, pushing them to their room, she pick her phone and speed dial Mr mushrooms number.
hello Mushroom on the line".
I do not have mush to say, why will you transfer them out of the country ".Stephanie ask, she was not relaxed there were still many college in USA here why outside the country.
when I send their files to them, they keep denying them, so I look outside and surprisingly they were still registering new student, and they accept your daughters"mushroom reply.
that far, how will I get to communicate with them, see if they are OK, this will cost me alot, u should have considered all this, can you please accept them, I will pay thrice the amount of their school fees. "Stephanie beg, she won't allow it, she will never let them go.
there's nothing I can do about that, they are already registered in another school, as I said earlier get them ready on Monday or they never finish college ", Mr mushroom reply hanging up.

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