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Chương 4 The Kiss

Chapter three
Arkadia wolf high.
Jace walked to Vanessa's room, hoping to show her something he had found while roaming the academy. He was sure she would love it. He saw it as his little way if repaying the gift she had given him.
He wasn't going to take Amber along, but he'll probably find a way to repay her. He sighed loudly before knocking on the door. He waited for some seconds, and soon the door clicked open just for Jace to see Amber.
"I'm here to see-"
"Vanessa," Amber said, cutting him short.
Jace smiled as she shut the door, leaving him outside.
The door soon opened, and Vanessa appeared at the door.
"Hi Jace." Vanessa smiled. She was surprised to see him here, but she hid it to avoid making him get the impression that she didn't want him here.
"Hi just came to see you, plus I want to show you something." Jace returned the smile.
"Alright, I'm coming, let me redress and grab my purse," Vanessa said, and turned to enter her room.
"Don't worry, you are beautiful as you are." Jace said, and grabbed Vanessa's hand.
"Say it again," Lucille said as Jasmine praised her. Jasmine is Lucille's roommate, and she always listened to whatever Lucille said.
"You alone are the most beautiful and powerful of all, oh great Lucille." Jasmine repeated while Lucille closed her eyes, enjoying it, until a knock on the door spoilt it.
"Who the heck is that?" Lucille yelled, making Jasmine jump up in fright. She muttered a curse beneath her breath, and Jasmine stood up, walked to the door and opened it.
She looked outside and gave Lucille a feedback "No-one, it's your bf knocking on the other door."
Hearing this, Lucille stood up from her bed, shocked. She knew immediately that Jasmine was referring to Jace.
Jasmine knew everything about Lucille, along with the fact that Lucille had a crush on Jace, and that he hadn't even noticed her since he was always busy fawning over Vanessa.
"Jace?" Lucille asked, hoping to clerify.
"I told you not to call him my boyfriend until I win so I can hear it victoriously then." Lucille yelled at Jasmine.
Hearing Jasmine call Jace her boyfriend always reminded her of her current loss to Vanessa, although she was hell bent on winning Jace over; no matter what it took.
"I'm sorry " Jasmine looked down.
She was always intimidated by Lucille and never dared to look into Lucille's eyes when she scolded her.
"Whose room is that?" Lucille asked.
"Amber and...".
"Vanessa." Lucille completed the sentence in anger.
"Of course, who else? I don't know what that bitch did to Jace, but she's going to get it from me, and I mean really hard." Lucille yelled, and slipped on her slippers, and went out, watching Jace and Vanessa leave, holding hands.
"Where the heck are they going?" She muttered to herself.
Valentine - Palace of Vardasia
Council members sat round the long council table in the council chamber.
The chamber was painted in a light brown and sea blue color. The ceiling had violent scenes painted on them; huge chandeliers dropping down for them.
At the far end of the chamber was a large arched door, painted in bronze color. At the two corners of the other end of the room were two wolf statues; blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, and accurately carved fangs.
The chamber was completely silent before a council member called Anegg.
"My lord, I think it's high time we stop looking for a way to revive lady Patricia, and instead look for the Lunarike pendant ourselves."
"No, lady Patricia is the only way to finding the pendant, once we revive her, we can get her to tell us where it is." Another council member retorted.
Valentine remained silent for some seconds, with his pure golden eyes glowing, before finally speaking up.
"Anegg is right, get me Eudora (the black witch)," Valentine said softly without blinking, staring into the air.
Vanessa - Arkadia Wolf High.
"You can open your eyes." Jace smiled, and Vanessa opened her eyes to see a field filled with beautiful flowers and grasses, with glowing butterflies flying around.
It was so beautiful.
She stretched out her hands, smiling as butterflies perched on her fingers. She laughed heartily, dancing around the field as Jace stood by, smiling.
"It's so beautiful." She remarked and put on a smile, admiring the field.
It was so amazing, the most beautiful she have ever seen.
"Found it and decided to show it to you," Jace said, and Vanessa couldn't help but ask one question.
"Why me?"
"Cause it's special and you're special to me." She heard Jace say and felt her heart flutter.
She couldn't help but stare into his dazzling eyes. It was a perfect sea blue with a light shade of green around the corner. She felt she was going to get lost in them.
He slowly moved towards her until we were touching noses. She froze, having only one thought in her mind. "She was going to have her first kiss."
Hudson - Arkadia Wolf High
Hudson crawled through the tunnel in the building the guys chasing after him the previous day had gone to. He was filled with rage and determination. He was going to get into the main building and get done with it.
Mr Harper wanted wealth, he would get it for him. His plan was to rob the place, and get as much wealth as possible, give it to him, and then he'll go far away.
He'll go out there, and live his life. He knew life has bigger things in store for him than stealing but little did he know that this place was the beginning of everything.
He finally reached the end of the tunnel, and with him newly found strength, pulled out a small door. Unfortunately for him, alarms began to blare.
Jace - Arkadia Wolf High
Jace moved closer to Vanessa till they were touching noses. This was his chance and he wasn't going to miss it. He loved Vanessa from the very first day he saw her, but had been afraid to tell her.
Hopefully, she would return the kiss, but he wasn't sure how he'll feel if she rejected him. They'll become like total strangers, and she would avoid him. He couldn't imagine it any longer. He brought down his lips, crushing it onto her's.
Her lips were soft and tasted like fresh mint. He felt himself smile when she finally kissed him back.
"I love you." He broke the kiss, and held her face.
"I love you too." she replied, and kissed him again. Suddenly the alarms began to blare.
" What is happening?"
Lucille watched in jealousy and anger as Jace kissed Vanessa.
She might think she had won, but no, she hasn't seen the worst of me, Lucille thought.
She got whatever she wanted no matter what it took. She looked up; the alarms blaring out loudly.
"All students, report to the hall. I repeat, all students report to the hall."
"What's happening?" Vanessa and Jace entered the hall, facing Amber.
"Heard there was an intruder, we all have to be here to stay alert." Amber replied.
"Nobody should panic, everything's alright. The guards are scouting the premises." Wilfred tried to calm everyone down, but only to some extent since he was also clearly tensed.
The hall was filled with Arkadian students all gathered together in groups; the subject of discussions being the intruder.
The door to the hall burst open, and some guards stepped in, but they weren't dressed as the academy's guards.
"Royal guards from Vardasia. We have been sent here by Lord Valentine," one of the guards said.
"As you can see, we're on high alert, there's an intruder, will you please kindly let us handle the emergency first." Wilfred gently requested.
"What emergency could be more important than Lord Valentine's order. I'm sure you wouldn't want him to hear you said that." The leader of the royal guards threatened.
"We're here to search your students. Lord Valentine believes that the Lunarike pendant is among your students. If you have a pendant golden in colour, it's better you step forward, your life might just be spared." He continues, and waits for some seconds.
" No one? Search them" he said.

Hudson could feel his heart beat faster. Soon guards would begin to parol the whole building. He should have known something as magnificent as this would have an alert system.
He was now in, and there was no going back. He sneaked through a passage holding out his knife in alert. He stopped by a wall as he heard some movements. "Go right, I'll take left." He heard a guard say.
He waited by the wall, and as the guard got near, he hit him with the hilt of his knife. He covered the guards mouth, pinning him to the wall, before hitting him with force, sending him unconscious.
He tried to run but was stopped by a strange pendant piece on his neck that got stuck in a window's railing.
Angry, Hudson yanked it off and threw it to the floor.
"Stop there," A guard said, as Hudson tried to run. Hudson turned around slowly with his hands in the air, but suddenly he began to run; dodging the bullets the guard shot at him.
She had to do something, she couldn't let them find her part of the Lunarike pendant. If they found it, they would hand it over to Valentine, and she would fail her dad. Plus she'll get herself executed.
She looked around, and got an idea. She stole away towards a book shelf, and dropped her part of the pendant, pushing it under the shelf with her feet.
She walked back to her position, hoping they don't search the shelf. She spotted Vanessa hiding her piece in her shoe, accidentally leaving a part of the tread out.
Fool, they'll see it and she'll ruin my plans, Lucille thought.
A guard started searching her, but as he was about to go he spotted the rope sticking out of her shoe.
"What's that?" He asked.
"Spideeeeeeer" Lucille screamed, making the guard stop, and rush over, giving Vanessa an opportunity to bring it out, and push it over to Jace.
"Where is it?" The guard asked.
"It's gone, it went that way."
Vanessa sighed in relief after passing her pendant piece to Jace. She was not sure it's the one they want, but she was not ready to take any risk, and get executed.
The pendant piece was something she had grown to have, although she didn't know how she had gotten it. She faced Jace who gave her a supportive thumbs up.
As the guards searched the students, Hudson ran in being chased by an academic guard. He breathed heavily, manoeuvring his way through the students.
The royal guards, thinking he was trying to run away apprehended him, but Hudson extracted his claws and used it to tear through one's arm. He fought back, but he was finally overpowered.
"He's not a student here, he's the intruder we are looking for." Wilfred informed the guards.
"He'll be taken to the castle as a prisoner,"the head of the royal guards said.
"No he's a werewolf, he should be left here to be tutored." Wilfred confronted him.
"He assaulted a royal guard, he can't go unpunished." The guard retorted harshly.
"Lord Valentine's order was to bring every new werewolf here to be trained even though his intention is to keep every werewolf under his nose to avoid rebellion. I'm sure you wouldn't want to go against his order." Wilfred put his hands behind his back. He smirked; spotting the look of defeat on the guard's face.
Somebody picks up a piece of the Lunarike pendant dropped by Hudson in the corridor, and giggles evilly.

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