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I just shook my head and marched directly to my bedroom, to changed my clothes.
I looked at the window when I heard Greyson's car engine.
"Where he going?" I mumble but then I dragged myself to my bed, I took some pocket book to read because I'm not sleepy after all.
When I feel kinda sleepy I put the pocket book at the table beside my bed and closed my eyes.
I got irritated when my pillow starts to get heavy in my tummy, and when I start to open my eyes I'm so shocked that the pillow in my stomach was Greyson's arm while my real pillow was on his head, when and how the fuck did Greyson sleep here?
And did I mention before that we're living in the same roof with others like Casey the owner of these apartment that we stayed in, him, I, and Valerie.
He's the only guy.
But he's gay so that's okay for us.
He's harmless though.
Those two Valerie and Casey was a party goer so expect that they are not always at home every night well not every night I guess? Because sometimes they are here.
I tried to move but then he starts to tighten his grip in my waist, where now facing each other.
"Crap!" I said in almost a whisper, I want to wake him up, its not his room. But when I stare at him like this he was like an innocent Angel who's peacefully sleeping beside me.
So why?
I still have a heart though.
I looked at my wall clock and it's already 4:32am in the morning.
I tried to focus on my sleep but holy molly fuck! I can't.
So here I am again, checking, scanning his figures again.
And I keep thinking and thinking why this guy is gay?
He's really handsome you know?
And he can't spread his own genes like what the hell? He can't make babies.
His genes was really fucking useless!
But then this thought went away, when I started to fall asleep without even knowing.
When I woke up he's not here anymore and as I check the clock it's already 9am.
I went directly to the bathroom to wash my face and jog downstairs to have a glass of water when I start to hear a strum of guitar.
I followed the sounds from and I stopped when it leads me to Greyson's room, it's slightly open.
I want to take a glance but then my mind says; you're invading his privacy, let him be.
But my heart says ; just take a glance, he didn't even know you're watching.
And so on my heart win this time, so I take the glance of him holding an acoustic guitar with pen and a small note book more like his journal in his front, maybe his going to compose a song.
He starts to strum the guitar
"Don't have no fancy occupation." He starts singing as he continued to strum the guitar
"I can't fly you to the moon.
Ain't got nothing in my pocket.
But I got enough love for you."
He smiles while he sings and it makes me smiles too, he really have passion when it comes to music.
"I don't drive a Lamborghini, no I don't.
All my clothes are old and used.
Ain't got no house up on a hill, girl
But I got enough love for you."
He closes his eyes as he sways his head from left to right, but I can't help but clap my hands caused him to stopped from strumming and singing
"Khryzel?" His eyes go wide as I entered his room.
"I-I don't know that you can actually play the guitar, I thought its only a piano," I said as I point the guitar his holding.
"I know how to play the guitar but I'm not really good at it." He said as he look the small note book in front of him.
"Are you eaves dropping since...?" He ask in an upset tone, oh no! Is he mad?
"I-I'm sorry, I just went down stairs to have a glass of water and I hear a strum of guitar and... It leads me to your room and... I- I can't help but... You know listen... Y-you have a wonderful voice." I said with a smile, it's true though he have a wonderful voice.
"Don't do that again, you're invading my personal space." He said without looking at me as he returned the guitar of its house.
"I'm sorry." I just only said but before I leave.
"Greyson can I ask something?" He looks at me and back to the guitar as he place it in the corner of his room.
"You already did, what is it?"
"Did you sleep in my room?" I asked, his eyes go wide a little but then he shook his head.
"I have my own room so why would I sleep in yours?" He said without looking at me
"But I see y-"
"You're hallucinating or maybe you're day dreaming." He said in a cold tone, I want to say something but I don't have a mood to fought for some small things like this. But in my little half I want to insist that I saw him in my room sleeping beside me.
I remain standing while looking at him, so I don't know what the hell his problem but I hope soon he enlighten his mood, because he so damn annoying.
I marched back to my own room and closed the door.
"Are he having a period or something?" I said as I rolled my eyes and drag myself again to my bed.
Valerie came and she keeps inviting me in her friend's birthday at club.
"Come on! It's just for tonight." She said
"I don't know." I said shaking my head, I'm nervous. I want to go but there's a half that I don't want too.
Do you guys have that feeling before? Because I always have that.
"Please, just for tonight?" She pleaded as she does the puppy eyes and I sighed very deeply before I nod.
There's still one friend that going to B.I or let me say bad influence you.
She claps her hand and hugged me. As Greyson went down from the stairs.
"Greyson!" Valerie said, his brows both raised up as he waits for Valerie to speak again
"Khryzel and I was going to a club to party! Wanna tag along?" She ask, his eyes landed to mine but then back to Valerie as he shook his head.
"No, thanks. I have to do something," he said shrugging his shoulder.
"You nerd prick!" She laugh as she pushed Greyson playfully.
"Come on Khryzel, I'm going to dress you up, and I'm going to make every guys drool for you, in that party." She wink at me and I followed her behind.
I can feel his eyes were watching me in every move I made until I reached Valerie's room.
Valerie let me wear her maroon back less dress that above the knee, while my hair was in a curly straight hair, my heels are red too. My make up is only eyeliner, mascara lipstick and foundation, I didn't put a blush on nor contour either, because Greyson said I look like a clown if I have so much make up in my face. He prefer me to look natural.
"Gosh! Khryzel, you look like a barbie doll but you're not a blonde," She chuckle and I giggle as I look at my reflection through the mirror, she was right though.
When I went down Greyson was on the couch looking through his phone but then his jaw dropped open when he sees me.
Maybe he wants to be me at this moment my mind says.
"Are you still not going Greyson?" Valerie ask him he paused a little and stood up.
"Fine. I'll go with you both, but wait let me change." He said as he jogged upstairs.
In 5 minutes later he's done preparing himself and damn why he need to be so damn attractive and hot at the same time?
He just wearing a white simple shirt but he always nailed it, with his black leather coat, a black pants and a black boots. Like a badass.
"Let's go?" He yank his head as he looked at me first and to Valerie.

Bình Luận Sách (430)

  • avatar
    Ken Dalabajan

    As I start reading this novel, I said to myslef that I can relate to this novel, it was a very good stories/novel, I really love how the author convey the emotions that she put on the story to turn out beautiful.


  • avatar

    very good story . and i like how the story keep growing from one chapter to another chapter. but yeah poor cody in this situation


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