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I pushed in a quarter and then another after it before dialing the number to my brother's college dorm. I knew that his classes were later than mine, so it was perfect time for me to have a heart to heart talk with my brother. I just hope he's up till now, I don't want to disturb his sleep, but I know that he's a morning person.
The phone rang and rang, its annoying trill grinding on my already raw nerves. My palms were getting sticky and wet from the sweat, making the receiver slip around through my hands. I was nervous about my first day, but I would never accept this fact out loud.
Why else would I be bothering my brother at what would very likely to be called an inconvenient time? I just want to hear his voice, his voice always makes my nerves calm. I hadn't heard from him in two weeks, which is quite strange because he used to call me almost everyday to check up on me and also to make sure that our parents had their psychotic break. But even before two weeks he started ignoring my calls, only talking to me on few occasions. I refuse to admit defeat and I refuse to admit that it hurts me when he ignores me. He's probably the only person whom with I can share anything, and he also understands me. "Hello?" a hoarse sleepy voice answered from the other side. The voice belong to a male but he definitely wasn't my brother.
"Hi, this Katherine Scott, I am calling for my brother Joshua Scott," I said politely. "Is he up yet?"
"I doubt it, I wasn't awake," he said bitterly. "I'll go and check."
There was a sharp cracking sound as thought his receiver hit something hard when that guy left to call my brother. Now I felt kinda sad and guilty for making him call my brother at this time. What has seemed so vital a few moment ago now seemed silly, childish even, and even worse: Selfish.
The sound of receiver being picked up and the cracking sound alerted me and also gave me hope, that my brother is there.
"Kathy? Is that you?" The voice was familiar to me but not the one I was hoping to hear. I tried to bit back my disappointment and focused on answering my brother's best friend and also roommate.
"Yes, it's me Ethan," I said with forced pleasantness. Lately, I'd spoken more to Ethan than I actually had with my brother.
"He's not here Kathy, I am sorry," he said sympathetically.
"Oh," I said surprised. "I see, Do you have any idea at what he'll be available?"
"No, not really," he answered uncomfortably. "He's been going out pretty early these days. I think he goes to the gym. He usually comes in time just to take his quick shower and then he gets to class,"
"Oh, he started working out in a gym? Since when?" I asked. I know my brother, he likes to workout in open space, so this news was a huge surprise to me.
"I am not sure," he said with a defeated sigh that spoke volumes that how uncomfortable this conversation was to him, "A while I guess."
"He is not answering his cell phone these also," I added further.
"Yeah, he's been leaving his cell phone here. I guess he doesn't like to be bothered during his workout, but that's what I think. I am not sure though." He informed me.
I locked my jaw in frustration and disappointment and willed my self not cry right now. I unknowingly bit my lips so hard that I tasted the coppery liquid in my mouth. "I see," I said in response.
"Look I will inform him that you called," he said apologetically. "Look Kathy, I have to go, there's another guy waiting for his turn to call home."
I knew it was a lie from the forced sound of his voice, the way he spoke I knew it instantly that he was making this up. But why? Besides, apparently it was too early for anyone to be up and call home.
"Okay," I said numbly, "please ask him too call me, thanks." And then I heard the dial tone and nothing else. Not even my brother's roommate could be bothered with me enough to say goodbye.

Bình Luận Sách (421)

  • avatar
    Angel Faith Mojana

    Funny and te story is very touching


  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos

    so good


  • avatar

    very good


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