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Chapter 7

The head of the TECH tower's mansion! It's a luxurious and top class mansion. It's past 9 as he's having dinner with his family in the big dinning room. His siblings with their spouses and kids also live with them. They're really having a nice time enjoying such a delicious dinner.
Outside the building are ninjas sneaking into the compound, jumping down from the fence. There're five of them. They sneak pass some guards and knock down the ones that see them. They attack the two guards standing by the doorway. They get into the house and pay the family a surprise visit. There's chaos as everyone gets up and tries to escape. The ninjas are quick enough to surround the family and threaten them by bringing out their swords, daring to kill anyone that dares to pass through. The family start pleading for mercy.
The leader of the ninjas walks up to the head of the TECH tower and places his sword on his from behind, unexpected to him. "What do you want?", TECH's head asks with fear. "We want you dead!", the ninjas replies. The TECH's head asks;"Who sent you?" "You shouldn't know", ninja replies again. "I'm willing to pay any amount of money you ask for", the TECH's head promises. The ninja laughs and reduces the amount of strength he was using in holding his sword to TECH head's neck. "I wish I was a fraudster but....", he holds the sword tightly again to his neck. ".... unfortunately, I'm a loyal servant", ninja laughs again.
* * *
The C.A.N.D.Y fighters are in their homes, in their bedrooms doing some stuffs to keep them busy. Their watches flash and they all stop what they're doing. Instantly, they created their portals and hop into them. Thier portals now close.
* * *
They're in the C.A.N.D.Y house and the boss tells them the reason they were called. "The head of TECH tower alongside his family's being attacked", he tells them. "What do they want now?", Yanking wonders. The boss answers;"I don't know why." "Just go save them!", he adds. "We're on it boss!", Carlos salutes. Carlos creates a portal and they all enter after changing to their costumes with their watches. The portal now closes. "Good luck kids!", the boss speaks in his mind. Smith enters the room and taps on the boss' back. "Dinner's ready!", he tells him. "Ok!", the boss replies. They leave the room with Smith leading the way.
* * *
The fighters hop into the house, in the circle the ninjas created. They're in the circle with the family. The five ninjas behave surprised. "Leave him alone!", Carlos warns the leader. He laughs;"Oh C.A.N.D.Y fighters! What does the C.A.N.D.Y mean please?" "It's none of your business! Leave that man alone!", Nick tries walking up to them. The ninja takes his sword closer to the TECH head's neck to give a warning to Nick. Nick smiles. "We came here to kill you, not to save the family. Killing them or not won't save you!", Amelia mocks the ninjas. The leader laughs;"Is that so? You'll win us? Let's make a deal. We'll have a fight! The ones that win can do whatever they want to do with the family. Is that okay?" Yanking replies;"We were born ready!" "That's what I love hearing", the leader laughs gently.
The leader's in the middle as the ninjas line up. The C.A.N.D.Y line up at the other end facing them with Yanking in the middle. The family's tied up at a place. "So it means I'll be facing the black one then", says the leader. "I'm ready!", Yanking replies boldly. "We're gonna be switching our opponents from time to time. That's the strategy!", Carlos whispers to his friends. They reply in unison;"Roger that!"
The fight starts. The ninjas run up to the C.A.N.D.Y fighters. The fighters wait for them to come. The ninja with the purple logo at the extreme, right to the fighters, faces Dahlia. As the ninja reach, he tries kicking Dahlia but, she bends down and dodges. Dahlia holds him by the leg and makes the ninja fall. She gets up and starts punching him hard. Yanking fights against the leader. The leader gives him super punches using his fast reflexes. Yanking falls but doesn't seem to give up as he uses his legs to make the leader fall too.
Carlos is fighting against the ninja with the rainbow color logo. They seem equals but, after fighting for a while, Carlos gives him a chance to punch him. Carlos gets angry and punches him back immediately.
Nick fights against the one having the red logo. They climb the stairs as the fight. They reach up and continue fighting by the rails. Nick tries giving the ninja a powerful punch but, the ninja dodges it by leaning on the rail. Nick carries him by the legs immediately and throws him off. The ninja is fast enough and gets hold of the rails. Nick's surprised.
The ninja flings up and kicks Nick, making him hit the wall.
Amelia's fighting the ninja with the black logo. They fight at the dining area. The ninja goes down and tries to make her trip using his legs. Amelia tumbles over and lands on the table. She throws the ninja food, meat and plates as he tries attacking her. He gets fed up and holds the clothing covering the table and pulls it to himself. Amelia falls down and plates get broken as they land on the floor. Food gets scattered around the place.
Unknown to the ninjas, the C.A.N.D.Y fighters are studying their strengths. After a long fight, the fighters decide to swap opponents. Carlos pretends as though he wants his opponent, who tries to block the punch. Carlos stops and uses his legs to bring his opponent down. The ninja gets surprised for being beaten again. Carlos jumps on him;"See you later!" He punches him finally. He jumps off and goes to face Nick's opponent.
Nick's giving his ninja a hard time. He blocks his ninja numerous punches. As he blocks them, he uses his right knee and hits opponent at the belly. His opponent bends down holding his belly, feeling the pain. As he tries to get up, he sees Carlos jumping on him with a punch. Nick has gone to face Dahlia's opponent.
Dahlia hugs her opponent tight from behind and inserts to "super spin mode". She spins him super fast and leaves him to fall down, feeling dizzy. He then tries to get up and gets attacked by Nick, who beard him mercilessly. Dahlia sneaks away to face Carlos opponent. He's attacked by Dahlia from his back. She beats him to a stupor, not giving him a chance to fight back. Yanking's actually doing the opposite of others. He's no match for the leader. The leader's beating him up mercilessly.
Amelia on the other hand, is still equal to her opponent. Both of them don't seem to give up on each other easily.
Nick's opponent loses consciousness after Nick inserts to "super punch mode" and deals with him at once. Nick runs up to Yanking to help him deal with the leader together.
As the leader's beating Yanking, Nick punches him from the side in "super punch mode". The leader flies off and lands on the floor feeling pain and shocked.
"How did you do that?", the leader asks Nick. Nick smiles;"Find out yourself!" The leader gets up and runs to Nick and Yanking to continue the fight.
He jumps up to kick Nick. Nick dodges him and Yanking lands with a punch on his chin. He goes to face Yanking but gets punched behind at the head by Nick. Yanking throws back the punch, sending him back to Nick. Nick several sends back the punch also, sending him back to Yanking. They repeat this for a short while. Yanking now decides to insert to "super punch mode" and punches the leader at the same time with Nick, each punching on either side of his head. He falls down, not being able to get up again.
Amelia finally grabs her opponent's neck, presses it tightly and inserts to "super strength mode", to carry her opponent in the air by the neck. The ninja was getting choked up. She drops him after some time to let him recover himself.
The leader manages to get up. "Let's go!", he orders the rest. The defeated ninjas all go to pick up their swords they'd kept at a place and leave through the door groaning in pains. "Yeah! We won! We won! We won!", Amelia chants and dances. The C.A.N.D.Y fighters now go to untie the family.
"C.A.N.D.Y fighters!", a small boy yells happily, runs to Yanking and hugs him. "How can I ever be able to pay you guys?", the TECH's head asks. "It's our job Sir!", Nick replies. "If you must pay us, just be smiling", Carlos tells him. The man chuckles. He shakes them and the fighters bid them goodbye. Carlos creates a portal and they enter one by one. The portal now closes. "God be with you kids!", the man speaks to himself and smiles.

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    BezerraLaura Ribeiro

    i like It , It is só good!


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    wow 😳😳


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