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Chapter five

I dropped the kids off to school on my way to my work place. I made sure to greet their teacher Mrs. Alansa, who was my favorite teacher.
"Mrs. Sonia Tinket. Good morning ma'am. How are you doing?
"I'm very fine ma'am how about you? How are you too and the family?
"We're doing very fine. Thank God for life to keep pushing on. How are the twins?
"You have them all to yourself today" I replied with a little chuckle.
"Hahahaha. Okay then. Who's coming to pick them up from school today? You or Nancy?
"I'm not so sure yet, depending on how work is today. Anyway, I'll see you later, got to catch up with traffic. Please take care of my babies please...."
"That's not a problem ma'am. Trust me on that ma'am. Take care of yourself."
I left immediately, then hopped into my car and drove off to work.
I got to work just few minutes to 8 o'clock. I still had time to rest a bit before starts fully. I greeted my colleagues who were at work already and were seated, then I headed to my office upstairs. My office was open already, so I went in. I almost collided with my secretary at the process, some documents which she carried fell.
"Oh ma'am, I'm really sorry, please pardon me I'll look well next time. Good morning ma'am." She greeted humbly, but visibly shaken.
"I'm sorry.. oh, don't worry about that. It's just a mistake." I said, helping her pick them up. "Is my office cleaned up already? I asked.
"No ma'am, the cleaner is working on it, she should be done soon." My secretary, Hannah answered.
"How long will I stand here before it gets cleaned up? I asked.
"Ma'am, I'm not sure. I'll just drop these and double the efforts." She answered then hurried away.
By the time she returned, the cleaner was done and I walked in and sat down majestically.
"Ohh she's done... I'll take my leave now." She Said. Turning to leave, I called her back.
She turned quickly like someone who just saw a ghost. Perhaps I look like one to her. "Yes ma'am.".
"Bring in my appointments for today and make sure you do not skip any important message directed to me. Thank you."
"Okay ma. I'll definitely adhere to your instruction."
"One more thing.." I said, looking steadily at her.
She stared at me wide eyed. I was mused at first, I really wouldn't want this kind of person. Ever since my previous secretary got married and relocated to another place with her husband and I was given this girl as a secretary, I have been having difficulty catching up with my daily tasks. She was intelligent, but not smart. She acts so scared of me all the time, not like I've done anything scary as I can remember.
She stood there shaking, but trying to comport herself. Very funny scene I've seen today.
"Hannah, I have a simple question for you. Please do well to answer it as honest as possible."
"Okay ma'am." She replied.
"Are you in anyway afraid of me? Maybe whenever you see me, you just get scared and start acting timidly?
I watched her closely, she wanted to say something, but paused. She was so reluctant to tell me anything. That really amazed me. I know I could be strict, I'm same to my children, but I'm not a bad person, that I know. She noticed I was staring at her, obviously waiting for her response as regards my question.
"Well Ma'am, I'm not scared of you. Just that...." She strailed off.
I could sense a glimpse of guilt in her action and I knew instantly that she was lying.
"Just what? I asked, still determined to let her speak.
"I am giving you the respect you deserve."
I laughed so loud that she got scared at first. I kept laughing and hitting my hands on the table to show how funny I found her silly talk to be.
She got embarrassed and didn't say anything, but stood there staring at me in surprise.
"Well Hannah, you act so timid around me and I noticed that you're not like that with other workers. If there's anything you'll want to tell me, please go on and do so. Please, don't hide anything from me whatsoever, I could be of help. When you're ready to talk to me, I'm right here in my office."
She was mute for a while, before she decided to open up to me, maybe after many thoughts.
"Ma'am, it's just that, I don't really see you as a bad person o, I don't see you as that, atleast since I've been here, you've been good to me."
"So, what's the problem my dear? Why do you always act like you're scared whenever I'm around? I asked.
She hesitated for a moment before she spoke. "When I got a job here as your secretary, I presume you accepted the offer, some workers here..." Then she paused again and looked at me. "Ma, please promise me you won't punish me or anyone for what I'm going to say now, please ma."
"Hannah, I can't promise you that, but I promise that I'll be just in meting out the necessary rewards anyone have to get from me." I answered, folding my arms and resting on the chair.
"Okay ma. Emmm, it's just that.. that some workers said some mean things about you. That you don't tolerate mistakes, that you're so strict and can fire me if my job is not well done and that whenever you come to work even some top officials here get scared. I used this mentality to start work here and I've been with it for long."
"Really funny. So, since you've been working here, have I been any of these you mentioned to you?
"Not exactly ma, no."
"So, believe me, when I say I don't have time for unnecessary gossips, I'm serious. But, for you to work closely with me, you'll have to do away with this attitude of yours. Do you understand?
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. You can go now."
She left, then returned again smiling. What does she want to do now, I wondered.
"Thank you ma, I really appreciate it."

Bình Luận Sách (122)

  • avatar
    Benita Lisweg

    So interested story


  • avatar
    Catlea Joyce Ganoy Ontic

    I love the story


  • avatar
    BravoAngelica mae



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