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Chapter two

Still wondering what I would prepare for breakfast and perhaps lunch also, just then, Nancy came in. Nancy, Nancy Ishiek is my house help and a real helping hand to me. God bless her. She knows her duties and does it so well. Even with her around, I still cook our meals most of the time, because my husband loves my miracle fingers. Though, except on occasions where I am not fine or I am so tired.
"Good morning Madam" she greeted.
"Good morning dear. Hope you slept well?
"Yes ma, why won't I sleep well after all the jolly jolly we did yesterday. Of course I slept well."
I chuckled calmly. "That's good news. So, uhm, I was thinking of what to prepare for breakfast and lunch also. What do you think?
"Madam, you are the superior ma, I cannot dare to think, I don't know o. Anything you say we'll cook." She replied.
I forgot I was talking to Nancy not my husband. She has never brought up any idea on what to prepare. She always give the excuse that she's not in the position to do so. I give up, let me do my thinking myself.
"So I cannot ask you to assist me with that eeh, why can't you think of anything to cook? Did anything happen to your thinking faculty? I asked jokingly.
"Ma, eh, it's not like that na eh ma, it's just that, ha, me I am just eeh an ordinary..."
Just knowing what else she was about to say, I cut her off immediately.
"Shut up. I don't want to ever hear that in my house again, ever. Did you hear me? I warned sternly, though I wasn't as serious as I sounded. I only wanted her to stop the attitude.
She shuddered before answering "yes, yes ma. I would not try to say that again ma, I swear ma." She said, using her fingers to swear as proof to me.
"Whatever, that shit doesn't work anyway. Uhm, I think I should just fry some eggs, we will take it with bread and tea for breakfast. Peel a tuber of yam, we will take yam and tomato or egg sauce for lunch."
"Alright ma, alright ma. I will do that right away." She answered me then left quickly for the store room at the next door on the left, to get the tuber of yam as I had instructed.
I took some eggs from the crates and broke them. I whisked it for some time while humming a popular song, capable God by Judikay. I sliced some onions for the eggs. I spiced the egg to my satisfaction. Then I washed some tomatoes and sliced them too.
"Madam, I am not sure this yam will be enough o. You know oga likes plenty of it." Nancy called out from the store room.
"You can add one more, any one that is smaller to make it bigger." I shouted back, though making sure I didn't really strain my voice.
"Okay ma, I will do that.
I heated my oil and put my onions and tomatoes, adding some spices, I then allowed it to cook in the oil before putting my whisked egg.
After a while, I was done with frying the egg. So I put the kettle with water on fire to make tea.
Nancy entered with a bowl filled with yam.
"You're done already? Did you peel everything?
"No o, I wanted to peel everything but it might waste. So I left it, so I can fry it later, when we want to eat fried yam." She answered me.
One thing I liked about Nancy is her truthfulness and sincerity. I have tested her a lot and countless times without her notice and she always and always pass my test. If she takes anything, she will let me know, even if I'll scold her. The next time she does it again, she will still come back to tell me what she did. I could trust her with anything, though with caution anyway, because we are still humans.
"You can fry it later in the day if you feel hungry then, instead of it wasting." I said
"Ha, ma there's no need. Since we will prepare lunch, instead, I think we should eat fried yam tomorrow, maybe in the night or so. Just saying ma."
"Alright then, that's okay." I replied. "Em, please wash the yam and put it on fire. Then, prepare what I need for the sauce. These kids will be up by now. I'll go check them up later.
I tried to be as fast as I can to make sure I finish up with what I was cooking before breakfast. Nancy helped me to get everything ready, while I did the cooking myself. Not long after, we were done. Thank God for her, she just made things easier for me.
I left the kitchen to go upstairs and check for the kids then my husband. I went to Marvela's room. She was almost dressed, just her socks and shoes left.
"Hey baby, you're almost dressed. Breakfast will be set in a jiffy. Just came up to check you guys."
"As usual. Mommy, I'm no longer a baby you know. You don't have to come upstairs tomorrow. We will meet you downstairs. Deal?
See this little pie, hahaha, well, I have to agree to that anyway, if not she might cause nuisance for me.
"Okay deal."
"And Pinky promise." She said, stretching out her smallest finger for me to bring out mine.
"Alright alright, pinky promise." I replied, clicking her smallest finger with mine. I smiled.
"You know you can't fail on a pinky promise mommy. You taught me that."
"Yeah yeah. I've heard you. Don't forget your homework booklet and your..."
"Writing materials, your pen, pencil, razor... Mommy, I know all of that. You say it almost everyday. I know Mom. Thank you." She said, then she climbed her bed and gave me a peck on my cheek. I smiled and kissed her lips.
Does she realize she's just ten. Gosh, she acts more matured than her age. Anyway, that's so sweet, I like it.
I left her room and headed to her twin brother's room, Marvin.Still wondering what I would prepare for breakfast and perhaps lunch also, just then, Nancy came in. Nancy, Nancy Ishiek is my house help and a real helping hand to me. God bless her. She knows her duties and does it so well. Even with her around, I still cook our meals most of the time, because my husband loves my miracle fingers. Though, except on occasions where I am not fine or I am so tired.
"Good morning Madam" she greeted.
"Good morning dear. Hope you slept well?
"Yes ma, why won't I sleep well after all the jolly jolly we did yesterday. Of course I slept well."
I chuckled calmly. "That's good news. So, uhm, I was thinking of what to prepare for breakfast and lunch also. What do you think?
"Madam, you are the superior ma, I cannot dare to think, I don't know o. Anything you say we'll cook." She replied.
I forgot I was talking to Nancy not my husband. She has never brought up any idea on what to prepare. She always give the excuse that she's not in the position to do so. I give up, let me do my thinking myself.
"So I cannot ask you to assist me with that eeh, why can't you think of anything to cook? Did anything happen to your thinking faculty? I asked jokingly.
"Ma, eh, it's not like that na eh ma, it's just that, ha, me I am just eeh an ordinary..."
Just knowing what else she was about to say, I cut her off immediately.
"Shut up. I don't want to ever hear that in my house again, ever. Did you hear me? I warned sternly, though I wasn't as serious as I sounded. I only wanted her to stop the attitude.
She shuddered before answering "yes, yes ma. I would not try to say that again ma, I swear ma." She said, using her fingers to swear as proof to me.
"Whatever, that shit doesn't work anyway. Uhm, I think I should just fry some eggs, we will take it with bread and tea for breakfast. Peel a tuber of yam, we will take yam and tomato or egg sauce for lunch."
"Alright ma, alright ma. I will do that right away." She answered me then left quickly for the store room at the next door on the left, to get the tuber of yam as I had instructed.
I took some eggs from the crates and broke them. I whisked it for some time while humming a popular song, capable God by Judikay. I sliced some onions for the eggs. I spiced the egg to my satisfaction. Then I washed some tomatoes and sliced them too.
"Madam, I am not sure this yam will be enough o. You know oga likes plenty of it." Nancy called out from the store room.
"You can add one more, any one that is smaller to make it bigger." I shouted back, though making sure I didn't really strain my voice.
"Okay ma, I will do that.
I heated my oil and put my onions and tomatoes, adding some spices, I then allowed it to cook in the oil before putting my whisked egg.
After a while, I was done with frying the egg. So I put the kettle with water on fire to make tea.
Nancy entered with a bowl filled with yam.
"You're done already? Did you peel everything?
"No o, I wanted to peel everything but it might waste. So I left it, so I can fry it later, when we want to eat fried yam." She answered me.
One thing I liked about Nancy is her truthfulness and sincerity. I have tested her a lot and countless times without her notice and she always and always pass my test. If she takes anything, she will let me know, even if I'll scold her. The next time she does it again, she will still come back to tell me what she did. I could trust her with anything, though with caution anyway, because we are still humans.
"You can fry it later in the day if you feel hungry then, instead of it wasting." I said
"Ha, ma there's no need. Since we will prepare lunch, instead, I think we should eat fried yam tomorrow, maybe in the night or so. Just saying ma."
"Alright then, that's okay." I replied. "Em, please wash the yam and put it on fire. Then, prepare what I need for the sauce. These kids will be up by now. I'll go check them up later.
I tried to be as fast as I can to make sure I finish up with what I was cooking before breakfast. Nancy helped me to get everything ready, while I did the cooking myself. Not long after, we were done. Thank God for her, she just made things easier for me.
I left the kitchen to go upstairs and check for the kids then my husband. I went to Marvela's room. She was almost dressed, just her socks and shoes left.
"Hey baby, you're almost dressed. Breakfast will be set in a jiffy. Just came up to check you guys."
"As usual. Mommy, I'm no longer a baby you know. You don't have to come upstairs tomorrow. We will meet you downstairs. Deal?
See this little pie, hahaha, well, I have to agree to that anyway, if not she might cause nuisance for me.
"Okay deal."
"And Pinky promise." She said, stretching out her smallest finger for me to bring out mine.
"Alright alright, pinky promise." I replied, clicking her smallest finger with mine. I smiled.
"You know you can't fail on a pinky promise mommy. You taught me that."
"Yeah yeah. I've heard you. Don't forget your homework booklet and your..."
"Writing materials, your pen, pencil, razor... Mommy, I know all of that. You say it almost everyday. I know Mom. Thank you." She said, then she climbed her bed and gave me a peck on my cheek. I smiled and kissed her lips.
Does she realize she's just ten. Gosh, she acts more matured than her age. Anyway, that's so sweet, I like it.
I left her room and headed to her twin brother's room, Marvin.

Bình Luận Sách (122)

  • avatar
    Benita Lisweg

    So interested story


  • avatar
    Catlea Joyce Ganoy Ontic

    I love the story


  • avatar
    BravoAngelica mae



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