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7:15 A.M.
"Thanks a lot!" the woman cried while she was looking into my eyes.
"It’s ok. Why are those kids chasing you?" I was still a little concerned about her.
But why is that? It was as if she was suddenly surprised by my questions and left easily.
Wait! Wait! I would have followed but she suddenly disappeared from my sight. What was that?
She was on my mind all day. I waited for her in our class but nothing. I struggled in case she was in the lobby or library but I didn’t see her presence. Is that it? What’s the big deal there? When I showed kindness, then she avoided me. I was very affected. Am I chasing that ugly woman?
7:00 P.M.
We went to Trisha’s birthday party
"Thank you Lance, Endrix, Jake, Raim and Charles for attending my birthday." Trisha said.
I spoke.
"Happy birthday Trisha." I smiled back at her.
I handed her a big gift, only the five of us could handle one and she looked very happy compared to the expensive gifts she received from her sossy peers.
"Thank you very much. Oh go ahead and come in." She said.
She even kissed our cheeks. We became even more embarrassed at those times.
We went inside and I saw so many of her friends.
And there was Vanessa. I approached her I gave her a bouquet of roses (as if she was the celebrant). But this is it, I’ve been wanting to date Vanessa for a long time. I’m just looking for time and this is it, there is no delay.
My friends have noticed me. They even more supportive, we were even given privacy.
“You know what… I really like you Lancelot. Just in case you’re a little dork." Vanessa said.
I blushed a little there. But I’m really dork. I thought there was no hope for me to talk to her tonight. Because of my physical appearance, maybe I have no hope. Vanessa is quite extravagant, white brunette, tall, sharp faint eyes and one of a kind. After all, I don’t see anything wrong with her. From the until now I don’t like anything else in school but her.
But the Genie is eager to fulfil my requests.
The next day we dated. We will turn on but there is something that seems to be missing. What’s that?
7:00 A.M.
It’s been a long time and the scenario is gone forever. Gone are the days when I bumped into an ugly duckling. Do I miss Shriek? My eyes are still searching for her. Just when I thought it was over.
8:00 A.M. (Thursday)
We have a partner presentation in Speech lab about employer and employee.
Group 1:Ms. Domingo and Mr. Cuevas
And I saw her. I was next to her in the chair. Time seems to have stopped running. She smiled at me and this is what give birth to my heart. Her appearance has changed a little bit, not just a little bit. The brace on her teeth was gone, her face had become a bit clear and even more so cute.
We talked and became more partners.
“Hi! I’m Lara P. Domingo.”
Her voice is very sweet. Only now did I hear a voice, the smallness of her voice. I could not immediately answer her questions. But I tried to be with her. I collaborated for our presentation. We went to their house and she introduced me to her parents. She is also a rich kid; his father owns a mining business and her mother was an architect. I haven’t mentioned what happened before. I don’t know why I think she has no recollection of what happened (Amnesia?).I haven’t come back yet because I don’t want to think about it.
On the afternoon, we took a walk in the park and we happily practiced our script on the bench while eating an ice cream. But during our day together, my friends seemed to be thinking about us. And to make matters worse, Vanessa even rushed and confronted her to the lab in the next day.
“Who do you think you are?” Vanessa’s voice and eyebrows raised at her.
"Are you flirting with Lance? You need to feel ashamed of your face. Ugly!"
I didn’t expect what I got. Vanessa even fought her and the rest of our friends. They mocked and pointed towards her direction. But I did not let what happened last. I defended her.
"Friend, are you still defending that ugly thing over Vanessa?" Jake said.
“Yeah! Because I think she deserve it. After all, she was not doing anything wrong and she still has a better will than you. It is not in the surface that matters but deep inside with a pure heart." At the same time I walked out with her out of the lab.
"Why did you do that?" She asked while she was crying.
If I’m the one to be asked. I don’t know either. But it didn’t take me long to see her struggling.
I could not answer. I didn’t know what to say to her.
"You don’t have to do that to defend me. I can…..
"I don’t want you to have a hard time. Furthermore, your appearance is no reason to be belittled with other people. You’re worthy and it doesn’t matter what you look like to be good in the eyes of other people." My courage, imagine! I said that without even looking away from her eyes.
"I don’t know, but since I saw the kids throwing stones at you in the subway I saw your importance as a person that you should respect whatever you lack or don’t have." I took a deep breath, as if I relieved I can reveal everything I want to say.
(There was a silence for a moment)
(She spoke)
"You don’t know me…. You don’t know what…...
"That doesn’t matter anymore. And I don’t care what you are." In the blink of an eye, everything changed.
I was in front of an ugly woman, she returned with her appearance. She got a large round eyes, large specs of glass and braced teeth.
I approached her and held her hands.
I said.
"I don’t care what anyone else says, I want you to know that I want to enter your world." I stared directly into her eyes and I’m serious for what I’ve said.
For the first time in my life, my heart was beating fast, the cold still makes me sweat. But I didn’t pay attention anymore. I just saw myself happily embracing her that night.

Bình Luận Sách (604)

  • avatar
    Trexie Derrada Dela Peña

    Very good!


  • avatar
    Nurin Alesya Irdina Zulizani



  • avatar
    Naufal fadilahRafif

    cerita sangat bagus


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