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Chapter six

(She's a make up freak, he's rich, she's sassy)
Gerne: High school romance
Tags: Love, hatred, romance, suspense, revenge, action, betrayal, jealousy.
I can't just believed why Janice just did. How can she pick on the new student.
Yes, I may act so tough but deep down inside me I don't like people who pick on weaker people.
The moment i shouted at Janice, my memory seems to refresh back.
In my head, i saw a young girl being bullied because she was ugly.
The girl look like a 5 year old girl. Some group of girls the same age as her gathered round her.
They were stoning her with their snacks while the little girl sat on the ground crying and covering her face.
Then, a little boy showed up. I guess that little boy was me. He quickly pushed the girls away from the victim.
"Stop, stop, go away from her"He shouted as he pushed them away.
The little girl opened her eyes on seeing that the bullied were gone.
The boy walked over to her and helped her up. She used her palm to wipe the tears away.
"Are you okay?"He asked. The girl sobs quietly.
"I am, thanks a lot"She said and began crying again. "I don't know why they hate me, am I that ugly?"
"Nope, you are beautiful in your own way, they are just jealous."He tries to calm her down.
"I just feel like ki.lli.ng myself right now" She sobs continuously.
"Do you really want to k.ill yourself?, And miss the gift that father Christmas will get for you on Christmas Eve?"I asked.
"I can still get gift im heaven. There is Father Christmas in Heaven."She said. She had already cleared the tears out of her eyes.
"There are no father Christmas in heaven so if you die now no more gifts for you"He said to her as he arrange her hair neatly.
"Who are you?"She asks.
"My name is Austin, and am lost"He explained to her.
"I can take you to my house if you wish"She said joyfully.
"What is your name then?"He asked.
"My name is..."
"Austin! Austin"I could hear my name. But I can't see who's calling me.
"Austin can you hear me?"The voice called again. The voice sounded like that of the five years old girl I saved in my head.
I opened my eyes and saw Havel's lips almost touching mine, what was she doing on my face?
I jumped out of the bed immediately.
"What are you trying to do?"I asked. I must have scared her.
"Huh, nothing much. You fainted, so I carried you all the way here with Mr Sam. And you refused to wake up so I thought giving you a true love kiss would." She said shyly.
"True love kiss?, Did you kiss me?"I asked.
"No"She quickly defended herself.
I smiled, what a cra.zy girl, always doing funny stuff.
"Why didn't you defend yourself in front of Janice?"I asked. She changed her expression immediately.
Her face at the moment looked so cute, I can't believe am falling for that.
"Are you used to being intimidated like this?"I asked again.
"I am not intimidated!"She defended herself again.
I like seeing her face whenever she blushed.
Since when did I like doing that, maybe now. Why does she look prettier than ever today?
I must be going nu.t.
"Let's go to the class, make sure to stand up against Janice whenever she intimidates you"I advised.
Since when does he care for me?, Hope he didn't recognize me as the girl he met at the Library?.
And why was I trying to kiss him?, Why am I acting weird.
"Do me a favour" He said.
"Huh?"I said rolling my eyes in all directions.
"I want you to act like my girlfriend temporarily and I'll pay you for it"He said.
Is this guy okay?, Or has he fallen for me?.
Is he stylishly asking me out?
"I'll take your silence as okay, it's just a year contract, I'll pay immediately the contract is over. Once I get into the class, I might announce that you are my girlfriend, and it won't be easy since Janice is my ex"He said rapidly.
I couldn't say a word, I just froze at a spot. He dragged my hands to the class. I couldn't even resist his hands. I was helpless.
The moment we got into the class, he let go of my hands, Janice walked up to me.
"Hey Havel, are you okay?"She asked in a concerned tone.
I couldn't move nor say a word. I was still astonished at what Austin said to me.
"Am sorry about the words I said to you, I didn't know you were that weak, I have always thought of you as a friend and I was foolish to believe that Austin was dating you even when you tried seducing him. I knew you got rejected."She blabbed.
Was she apologizing or what? Did she intend to insult me in kind words.
Megan came to my rescue immediately, "Janice, can you stop doing that to her?"
The while class attention was on us. Ray rushed to help me to my sit. I couldn't even move a finger. I was weak to the core.
"Havel, Havel!"Ray called.
"Yes, am okay don't worry about that. Am used to it"I tried to not feel intimidated.
I had thought being beautiful would stop people from bullying me but it didn't.
Just then a group of boys walked into our class. They are the last class in the school, Grade 12d.
Although we are in the same grade, pupils in my class seem to fear them alot especially the toughest one, Nathan.
Nathan was among the group of boys, they walked up to me. Another set of bullying again.
"So this is the legendary beauty, Havel"He said as he placed his hands on my face.
"Have you gone ma.d?"Ray shouted. I was already shaking and doesn't even know what to do.
"Take your hands off her now!"Austin ordered. He walked to the guys.
"Who is she to you boss?"Nathan showed utmost respect to Austin.
"She is... My girlfriend"Austin announced. The whole class made a wow sound.
Ray was shocked.
I tried to defend myself but couldn't cos Austin immediately places his lips on mine to show how serious he was...
How do you think Ray will react?
Pls pls pls
Don't be a silent reader, pls show me your reaction about this story by liking and commenting. I will really appreciate if you do so💕💞💖💗💙💜💝❤️
Much love from Authoress Moxie💗💝
Thank you.

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