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Chapter four

(She's a make up freak, he's rich, she's sassy)
Gerne: High school romance
Tags: Love, hatred, romance, suspense, revenge, action, betrayal, jealousy.
Sam Jones is my senior brother. He had left the home since he was eighteen.
Sam is like the black sheep in our family. He doesn't care about our Father's money that's why he ended up teaching instead of owning one of dad's company.
When he turned 18, he told my dad that he would love to live on his own. My dad tried to stop him but to no avail.
On the day mum died, Sam and dad had a very bad argument. After that night, Sam was nowhere to be found.
Until four months later when he appeared at my school as a science teacher.
I made sure no one at school notices the tie between us, and we had never talked to each other since then.
I followed him in order to find out where he was living. I needed to find out the mystery behind mum's death.
Only to sight him drinking with an high school girl. I quickly stop him before he got caught.
The girl does not even have sense to know that she's still in her uniform.
"Austin!"She screamed as I held my brother's hand. Was she surprised?, Or did she think I came her for her?
"Mr Sam, you shouldn't be drinking with an high school girl in an open bar and she's still in her uniform."I said.
"Let go of my hands, you fo..ol"Sam said with anger booking inside of him. He had probably hated me for staying behind and supporting father in all that he does.
I quickly let go of his hands. I looked at the girl,
"Havel, right?"I asked
OMG, did Austin just stop Mr Sam?, Was he thinking about me?, Did he follow me over to my house?
He has such masculine hands. How I wish he'll just hold me tight with those hands.
I am so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even hear him speak.
"Hey!"He screamed.
"Yes"I woke up from my thought immediately.
"Aren't you Havel?"He asked again.
"I am, what are you doing here?"I asked.
"I should be asking you, an underage in her uniform trying to drink with a teacher. What will you do if you get caught?"He asked.
I was dumbfounded and short of words. Mr Sam carried his bag angrily.
"Am out of here"Mr Sam said, "see you at school Havel"
"Yes sir, am sorry for today, I'll buy you a drink next time"I apologize.
"Are you still talking about drinks?"Austin asked.
I wonder if he is concerned or he's just trying to pick on me.
"Why shouldn't I talk about it, you are not the one to tell me what to do or what not to do"I fired back.
I walked out angrily. He sure knows how to spoil someone's day.
On getting to the restaurant, my mum sat in front of the shop.
"Where have you been?"She asked.
"Around, is Stanley back?"I asked.
"Yes, he just went home. "She replied.
"Mum close up so that we can go too"I said.
"I have a customer"She said smiling, "a very handsome one"
"Who?"I asked and walk inside, only to find Ray, sitting alone while eating.
I quickly rushed outside.
"Mum!, Why is he here?"I asked, my mum smiled.
Thank Goodness I have my makeup on. I quietly walked inside and sat in front of him, just a seat away.
"Hey,"I said to gain his attention. He raised his handsome face up and smiled slightly on seeing me.
"What are you doing here?, Are you here to eat?"He asked with a surprised face.
"Ummm... My mum owns the restaurant"I said shyly. I thought he was going to downgrade me but instead...
"Wow, so nice and pretty. I love the food here, your mum is a great cook"He commended.
"Thanks"I said, "hope you are enjoying your meal?"
"Yes"He answered.
After his meal, I escorted him home. As we were walking on the street talking and joking, we sighted Austin at the same bar I and Mr Sam went for a drink. He looked drunk.
"Talk about an high school student who shouldn't drink"I said mockingly.
"Austin has been drinking since 8th grade, it's not something new for him. But getting drunk?, Something might be up"Ray explained.
"Oh, shouldn't we get him home?"I asked
"I wished I could but I have an appointment now"Ray said.
I knew he was lying, he shouldn't lie about that. If he don't want to help, he should say so.
"Maybe we should get a cab to drop him home"I suggested.
"Okay"We both agreed.
I really want to get more closer to the beauty in front of me. She has a very nice heart and best of all she's caring.
For someone to agree to help Austin, that person must have a big heart cos Austin is a thorn to the flesh.
We both put him in a cab, and gave the driver his address.
"Why don't we sit for a drink?"I offered.
"Oh...Kay"She replied. Seems more like she was contemplating on whether to drink or not.
"That's nice"We walked back to the bar and ordered a bottle of beer.
After drinking, I escorted her back to her house and bid her goodnight. I watched her enter through the gate.
💜. ❤️. 💙
During the weekend, I decided to visit a small library around my neighborhood.
"Good morning, Mr Jim " I greeted.
"Good morning beauty, you have no make up on today but you still look beautiful"Mr Jim complimented. He is a very nice man.
"Thank you"I said, "Am here for a novel, it just got released"
"Oh, you mean KING OF ELVES"he asked with a wow expression.
"Yes,"I replied.
"It just remain one copy"He said.
"I need that copy now"A familiar voice said.
And I have no makeup on!😳😳😰😨🤧🤢
Who do you think that familiar voice is?
Ray, Sam or Austin?

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    Mark Chester Nicolas



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    Jay Alexis Seeres



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    Nora Wong



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