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The house was a four bed room apartment and it belongs to the Oladele. Just a week with the family brought a lot of tears to her eyes as it makes her remember her family fondly.
Of course, why wont she?
They are exactly like hers, for a bit difference!
In the family, there are four children, Imran, Ibrahim , Idris and Hikmah.
Imran is the first child of the family and he is probably in his thirties or late twenties, he keeps a lot to himself and he works…she cant say where, but she know that he lives so early in the morning in his well-tailored suit that remind her of her father suits, she had met him twice, but she always clean his room every morning. The fast time was a Wednesday, it was her first Wednesday in the house in the house and he was late that day and she wanted to clean his room only to stumble on him at the room entrance. It was obvious that he was in a hurry.
“Salamualykum… I am Imran, you must be the new help.” He said to her and left without even waiting for an answer from her.
The second time was on Saturday, he was at home because of it was weekend and since it was weekend, there seem to be so much to do in the house, it was that day, she understand that she might have to work more at the house than at the store.
Ibrahim was the second child of the family, he was a man in his twenties obviously and he works as well, she didn’t meet him until the Saturday, when she met him in his room looking through some files and he was not so friendly.
“What are you looking for?” he asked not smiling.
“I … was … told to come clean … I want to clean your room.” She said feeling uneasy.
“Clean my room? How would you clean when I am here… come back another time, will you?” he asked her and she swallowed hard.
“Okay… sir,” She said, she didn’t return back to his room because he never left the room.
The third son is Idris, he was in his twenties too and he is currently a corper… she marveled at the way he dressed stylishly every morning to work.
He was the first corp member that she would see that would lives with his parents, she thought corp members were usually taken to the villages or states that are not theirs, but Ibrahim case was different, he lives with his parents and drives a car to his place of primary assignment every morning and always late too.
He does not leave the house except it is past nine and sometimes, his mother had to scold him before he lives the house, he seems like the most loved and the most outspoken in the house.
Hikmah is the last child and a student at the University of Ibadan, she is the only girl and they had only met twice and just like her elder brother Ibrahim, she was not so friendly, she is always having her room disorganize every morning and thus she spend more time in her room than in it.
There was always too many books on her bed and on the floor and most times she wonder if she sleep at all.
The kitchen is usually the first place she visit every morning, her chores were usually to clean the kitchen, wash the dishes, throw away the trash bin, mop the tiles and put everything in order; these were chores she usually do within an hour.
Hajiah as her boss is popularly called is always so proud of her work.
The head of the house is Alhaji Hassan and he is a business man, he leaves the house early too and the first time she met him and was introduced to him was on Saturday and he asked her so many questions that brought tears to her eyes and she find her way to the toilet to cry her eyes out.
“You are Ashabi?” the man started and she nodded,
“Don’t you have an Arabic name or an Islamic name, my wife said you are a Muslim?” he asked her.
“My name is Yasmina.” She said to him and he nodded.
“Oh… Ma sha Allah… isn’t that a beautiful flower?” He asked and she nodded.
“So, I was told you are an orphan.” He asked and she nodded,
“Don’t you have any surviving Family members, you should be in school?” the man asked her and she nodded uncomfortably and she sighed.
“Humm….. ehm,..” She said to him not knowing what to say.
“Or don’t you want to go to school?” He asked her and she nodded, trying hard to fight back her tears.
“When did you lost your parents?” he asked further not minding her tears.
“It’s almost four years now.” She said tearfully.
“Did they die the same day?” he asked further and she nodded
“But why will your family... “ The man asked further but was cut short by his wife who entered the room that moment.
“Please let her return back to the store... She is done here... “ His wife said to him and he nodded and she was grateful.
She had her head down as she walked slowly down the street home, she was so tired ... It was her second week and just like her sister has said, she was doing more work than the money she was being paid ... But she was glad the woman allows her to eat three times a day ... She forced her to eat breakfast even when she declined.
“You don’t dare waste my food.” She will threatened , And lunch, then dinner.
even though she rarely shows he affection and does not look nice to her , one thing is clear, she is a nice woman with a heart of gold. She rarely asked her about her late parents unlike her husband and she was glad
And thanks to her... Her Salah had become better.
“Did you observe your morning Salah?” Was always her first question everyday ...
“And don’t dare to lie.” She would asked and through out her first week, the woman always insist she perform her missed Salah before starting any morning chores and by second week, she learn to wake up earlier to perform the two Raka’ah Salah.
She performed, zuhr, Asr at work.
Sometimes she struggled to perform the other two, sometimes she does not and wished to get better.
She sighed as she walked by the road side...
“Neighbor...” as soon as she heard the voice...she know who has it ... It was Ismail
He walked to catch up with her.
“How are you..I haven’t been seeing you around for a while...” He asked
“I am fine ... I got a job and I have been busy.” She said to him.
“And your sister?” he asked her.
“She did too...” She told him and he nodded.
“Oh, I thought as much... So how is work... Where did you work?” he asked her.
“At the next street...” She said and he nodded.
“That Provision store? My course mate is there .... She is the last child.” He said
“You know that girl?” she asked looking at him for the first time that evening and he nodded.
“I hope the work isn’t stressful?” He asked her and she nodded with smiles.
“Sometimes you seem nicer than your sister...”He said to her.
“Hummmm, “ She said to him.
“I just want to be your friend... I am following the Sayings of the Holy prophet salalahu alahi wa salam, He said we should be good to our neighbours ... And besides you are both girls, you might need some help...” He said to her.
“Ashabi.” She said to him.
“You said .... ?” He asked with surprise.
“My name is Ashabi... You are need to stop calling me Neighbor and addressed me by my name if you want us to be good neighbours.” She said to him and he broke down into smiles.
“Ma sha Allah... Thanks for this ... I will always call you by that ... Ins sha Allah.” He promised and she nodded at him.
“You know my name is Ismail ...” He said to her and she nodded .
“You told us that name from the first day.” She said to him.
“I am in my final year studying applied mathematics, ... “ He said
“Mathematics, you must be very good, I don’t like mathematics ... No wonder my Madam daughter is always turning her room upside down every morning.” She said to him and he sighed.
“we started our exams two weeks ago...” He said to her as they enter the compound and walked slowly to their rooms.
“Nice to meet you again , Ashabi... If you want to talk to anyone, I am just next door. “ He said to her and she nodded.
They smiled at each other and went to their different rooms.
Shade was not home, unlike her that has a fixed work time, her elder sister doesn’t, the store run two shifts morning and night shifts and the staffs are usually placed in shifts monthly which means that if you are in morning shift this month, you would be in night shift the following month.
The supermarket runs a twenty four hours facility. Each work is 7-7 and the salary is thrice her own and they have chance to a loaf of bread from the Supermarket bakery every day and thus there is always an abundance bread for them to eat every day. Her off day is Sunday.
She sighed as she sank on the bed and then she heard of the adhan call to prayer.
She went to the bathroom to have her ablution done and observe Salah, then started preparing dinner for her sister, she do eat early dinner at work but sometimes she get hungry towards the mid night, thus her sister suggested she eat again at night.
She was performing Ishai when her sister got back from work, she switched from her Uniform to a regular dress and performed Salah as well. She is still struggling with her Salah and no matter how much effort she tried.
She smiled at her sister after Salah and greeted her warmly.
“You seem to be getting better in your prayers.” Shade said to her sister as she laid on the bed tired,
“I am trying… that Madam won’t leave me until I have prayed.” She said to her sister and then mimicked the woman telling her to go and pray and her sister would not stop laughing.
“I am glad that you are enjoying your work despite the stress.” Her sister said to her.
“Yes, it is quite stressful especially during Saturdays, I keep running errands for all of them.” She said with a sigh.
“We can’t have it all. I was told getting job is by the grace of God, we are just lucky getting the job just a few days to our arrivals.” Shade said to her sister who nodded.
“Yes, we are.” Ashabi agreed and wonder what the future holds for them.
“Let’s hope things will get better soon.” Shade said and stood up from the bed and asked her what she had made.
“I made Porridge.” Ashabi said to her sister and she nodded.
“That is lovely… Ashabi… Ashabi… the chef.” She teased her sister who smiled at her sister.
Sitting in front of the house was something she would have love doing but her sister do not like her and thus she has to avoid it, but that day, her sister was not home and it was hot indoor, there was no electricity supply and thus she had every reason to sit outside and it was quite fun sitting at a corner listening to the students gist about school and the examination that they had just completed, since the death of her parents, school seem to be the last thing on a mind.
She just want to live…
Sometimes she wonder if her sister ever thought of school too.
She sighed deeply and listen to the students argument and discussion, some of them would be travelling in few days and they seem so excited about that and she know the house would be close to empty in a few days.
The building host twenty two rooms with twenty rooms housed by students, her room and the first room were the only left out.
Sometimes she do wonder how many students stayed in the whole house!
Some rooms housed at least five students and she keep seeing new faces everyday… sometimes she blamed herself that it was probably because she was not usually home and rarely have any discussion with anyone, aside from Ismail, no one interacts with her sister, however she could not blame anyone, she does not interact with anyone as well.
So it is only natural they don’t as well.
“Hey…” She heard the familiar voice and looked up.
It was him, smiling as usual and he sat down on the pavement beside her and she forced out a smile.
“Ma sha Allah, this is the first time you would be outside with the others… let me guess, your sister is not home.” He pointed out and she nodded.
“Oh yes, I guess right. So how are you doing during this hot Sunday?” He asked her and she shrugged.
“I am fine… Alihamdulilah…” She said and he looked at her with surprise.
“You mean… wait… are you a Muslim…?” He asked with amusement and she nodded.
“Yes… don’t I look like one?” She asked and watched Ismail scratched his head and apologized,
“I am sorry… subuana llah! This mouth of mine again… it is not like you didn’t look like one … but I … am sorry… I never thought you are one.” He said
“I sincerely did not know…” He said to her.
“You know you were not using hijab when you got here, like a regular Muslimah.” He said to her.
“I use head scarf now.” She said to him and he nodded.
“You know anyone can use scarves anytime irrespective of their religion. Most females use scarf when they didn’t make their hair… so once you see one who does not use scarf use it; one thing is certain… she hasn’t make her hair.” He said to her
“I have never heard of that before.” She said to him.
“That is what most female students do here.” He pointed out.
“Oh ma sha Allah… I never know you are a Muslimah.” He pointed out.
“Your sister don’t use any head cover at all… except once in a while… why?” he asked her.
“We aren’t used to it… dad and Mum didn’t make it compulsory when they were alive.” She said sadly.
“And we didn’t attend a Muslim school.” She explained to him and he swallowed hard.
“Did your mum use hijab?” He asked her.
“Yes, she use the one they put around the neck.” She explained.
“Oh… wow… but you two are adults now, you can be better.” He said to her.
“How about Salah? How often do you observe your Salah?” He asked her.
“I am trying my best, my madam forced me to observe Salah at work.” She said to him.
“Ma sha Allah, you mean Hikmah’s mum?” He asked her and she nodded.
“Then how do you pray without regular hijab?” He asked her
“What do you mean by regular hijab?” She asked him.
“You for a Muslimah to observe Salah, you need to cover up all the part of your body, leaving at most your face and Palm.” He explained .

Bình Luận Sách (183)

  • avatar
    Mañacap Janlord

    the update I really want you to walang to mga piste to walang to walang biro wa you too baby 🐥 to get the update I will let her have her have a great 👍🏻 to get the other day I will let her have a great 👍🏻 to walang you guys too and then the other one to get the update on papa mag huwat lutak jahahahhahaa to walang to walang to walang to mga guys have any to mga idol on ni no Kuni to walang biro to mga idol and then I really don't want to walang to mga guys are Akron Kay and Flo and then I r


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    Jorelyn Bermil Patricio



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    Romiell Nario

    wow iloveyou


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