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Chapter 7. Aditya

Upon arriving at the door of the faculty room, I was really afraid of being punished and sent home. I slowly knocked on the door, there was an answer. My right foot entered the faculty room first. Rendy looked at me, while I could only stare back at him with a frightened look being chased away.
Mr. Safar was still silent. I don't know why Mr. Safar is still silent. Even though I was late even very late.
"Sit down, I'm sorry for how you feel," he simply said. Instead of him changing his mind quickly this foot stepped towards my desk.
Everything is back to normal. Mr. Safar still continues to explain the research plan to be carried out in Kalimantan, for the exact location it will be carried out in Central Kalimantan. Because there are tree roots that can cure disease – I forget what disease. What is certain is that the root is very popular to foreign countries. And that root is what we will examine. We don't doubt it, we really don't! We just want to learn to research the roots of these trees and get to know the forests of Borneo which are the lungs of the world.
"Palangkaraya, we will go there," continued Mr. Safar. Suddenly his cell phone rang. But he turned it off, maybe it was an unimportant call.
Rendy suddenly stood up from his seat, probably going to give his opinion.
"We can't go to Kalimantan this month, sir, because we also have to hold a camping event to welcome new students and students. We can also hold research issues at the end of the year, sir."
Mr. Safar was still silent.
"I agree with your opinion about camping, but I don't agree with your opinion on year-end research. You want when everyone is on vacation, you have to go do some research instead?" asked Mr. Safar.
Everyone shook their heads, so did I. I don't want when people are on vacation we have to worry about research.
"Good, we will do research next month. Is it at the beginning of the month, at the end, only time will tell," said Mr. Safar then left the faculty room.
They can only hope that there will be no surprises in the form of assignments given by Mr. Safar. Hopefully.
I just remembered that I had to deliver this lunch for a student named Rizky. I've tried to find it, but it's not there. I looked for it in the faculty and it wasn't there either. So I concluded that I left the supplies with the students of the same faculty.
I wanted to talk to Rendy actually, but I saw he was busy too. So let's go home, right? Today I only have a morning schedule, tomorrow I have 2 courses. Hopefully tomorrow is a day that continues to be as useful as the previous days.
The salsa was glued to the spot. He seemed confused about where to go. In front of him is Sabila who blocks him, while behind him is Rizki, a man who likes his brother. Wait a minute! Could it be that he is Rizki whose lunch box he once left with his friend at the faculty? May be.
"Go home." Was the first word said by Sabila, her feet getting closer to the statue-like Salsa.
Randy suddenly appeared among them.
"Sa, come with me for a bit."
Salsa nodded, then began to follow Rendy which led to a small warteg on the side of the road.
"What's wrong? I think it's really important," said Salsa, continuing to stare at Rendy.
"You ...."
"What? Why are your hands shaking?"
"Erm!" Suddenly the figure of a man with athletic posture came with his glasses.
Salsa turned and so did Rendy.
"So you always come in my dreams?!"
Rendy looked at Salsa's face, while Salsa looked at this strange man's face. The man suddenly pulled Salsa's hand forcibly making the owner wince in pain.
"Hey! Let go! Who are you? You suddenly say things that are not clear and keep doing things that a real guy shouldn't do!" Randy shouted.
"Noisy! I know you're the governor of BEM in the medical science faculty, but remember one thing! You're nothing without me!"
"Aww! It hurts. Let me go, I don't know what's wrong with you, what's clear is that I never even knew you," said Salsa as she continued to move her hands to get rid of it.
"Noisy! You are the one who came and left me! You are also the one who always ruins my nights! But you are also the one who makes me feel love!"
Randy was silent.
"If you still want to survive, let go of Salsa's hand and get out of here!" Randy shouted again.
"Why? You like this girl too?!"
"Then why?!"
Salsa rolled her eyes, unable to believe what she was hearing. Slowly his hand began to fall off on its own. Salsa immediately ran away leaving everything that was really crazy according to him.
I sat limp after about fifteen minutes of running. Never understood what was going on between those two weirdos. My heart was beating really, really really fast. Not because of anything, because I just ran like crazy. Ah, that's right.
Slowly my hand began to search for the flat object that I had, I don't know where it was now. Wait, why don't I just sell this flat thing? At least until I get a job to buy a new one or maybe not. Not too far from where I sat there was a shop selling cellphones. Slowly I began to put the flat object on the table.
"Sir, I want to sell my cellphone."
"Wait a minute, where's the cellphone?" He started asking.
"This one, sir," I said, showing my old cellphone.
"Huh, are you a creature of the past? What are you talking about. This cellphone isn't even that old anymore, but... it's rarely used and might be called an antique. Well maybe. oh forget it."
"Can you give me the price for my cellphone?"
"Okay, only one hundred thousand rupiah, if you don't want it, fine," he said lightly. Ah, if only he knew I really needed the money right now.
"Can you raise it just a little bit? Just a little bit?"
"You mean you're begging? Seriously, I can only raise the price up to two hundred thousand rupiah, if you want."
"Of course. Thank you very much, sir."
After everything was done, I immediately went to the market to buy ingredients for making cakes. I've decided to just sell it. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder which made me turn around to see who it was. My eyes widen, he is Aditya, my older brother who is in Surabaya. Wait, since when was he in Jakarta?
"So? This is how you were when you lived with that old woman?"
"That woman you call old is Mama!"
"Then?! I don't understand what makes you special in Papah's heart, but he clearly misses you until he is hospitalized!"
I don't want to argue with him. He's older and I respect him, it's better to keep walking away than to be in the presence of someone like Kak Adit.
"I tried to call your number, it turns out you've also sold your cellphone. How many more things are you going to sell?! I just hope you don't sell the gold necklace from Papa!"
I still walked away, even though I still heard Adit's screams. I'm just being stupid.
My feet stopped, then slowly turned around. "So?"
I rode the motorcycle taxi, then left Kak Adit in anger.

Bình Luận Sách (456)

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    da Silvathalita

    top mt bom


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    muito interessante!


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