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Chapter 6: My Daughter

[Rodolph Crambell Point Of View]
I know I have been neglecting my duties lately...
The reason is because I kept on thinking about my daughter even at work, even when I'm supposed to be doing my job, yet here I am neglecting my work for just this reason.
I know my daughter, I am aware of what she has done lately, that's why I'm worried sick that she might do it again, that's precisely what I thought.
When I heard about the news of her disappearance, I couldn't focus on work nor did I do my job as the empire head knight, though in many ways, I am worried about her sudden (indifferent) changes after that incident.
My daughter is a lovely child, without her, I cannot continue aiding the empire, when I know I'll be its downfall. Without my daughter, I can't be the empire's sword because my daughter is the reason I had kept my title as the heavenly sword of the Razian Empire, and without that reason, my worth is useless and I cannot continue further.
She tried to kill herself... That's what the Lordest Son told me... She looked so sad when she gazed at the lake's water but then she completely lost herself and tried drowning herself or such (jump) off the lake... The Lordest family is known to be different in many perspectives, they are not a family of liars so I know he was telling the truth.
He witnessed my daughter in her suicide attempt, that is why I'm grateful because he was there to save her in time, if not, she could have lost her life and I won't know what to do so I was grateful.
Now, the problem is that she looks energetic to train her frail body and I'm worried. Her sudden changes seem so (mature) in a way I can describe it. My daughter before the incident hated formality when she's talking to me. She is not reluctant nor does look like a walking dull person who has no sense or expression written on her face.
She is not cold-hearted nor does she seek command, my daughter is a sweet and innocent child who I treasure the most. She is but my loving daughter that I cherish the most but she is different from how I had remembered her before everything fell apart.
I don't know if she's alright or not... She acts so maturely that she sometimes slips a tongue when we talk about natural conversation, like before, she told me that I can command her if I like and she'll obey it one way or another.
She said those words like a soldier... However, when she realized that her tongue slipped, she immediately looked at me with surprise covering her mouth. She then looked at me with embarrassment and instead of talking to me about it, she shrugged her head and changed the topic.
She became so reluctant and reflexive, she's not the smartest before but she became so clever after a few days of reading every book she was interested in the library. Most of the books she read were about politics and history, more military books and medical books.
Anna confirmed that she was studying politics, she said that she really did read the medical books and the politics historical books, she then said that she asked the physician about basic first aid medicine making.
Why would she learn about that, and for what purpose? I don't know anymore, the more I think about it, the more I'm getting worried, she's my daughter, a daughter I love so much that is why I'm worried that I can't work properly.
"What do you think, marquis? "
The question took me back from reality and now I was looking at a man in front of me. He carries a document in his hands, beside him are 3 more of the noble lords present at today's meeting.
I was left in an awkward situation because I haven't really listened to their discussion since the start.
"Pardon? " I asked but he just gave me a disappointing look.
This is Count Laniel, beside him is Marquis Lordest, Baron Alex, and Colonel Rodrigo, the second child of Duke Pelenia. Laniel is one of my trusted men, he is the captain/major of the 5th division army, order of the phoenix, and a medical student of the Medical Department. These three are my companions in the 1st division, they are seniors of the 1st division.
Colonel Rodrigo is the 1st division instructor, while Marquis Lordest is the one that manages the military salary, expenses and weapon budget, and Baron Alex manages the small upcoming knights of the remaining division, he is one that accepts those who will be knighted and will be given to a separate division.
"Are you not listening, marquis? Is something wrong? " He asked, although I'm very unsure of my actions, I give up thinking about my daughter and breathe in deeply.
"I dazed a little, what are we talking about again? "
They look at me one after another, then they look at one another before they look at me once again. This time, worry was written on their eyes... I can't blame them... I'm out of my mind lately, I couldn't focus nor am I resting...
"Is this about the incident of Lady Seira? We understand if you feel a little bit worried, marquis, but today is not the day to be worried, we are talking about a military issue here regardless of Pionel and his rival enemy, Cardi, they are making a mess of our reputation as the 1st division, so we must think of a solution. "
I see, the topic is about those two troublemakers... We can't really punish both knights, because they are both noble lords from both noble ranks, their father will have they're non-stop bubbling once again so they consider this issue important even though it's just a quarrel between comrades.
"Their parents are noble lords, so their actions come from that pride that they are both noble children, they underestimate the 1st division military discipline, however, I cannot take another of those bastards mumbling about nothing but insults, so you consider this issue important when you know what to do? " They nodded but Count Laniel didn't seem to be agreeing with me so he frowned.
"Marquis, this fools had been making a mess of our prestigious name, we are knights of the empire and to the military division, we are not a babysitter of both punks, " said Laniel. He does have a point too, these troublemakers had been a headache since they joined the division.
"I don't think we can punish them, however, we can at least give them a reward."
"Reward? I'm not getting it, marquis... Why are we rewarding those troublemakers? "
"The knights' vacation house is near Forest Haseon, right? It's filled with nostalgic monsters inside a box of barriers, reward them with 2 days of vacation in that place and call it a reward. They won't complain about it since it was called (reward) right? "
"That's true, I see, you are planning on trapping them inside a place that they aren't aware of... So in order for them to learn teamwork, I will trap them for 2 days... "
Now that this issue has been resolved, we have other topics we need to discuss with the 2nd division colonel, but he sent word that his wife was unwell and he cannot attend the meeting.
I just have to sign his leave for the remaining day... However, the 2nd division will be unmanaged for the remaining days and I'm worried that those fools will use this time to laze around.
*Knock* *Knock*
"Marquis, are your meetings over? Someone is here to see you, shall I permit her to come? " Another voice echoed through the other side of the door.
This is my office so it's no wonder someone will be coming. I look at Count Laniel... "Let's dismiss this meeting for now, it seems that we don't have any other issues to discuss. " He nodded and looked at his companion.
"Let her in! "
I was going to drink the tea beside my table but when the door was open in front of us, a figure so small I didn't even notice it was there appeared before my eyes, her white hair swayed in the strong force of wind coming from my window behind me.
She walks clumsily at the entrance of the door and when she notice that we are all looking at her, she immediately lift her dress and bow.
"Greetings milords, " she said and then I immediately stood up in shock.
"Yes, papa? " She carried a basket in her hands and she approached me.
"I came to visit you, I took some fresh snacks, Anna helped me to prepare. " The count's eyes looked at me, even Colonel and Baron Alex, they seemed to be new to this experience. I am also new to this, she didn't like my office so she didn't come here before... But now...
"Atina? "
"Yes, papa? " She keeps on calling me papa now... God she's so cute...
I kneeled to match with her height and took the basket she was carrying. "Did you come alone? " She shrugged.
"I came with Sir Adrian, he was so nice to escort me here! " Adrian? Eh, one of my students back in the residence, he is the captain of the Crambell Troops working under our house.
So she had met him already... Did she perhaps go to the training field? I wonder...
I lifted her and carried her into my arms, then I put the basket down on the table as we seated back to my chair.

Bình Luận Sách (377)

  • avatar
    Aisha Abi Mangulamas



  • avatar

    your doing good keep up! this story 💖 making me feel mix emotions 💖


  • avatar
    Shalstyne L. Siga

    you've done great 💖


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