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7 Episode 7

He quickly rushed out of the room and searched for Zara'm everywhere.
And he couldn't catch a glimpse of her which means she is gone, and he may probably not set his eyes on her again in this life.
"Oh no, she is gone for good! even after all the promises she made!"
"She still left me!" Mikel said as he kneel down with tears
"No, no, Mikel you gat to control yourself now, you are alone"
"Calm down, keep... calming... down..." Mikel was mumbling as he places his two hands on his chest.
Although he was trying for him not to make himself to get angry right now.
Because not even Wisdom not to talk of Zara'm is around, so if he ever gets out of hand right here.
It is just going to be so brutal to the people around this area.
Moreover, after he must have finished calming himself down.
He opened his eyes just to see a young charming girl of 18 standing right in front of him.
"Who are you...? sorry... my bad" the lady said as she started opening her bag.
While Mikel was just looking at her.
"Umm... what are you doing like that?" The lady asked as she brings out a tissue and hand it over to him.
For him to use and clean up the tears that are pushing down from his eyes like a river.
While Mikel takes some minutes to stare at her before collecting the tissue.
"Thank you!" Mikel said as he collects the tissue and get back to his feet.
And then smoothly clean up his tears.
"So... why are you crying, did you lose someone?" the lady asked.
"It doesn't matter, she is gone" Mikel replied.
"And I think that she must be very important to you right?" the lady asked.
"Yeah, very important..." Mikel replied as the lady nodded.
"I know how it feels, when I lost my family, my whole family"
"I can really say that it truly hurts when we lost the people we love..."
"So much, it pains a lot," the lady said as Mikel stares at her because of the painful news she narrated.
He can really see that her problem is far different and worst.
Although it is time he needs to vacate from her so that he won't end up killing her again.
But he after all feels so sorry for the girl, that's such painful news.
And that's the same thing the bosses of his pack, mean the alphas of his pack went through.
"Am very sorry for your loss" Mikel said to her.
"It is fine, I believe it is all a past story, nothing will ever gonna change that"
"But they are in my heart" the lady responded, showing that she is still strong enough to move on with her life.
"Yeah, sometimes we accept the things we can't change but we don't let it go like that" Mikel replied.
"What do you mean by that?" the lady asked as she was so confused by that word.
"You see... something similar to yours happened to my boss"
"They are twins, their family died, father and four sons died in one day, just remaining their mother," Mikel said to her.
"Hmm, that's just so sad, but what killed them?" the lady asked.
"A man killed them, and he didn't stop there, not up to a month"
"Their mother died, just because of this man again"
"But this time around, they didn't let it go, they fought back and got their revenge"
"And that becomes the only thing they can do" Mikel concluded.
"Are you saying that I have to fight back?" the lady said to Mikel.
"Hmm... maybe, but what killed your family?" Mikel asked.
"A fucking dark spirit did it" the girl replied.
"What kind of spirit is that?" Mikel asked.
"Well, I don't know, because I didn't see it" the girl replied.
"Hmmm... when did this happen, when you were a kid?" Mikel asked.
"No, it's not quite long, I recently lost them, that happened last Friday," the girl said.
As Mikel begins to stare at her, that was the same day his situation became worst.
He remembered entering people's houses and killed them.
And he remembered trying to chase a girl when Zara'm came for him and took him home.
"Last Friday? what really happened?" Mikel asked, although he wanted to hear the other side of the girl's story before concluding that he is the one that did it.
"We are in the dining taking our dinner that night" the lady begins explaining what happened as Mikel's memory keeps reflecting on the incident.
"We heard a noise in the backyard, my dad went to check, to know what's wrong"
"We are still in the dining, feel so relaxed because we thought that it was normal"
"But we heard my dad scream with a loud voice" the lady keeps explaining as Mikel was already breathing heavily.
Because that's exactly what happened that Friday when he massacred people.
"My mum rushed and the same thing happened again"
"My brother asked me to run, and I didn't take up to five steps away"
"When my brother screamed and then I felt that something was after me"
"Well, I didn't look back, because I was so afraid, it was so terrible, I was screaming"
"But I think someone saved me, or maybe the owner of the fucking spirit"
"I heard someone called it a name, a human name of course"
"I can't recall that name, well, after the voice called him, I didn't know where it was again"
"Although it was a sleepless night for me, because..." the girl said as she turns to look at Mikel.
She was not looking at him while narrating the story.
But just for her to look at him now before she ends her story.
She discovered that Mikel is already down in tears.
"What's wrong...?" She said as she become so confused.
Although she wasn't too confused, she understand that Mikel was crying before she met him.
Which he said that she missed someone so dearly to him.
So the lady thought that maybe she reminded him of a painful memory.
"Okay... am sorry... I reminded you of a painful memory?" the girl asked.
"It doesn't matter, what matters is that I hate my life" Mikel said with tears as he started walking away.
Although the lady has not yet understood where his words are heading to.
"Am so sorry if I reminded you of what I wasn't supposed to remind you" the girl said.
But Mikel didn't mind her, he continue walking away without uttering any word to her.
"Look am sorry... I don't even know you, can I know you please?" the girl said to him
And she was seriously following him at his back.
Besides, she finds him so attractive and she likes him and feels like knowing him.
But just sad that Mikel doesn't even care for his reason.
He needs to hide his identity from the girl for the girl not to be aware that he is the one that actually murdered her whole family.
"You don't know me? yes you don't, and I don't feel like you should know me"
"Because if you know me, you will never feel like knowing me" Mikel indirectly warns her.
But she is still yet to understand what he was trying to say.
She feels like maybe he is the cause or the reason why he lost the person he is crying for.
"Are you trying to say that you are the reason why you lost her?" the girl said to him.
But he still didn't interject, he keep going forward instead, as tears keep running down from his eyes.
And the lady ran to his front blocking him from moving forward.
And then Mikel stand straight with his arms folded and he was silently looking at her.
"I know some of us do mistakes, if you are the reason you lost her"
"That doesn't mean that you should hate yourself okay?"
"Everyone makes mistakes, and mistake is always," The lady said to him.
But he still did not utter any word, but the girl did not mind.
She used her right hand and clean up his tears "Well, am Birdie, can I know you?" the lady said as she brought her hand forward for a handshake.
"Sorry but I think you should avoid me if you want to live a better life"
Mikel said to her as he moves with speed heading directly to the forest of trees side.
"Wait please...?" Birdie shouted to him but he keeps running away.
Birdie can not run after him with the speed required because of her dress.
So she was just walking after him, but Mikel keeps running away.
Till when he gets to an area where he thinks that she can no longer see him.
He puts two of his finger in his mouth and blow a whistle and then the white ultima wolf arrived.
He jumped to the top of it and sat on it and it carried him and starts running home.
The ultima wolf? the ultima wolves are two, they are black and white.
It is a wolf bigger than humans and well portable for transportation.
Well, the wolves are owned by the Alphas, they use them as a means of transportation.
Although they rendered the white one to Wisdom and Mikel.
When they told them that they are on their way to go look for a cure to Mikel's issue.
But they are set to return the wolf, once they are done with the mission.
However, Birdie still arrives at that location when Mikel must have gone very far away.
"He suddenly disappeared?" Birdie mumbled and then walks back to the clubhouse.
Which is the place she normally works.
★At V.S.W.I★
Stella and Switzer plus Zilla and some other workers were shown to be in the underground of the building.
The underground is where they install their vital types of equipment.
Either for war, treatment, or something else, but what they install in the underground is mostly their war equipment.
Besides the underground looks, so beautiful even the ground they are matching is made of gold.
"Jesse, pick up that red portion" Stella ordered the worker.
"Yes ma" the worker answered as she run to the glass and press some code and the glass opened as she pick up the portion.
"Boss, what's that use for?" Switzer asked.
"It is actually for treatment, it it's for Mikel, the work is to wash away bad blood..."
"That doesn't match the body" Stella answers.
"Wow, that's wonderful" Switzer who was busy learning responded.
But Zilla walks away heading to the place he is in charge of.
Which is the war equipment apartments, although he also came to pick something for their work.
"Umm Switzer I actually find out that you are angry with me"
"Because of the way I reacted to you last night, but am sorry"
"I was provoked" Stella apologized to Switzer and Switzer was like, wonderful!
"It's alright, it's fine, but Zilla..." Switzer was still saying when one of the workers interrupted.
"Ma, Zilla is calling you," Jesses said to her.
"My Queen over here, I have something for you" Zilla shouted.
And Stella abandoned her discussion with Switzer and go after Zilla.
In other to know what the surprise is all about
★At the club★
Wisdom's car was shown as it drives into the compound and stops with force.
As the car stops, the door opened and Wisdom jumps out of the car.
He entered inside the hostel, it is not yet night for club.
So no one was there, only a few people were inside taking some chilled drinks.
He gazes around the whole area, Mikel was not there not to talk of Zara'm.
Besides Birdie was busy inside but she actually saw him and know that he must be looking for Mikel.
"Hmm, things must have gone very wrong, where the hell are they?" Wisdom said in his mind as he gently walks to outside.
Just to see a young girl which is "Birdie" coming after him.
"Hi... are you looking for someone?" Birdie asked.
"Do you work here?" Wisdom asked.
"Yeah, this is my office" Birdie answered as she walks to him and brought her hand forward for a handshake.
"Am Birdie, nice to meet you" Birdie said to Wisdom.
"Am Wisdom, nice to meet you too" Wisdom replied as he shakes her.
"So are you looking for someone?" Birdie asked.
"Yeah, he is fair not too fair, average height, did you see him?" Wisdom asked.
"Yes... is he your friend?" Birdie asked.
"Oh yes, is he okay? where is he?" Wisdom asked.
"I think that he is not okay, but he should be at home by now because he ran home" Birdie replied.
"Oh thank you" Wisdom replied as he tries to walk away but suddenly stop and turn back.
"Who is he to you?" Wisdom asked.
"He is a friend but am yet to know him" Birdie replied.
"A friend and you are yet to know him?" Wisdom asked.
"Yes I am yet to know him and I really feel like knowing him"
"Please can you help me?" Birdie requested.
"You want to leave your hotel?" Wisdom asked.
"I have workers" Birdie replied.
"Okay pop into the car then," Wisdom said as she rushed into his car.
And he slowly reversed, heading straight home.

Bình Luận Sách (98)

  • avatar

    very good


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    Roque Contante Batalla

    very nice stories


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    Bong Bong

    very good


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