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Shattered Castle

Shattered Castle


Chapter 1 Introduction

Emmanuel Ugokwe


Be mindful of the fact that all the settings, incidents, places and characters in this novel are entirely fictional, only that African political system is accurately presented to the extent possible in the light and present judgment. For emphasis, it is purely the author’s invention and ideas. They have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. Any resemblance of the story with a character or incidents is pure coincidence.
There are reasons to proffer that shattered castle would come to an end when the government of the entire earth would be taken over by a higher source and then theocracy as the new system of government would come in full force . The whole system would be transformed, to favor mankind in general. The author in his belief prepares the mind of the reader for the past, present and likely future happenings.
The country is a powder keg waiting to explode in the hands of the devil that carries stigmata. Sacristans, who drink fresh blood, sleep with strumpets, excreted into the cencer and steal from sacristy. The flies by night bite the house owners and mercilessly suck them dry. Bands of renegades living outside the rear of moral decency. They are at the corridors of power …the hero castle shattered and there seemed to be no hope...
“ First, all who forget history are doomed to repeat it. A man has the right to remember the ugly things that had happened to him - the past history that should not be forgotten’
Second, every civilization that has existed had ultimately collapsed. History, though a living link to things that should always be remembered, is a tale of efforts that failed, or aspirations that were not realized. So as a historian, one has to live with a sense of the inevitability of tragedy’
The third and ultimate is the reason, very obvious and stands that all men living today belong to a single specie and are derived from a common stock making us the world and the children of the world. Then race, which simply and ultimately one of the partially isolated gene pools into which the human species came to be divided during and following its early geographical spread. The paradox which faces
us, which is that each group of humans appears to be externally different, yet underneath these differences there is fundamental similarity”.
On the verge of recovery came another blow. The death of a reformer. Suddenly, Mr. Zack a strong fighter of moral piracy of political code and doctrines died on a plane crash .Investigators examining the wreckage ruled political sabotage. The elimination was inconsistence with the time-tested democratic system in practice in the country and elsewhere in the world. It became a tragedy and wound that never healed so fast. Things would never be the same again. History was forgotten and mistakes are to be repeated. Mr. President who headed the saddest chapter of the nation’s political history was fingered as directly responsible. Then came Mr. Ribadau who was dropped after along service at the altar of the ordained thin god Mr. President .He too died of political assassination. The double tragedy marked the genesis of a legal Ping-Pong that saw Mr. President behind the bar in just three years afterward.
This deeply affecting super story is a true reflection of characters of callous politicians who have no shame, no credibility, and no conscience in whatever things they do. Politicians who fall short of virtuous qualities - filled with greed, hypocrisy and playing on the gallery of unprincipled conduct. After a flash of thought I imagined what gave him this inspiration and it was plainly that he was born to write. The depth of character delineation, contrasting setting, narrative twist, cosmopolitan subject and careful diction made the story and the author outstanding among his young contemporaries.
Urbis reviewer
I hope so well that this story is going to make a wide appeal to the literate public especially those in the political arena. Wonderful.
Associate professor of law
University of Iceland
I believe this is a constructive affront to whom it may concern ………………..the way the author handled the chosen today drop tomorrow in politics is exceptionally sensational , raising the level of suspense not only in readers mind but also in the characters which is just natural in a political arena – a so uncertain place . The make-believe is so real leaving man to what he really is - tricky and evil.
c. Oyoke
Another good thing from Africa. Another voice so loud and clear. You have done well.
It is laudable. Well done.
Wisdom Hanson
You are a literary genius for the 20th century. I wish I could be more like you
Karina Tams
Hong Kong
You are naturally a writer. I lack more words to describe you.
Ken Joe Brown
Achebes, Wole Soyinkas and Adichie”s are all coming up again. I loud you.
You are a gift to this generation. We will grow to see you grow wings and perch on the trees around our gardens and sing to our ears a melodious song of life, hope, and peace. Had I wing like you; I would have carried my pen with pride wherever I go.
Black Angel
This is simply a super story. One thing I like about him is that despite his age and limitation, he tell African story in a simple way that it needs no amplification.
Cardwell G.
Maine America
I have the pleasure to dedicate this work to Sally Cardwell, who is a mother, a friend, a soul searcher, a living hero, a treasure and. …
I am delighted to have known many persons who have prepared me for this day. They are really to me good and well-meaning friends. They are listless, but for references, I wish to remember as many as possible for the fact that they were especially helpful to me when I translated my thought into a plausible reality in this script. With their informed and congenial guidance I thoroughly give in my best. They are Udoka Henschel Okechukwu who is a loyal friend. Then Samuel Anele who never called, but then he teased, he told me ones that he missed me. I miss you too. Emmanuel Eze who tease me always by calling me a great man and Prof. how could that be when I am only …... I have always loved you.
Also Benjamin Nwankwo’s family who smiles into my face.
Wisdom Hanson who was valuable in explaining concepts.
Chibuzoe Oyoke who first read the work and wrote a stimulating review on it.
My many old and selfish friends who never called and who sometimes sent me text messages.
Agozie, Emeka , Endy, Ifeanyi and many others – the small boys who flashed with figure my cell phone number during the many nights and days of this work.
The old papa Okoroji, a friend and the man I respect for his wisdom who entertained me socially and intellectually. Then papa Denis Nwajiaku who is to me a treasure. I love his concepts, his humility, his calm disposition, his understanding about things and life, and his love for the truth and above all his …
My younger sisters Goodness, Miriam and kindness and brothers Hatesin, Daniel-gift and Precious, Nathan who even as small children spent greater chunk of their time demanding for biscuits and asking many distracting questions.
I am glad to be associated with you all.
I also remember the beautiful scenes which rise before me as I write, along with faces of friends and voices which appears and spoke silently, whispering into my ears what we are use to while I was at Ebedi hills writing during my writers residency.
And grandmother while she's no longer with us, she would have cared to read this story, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss her at least for this moment. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.(the living)
To my sister Love, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them. In my family, we don’t know cousin. We are brothers. So they are all brothers.
And to flute player … wisdom Hanson the unsung hero of my work, who built the best — the best friendship, I think, maybe more than a brother who never cared he is a full blown brother. He will live.
To my father … who's been with me every step of the way.
The Author
Emmanuel Ugokwe in his twenties hails from Uzii in Ideato North Imo State. He schooled at Iheme memorial grammar school Arondizuogu and secondary comm. School Osina respectively. He hold a certificate in law from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and currently a student of the University of Kandala ,Nsukka . He had won Kandalan prizes and in 2008 won Wordinaction international writing competitions in England. He was also the winner 2008 ANA/Senator Ken Nnamani prize for Igbo literature, ANA/TFA@50 Art prize and 2008 Igbo man of letters. In 2009 he won Princess Hastrup prize for the best researched work and in 2010 pre-emptive international writing competitions, 2010 50 stars@ 50 Kandala writing competitions. He was the 2011 Ebedi International Writers Residents. He is a member association of Kandalan authors and other literary organizations.

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    nice story


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