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Chapter 4

Eliana P.O.V.
It's been a month since I left andrei and I don't know if I'll ever go back. I knew he hated me for making me leave him for no reason. I just hope that no one else comes to his news.
"Lia, where are you?" cried mother rosa
I came out of my room "I'm here mom" I answered softly
"Didn't I tell you never to lock yourself in your room? You might suddenly be attacked son" they adopted me and considered me a child and neither father lemuel nor father lemuel had a child
"I'm just lying down" I excused
"Come join me at the market and I'll buy our food" I just took my mask and went out. When we shopped I noticed how much mom was shopping.
"Then why did we buy so much? Is there a visitor?" I wondered
Mom just nodded and walked ahead. When we got home, I also helped cook the dish. When we finished cooking I felt tired.
"Now let me sleep first" I said goodbye here and then entered the room.
Neil P.O.V.
Here we are in Palawan and we are just making our way to the house of the occupier at Eliana. When we got to its house we knocked.
You can describe it as a beautiful house. All I know is that Eli has the ability to take care of him. He owns a hacienda.
"Are you lia's friends?" lia? Ah eliana by the way ria and I nodded softly "Come in" she let us in to their living area. Their house is simple but old "I'm Rosa, you can call me mother Rosa" she said with a smile
"I'm Ria Gonzales and he's my boyfriend Neil Velasquez"Ria introduced us.
"I already know you sister, my daughter always tells you stories" She laughed at what she said maybe Eliana said something that was silly of us! Oh noo! "I'm sorry, aren't you? And I called Lia as my child, I'm just used to called her that and my husband and I don't have a child" She added with a smile.
"It's okay, Lia needs it and she doesn't have a parent anymore. The met an accident six months ago" I said with a smile.
"Where's Eliana?" I noticed she was not here when I rolled my eyes
"She's still sleeping, I'll take you there but I'll take you to your room first" we thanked and she took us to their guest room first then took us back to Eliana's room "I'll leave you first" she said smiling then left.
We approached the bed where Eliana was. ‘The size of his weight’ is the first thing I noticed about her, she is no longer that knowledgeable because now I am sure when you touch her and you feel her bone.
Ria suddenly grabbed me when she saw the condition of her best friend.
"Eli" burst into tears as she mentioned her name
"Sshh! Let her rest first" and squeezed her hand
"Babe, why does all this have to happen to Eliana? She's a very smart person. She helps a lot" She said as her tears continued to flow. I turned her to me and wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"Eliana doesn't want us to cry, so she stayed away from Andrei so Andrei wouldn't get hurt, right?" he just nodded and adjusted himself then sat on the side of Eli's bed and gently stroked her hair.
"Eliana, I miss you so much" he said and kissed his best friend on the forehead. I approached where they were and sat on its side. We watched Eliana sleep, When she woke up she was surprised to see us.
"H-how did you get here?" wondered its question
"We found out about your condition so we left work immediately and went here" I replied
"You shouldn't have bothered to come here, sorry for the fare" She said shyly
"Don't you want to see us?" contributing says Ria
Eliana shook her head when Ria asked "Of course I want" then hugged the two of us "I miss you so much" and laughed at the same time "How are you?" She asked smiling
"We're okay but we can't help but worry about you" Ria replied sadly
"I'll be back in almost a month or so!" then we held hands "Don't worry about me I can do it, I will not give up I just really need to do it for my husband's life" I sighed at what he said. But your husband has a flirtatious woman and worst he hates you.
"Fight fight" and she even raised her hand, Ria and I tried to laugh at what she did. We were downstairs when a maid called us to eat,
When we ate, Eliana was happy that we were here, there was no sign that she had PTSD. Good then. When we finished eating Eliana and I were in the garden. We sat in a gazebo standing in the middle of it.
"It's beautiful here in Palawan, Fresh Air and the scenery is beautiful" she said happily
"But I know that the only reason I came here is because I have to stay away from Andrei" and averted her eyes
"Eli, what really happened to you last month? You just called Neil and suddenly said goodbye to him. I didn't see you after that, you didn't feel like someone called us that we had to come here for you so we came here quickly ” Ria was full of curiosity
“When Andrei said goodbye to me I allowed him but half an hour ago there was a knock so I opened our door but I was met by covered men and they covered my nose with a handkerchief so I lost consciousness then they closed the door of our house ”he sighed as he recalled the incident“ I woke up in a warehouse, and my clothes were also ruined I just found out that they hit me and washed me with cold water, When I woke up I was hit again they me ” her tears condensed so Ria held her hand while I caressed her back“ And they said if I didn't go away Andrei, my husband would die ”she looked up at the ceiling but the tears still disappeared he said “I thought I was going to die that day” and he cried for a long time. n I have PTSD for what they did ” he bent down and wiped his tears I-I don't know how to fight my s-my pain every night H-he attacks me when I'm sick, I-it's just a dream m-it's bad n- I remember even though I was avoiding it when I remembered that ”he held her chest so I was alarmed.
"Eliana, how are you feeling?" I stood up and supported her in the back Her shoulders were high and low and he was catching his breath
"Get her inhaler from mom Rosa quickly" Ria quickly ran into the house
"Eli, inhale exhale okay" Ria returned immediately and immediately put her inhaler in her mouth. When he woke up he suddenly lost consciousness so we were confused.
We took her to the living room and Ria fanned her, I called mother Rosa to the helpers who were also confused. Oh God! Eli is going through a lot of hardships. Please help her!

Bình Luận Sách (365)

  • avatar

    the story is interesting good job


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    Ainul Ainul

    I like reading this book because this book is very fun... I will read this book again if I have the chance I will look for another book because I have finished reading this book ahdgjsdbdhshdhgdsjdhdhsnshhdjdsnhdjkejdbxdbxbxbxbbfdkjszdjssnvyjksdhismsbdjsmsnshxdhsjdhhfjsnsvxhxbxbbxbxnxhkddjdjdjjxxnndndhjddjdjjdndjdfhhdjdhdjdjhdndnxbndnshdhfdjjdfjdjhdjdjddjhdhxjdjjynddnhdnbdbdnnnnxnnndnnddbdnnddnndndbdjhdbdbdhduksDuhehuejwqiakwososlynybhdhdhsjsjddhhdhdhddhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdheismshiwjsususjsj


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    Dela cruzGina



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