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Chapter 8

“Fine! If that's what you want then fine! We catch up, and bond like we usually do. And honestly? Spending the whole day is not enough because we miss each other! Happy now?!”
I saw the pain in his eyes. “You're that happy with him?”
“Yes. Instead of wasting your time waiting for me, just go to your lover and spend your precious time with her. If you are done with your questions, I will now go to our room to rest.”
I heard nothing from him that’s why I went straight to our room.
I did all my rituals then I went to bed.
I was about to go to my dreamland when I felt Maru's hugging me from the back.
I pretended to be asleep.
I honestly miss his warmth.
“I miss my wife! Please go back to what you used to be! What do I need to do for us to reconcile?!”
I could hear pain and longing in his voice. I continue to pretend asleep.
“I don’t have anything to do with Jana. She is just a friend. I never regret anything. I never regret marrying you. If there is something I regret doing, that is when I wasn’t able to tell you that Jana is working in our company.”
“I just thought that it didn't matter because I only see her as a friend. Even before our marriage, it's only you in my life.” I can feel and hear his sincerity.
I can’t hold back my tears.
He moved my body so I can face him.
I look at his eyes while my tears keep on flowing.
He wiped my tears and kiss my eyes and then my lips.
“I miss you wife.”
Since that night our relationship as a couple got better.
Little by little we were able to go back to how we used before.
I wanted to give our marriage a chance especially now that there will be an addition to our family.
I caress my belly. I can't explain the joy that I felt when I found out that I'm pregnant.
I've been having morning sickness for a few days now.
At first, I thought that it was because of stress because of what happened to me and Maru. But I also noticed that my menstruation got delayed. I decided to buy a pregnancy test. And I got two lines, which only means that I am pregnant!
I was smiling while I'm caressing my belly.
“Baby” I called my child.
“Thank you for coming into my life. I already love you my love even though you are still in my belly. Mommy loves you so so much.”
“Unlike me, you are not made out of obligation or responsibility, because for me, you are made out of love... My love.”
“That is why I promise you that you will never experience what I've been through.”
“The feeling that nobody wants you, that they just accepted you because they don't have a choice, the feeling that you are not welcome in their lives.”
I wipe my tears that keep on flowing. I just realize that maybe the reason why I'm so emotional in the past weeks is because of my pregnancy.
And I can't wait to tell Maru about it. I know that he also wants to have a child. The only thing is that the child is not from the woman he loves.
'Mara can you stop?! You're being emotional again!' I scolded myself.
I am busy comforting myself when my phone rang.
'Hey, Mara!'
“Why did you call me? Do you need anything?”
I heard him chuckled. 'Nothing. I just want to ask if you are free to have lunch with me?'
I look at the time. Shoot! It's already 11:30 am.
“Sure why not.”
'Okay. I'm here near your office. I'll be there in a bit.”
“Okay.” I ended the call.
I was readying my bag when I heard a commotion outside my office.
I grab my bag and decided to look at what's going on outside my office.
And when I open the door I saw two men arguing.
I frowned. “Why are you guys fighting here in my office?” I asked them coldly.
“Wife!” My husband called me and kiss me.
I raised my brow.
“So?” I asked him.
“Nothing wife. Let's go and have our lunch.” He said in a gentle voice.
“She's going with me,” Alex said.
“Excuse me?” My husband.
“I asked her a while ago, and she said yes,” Alex said with smirked on his face.
I think I'm going to have a headache because of these two.
“I'm his husband!” My husband reasoned out.
“And so?” Alex starts to tease him.
“Hep hep! You guys stop!” I gave them both a death glare.
I don't want to be stressed out. It might affect my baby.
“Since you two wanted to eat lunch, why don't you two go and have lunch together?!” I scolded them.
My husband hugs me abruptly. Whether I admit it or not, I feel okay because of his hug.
Argh! I blame my pregnancy for being this weak!
“Sorry wife!” He said sweetly while kissing my shoulder.
I saw Alex looked away.
Somehow I feel guilty for my best friend. I knew and I can still feel his love for me. I know he still loves me. But the thing is, even if I wanted to give that love to him, I can't.
I can just love him as a friend.
“Fine! Since you guys are here, let's just have lunch together.”
They are about to disagree and argue again that's why I cut them off.
“If you guys don't agree with it, then I won't be having lunch with any of you,” I smirked.
They don't have a choice but to agree with me.
It was the quietest and awkward lunch I ever had.
After that awkward lunch, I am finally at ease. I gently touch my belly.
“Baby just try to understand your dad and your uncle Alex okay?”
“Your daddy is acting like a child sometimes. While my best friend likes to add fuel to the fire.”
I can't help myself but smile while looking at those two, especially when they start putting food on my plate.
I have no choice but to eat all the food that they put on my plate.
I think it's okay to eat that much because now, I'm eating not just for myself but also for my baby.
When Alex offer to send me home I rejected him because for sure it will create another trouble.
I want to avoid stress as much as possible. I don't want to risk the life of my baby just because of them.
I was so excited when I asked my assistant to buy me a gift box. I am planning to tell my husband the good news tonight.
I put the pregnancy test in the gift box and put it in my bag.
I was about to go out when I receive a text message from my husband.
He's already in the lobby waiting for me.
When I reach the lobby, I saw him at the visitor's lounge. Girls are looking at him. I'm not surprised anymore because my husband is like an attention magnet.
Even when we were young, many girls like him. Maybe the reason why I never had an interest in him, he has too many girls to handle.
Also, he seemed not to mind me at all. That is why when Jana and Maru became a couple, many girls envied her.
She's the only girl that Maru took notice of and the only girl he courted.
I was busy recalling our childhood and college days when I felt someone's warmth.
I smile whenever my husband showing his affection to me.
“I miss you wife!”
I chuckled. “Liar! We just had our lunch!”
He pouted. “But we are not alone at that time. We had an unwanted guest.”
I chuckled. He looks like a child having a tantrum. “You’re so mean! That unwanted guest is my best friend!”
“And your ex-suitor! TSK.”
I just shook my head. “Let's stop this topic and just go home.”
“TSK.” He just said.
Then he gave me a peck on my lips.
I felt my face heated.
When we reach home, I was restless. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.
He's in the shower when I pulled out my gift for him.
I just left the gift box on our bed and then get myself ready for my shower.
When he's done, I went ahead to the bathroom to shower.
I was already enjoying my shower when I heard him asking me about the box.
“That's my gift for you!” I shouted.
I suddenly felt nervous.
I want to see his reaction but I'm scared.
I don't want to have negative thoughts but I can't help it.
I heard him knocked.
“Wife, what is this?” He asked.
“P-pregnancy t-test?” I said a bit nervous.
“I know this is a pregnancy test. But why are you--- wait! Wife!”
I became more nervous when he raised his voice.
“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!”
“H-huh?” My heart beats so fast.
I'm nervous as hell! I almost didn't hear what Maru is saying. I was busy calming myself when Maru open the bathroom.
My eye bug out. “Maru!”
“Wife! Why aren't you answering me.”
“H-huh?” I said a bit confused.
He went to me. Then something hit me. I'm in the shower and NAKED!
“Maru get out!”
I was trying to cover my body when he held my hand.
“Is this true wife?”
“Wife is this yours? Are you pregnant with our child?”
I smiled at him.
Our child.
I nodded.
“Yes!” He shouted then he hug and kiss me.
“Thank you, wife! Thank you!” He said and he started to shower me with kisses.
I just laughed.
We were just happy and looking at each other's eyes.
This is life.
How I wish that we're always like this.
“Ahh Maru, can you go out now? Because as you can see I'm taking a shower.” I said a bit embarrassed.
I heard him chuckled. And kiss me one last time.
“Okay wife!” He said and wink.
Before he went out of the bathroom he looked at me from head to toe, and he smirked.
“Sexy” then he winked.
I felt my face reddened.

Bình Luận Sách (156)

  • avatar

    Very good novel.. Romantic and help us to improve our relationship.


  • avatar

    most aso beutiful


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