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Chapter 7

Since we're on leave we get up late.
Maru cook brunch for us.
Honestly, I don't know what to do now. All I know is that I need to agree on whatever he wants to do so that he will stop bugging me, but now I have to guard my heart. 
It’s crystal clear that this marriage is just for business. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Penny for your thoughts wife?"
Maru’s question made me back to reality.
"Nothing." I just said.
"Are you still thinking about me and Jana? Believe-"
"Stop explaining Maru. We are so done with that topic." I said cutting him off.
He heaved a heavy sighed. "Okay. But what's bugging you then?"
“Nothing. I just asked myself, what if I let myself fall for someone before this marriage? Will I also have the same decision as yours? Will I easily give up the one I truly love or I will try to fight for him?” I told him. 
I saw him clenched his jaw.
My brows furrowed.
He looks away.
Then he answered. "Maybe yes, maybe no. But are you sure that you never fall in love with someone? Like one of  your suitors?”
That made me think, did I?
"Maybe?" I answered almost a whisper. 
"And who is he?" He asked curiously.
I look at him and by the way he looked at me. He looks like he’s going to kill someone.
Maybe I'm just exaggerating it, but I can see anger in his eyes.
I look away. I can't look at him because it scares me.
"I'm not sure. I have friends that confessed their love for me but I don't want to entertain them because I believe that it will only complicate things. I had enough dramas in life." I answered him.
"Are you still friends with them?" He asked but now in a more calm aura.
I shook my head. "I need to cut ties with them because I don’t want to lead them on. And it hurts like hell because they became part of my life."
"You just did the right thing wife. You were meant for me." He said in a serious tone.
I look at him.
Few seconds I heard my phone rang and saw Alex's name appear on it.
"That Alex is the guy who courted you right?" He asked coldly.
I nodded.
I’m still curious why he is calling me now. This is the first time he calls me since the day I rejected him.
I was about to answer his call when my husband caught my hand.
"No wife. You won't answer that." He said in a warning tone.
I raised my right brow. "And why not?"
"You cut ties with him remember?" He reminded me.
I nodded. "Yes, I did. But this is the first time he calls me since the day he confessed to me. This must be important."
I removed his hand to call Alex.
After two rings he answered the phone.
"Hey, Mara! I miss you!"
I frowned. "Are you drunk? It’s still early you know?!"
“I just said ‘I miss you’ and you accuse me of being drunk?!” I heard him chuckled.
“Can’t I miss my best friend? It's been a long time since the last time we’ve talked.” He added.
I sighed. "Fine. Why did you call?"
I look at my husband who is now looking so serious. He wanted to put it on the loudspeaker but I refused.
"I already told you." He said.
"Alex," I warned him.
I heard him chuckled. "Fine fine. I'm back here in the Philippines. And I'm just wondering if you are free today? Just want to hang out and catch up with my best friend after you rejected me."
I smiled. "Not today I'm on leave. Maybe tomorrow?"
My husband glared at me. But I just ignore him.
"Okay, Mara! See you tomorrow then!"
"Yes see you! Bye!"
After the call my husband confronted me.
"And what was that wife?"
"You're going out with your ex-suitor?" He asked me in a serious tone.
"He is my best friend Maru. And the mere fact that he called me and told me he wants to see me means that he already moved on."I explained.
"How can you be so sure?"
"I know him well." I just said.
He smirked. "It's good that you know your BEST FRIEND well. What about your husband?”
I pursed my lips. I didn’t like what he just said and the tone of his voice.
"Yes Maru, I don't know you well. Except for the fact that your family is rich and you are my husband! Happy now?!" I hissed.
I saw the pain in his eyes. But I just brush it off.
"Isn't it great husband? Me meeting my 'ex suitor' gave you a chance to talk to your parents and file for an annulment and marry your ex-girlfriend?!"
After that, I went straight to our room.
I decided to extend my leave to meet my best friend, Alex. 
I miss him. He is my only guy best friend. I even thought of giving him a chance when he confessed to me, but I knew that even if I did, I will still end up with Maru.
If I were to asked between him and Maru, I will choose him. You know why? Because I already know him and I feel more comfortable with him.
And the most important thing is that he loves me, I’m sure that I will also learn to love him if I gave him a chance.
I was back to reality when I felt someone hug me from the back.
“I miss you!” He whispered.
I look at Alex and smile at him. “I miss you too! Are we okay now? You are not angry or what?”
“Do you think that I will contact you if I’m still not okay? I just miss you, Mara!” He said while hugging me tightly.
Just like the old times.
I am not surprised when people assume that we’re a couple.
Alex is a sweet guy.
“Sorry, it took me months to come back. I’m hurt by your rejection.”
I feel guilty.
I let go of his embrace and touch his face. 
“I'm sorry but you know my situation right? You know why I need to reject you?”
He nodded. “Yes. I just realize it now. I can't beat him.”
“Hush don't say that.”
I can feel that he is still hurting.
“You know it's true! I just wish that my family’s wealth can stand against them so that I can fight for you. And have my chance to prove my love  to you.”
I sighed. “I am already married Alex. We can’t do anything about it. What’s done is done.”
“Yes, I know.” He chuckled.
“Let’s just stop this drama. Now, can I have a date with my best friend?” He added. 
I smile and nodded. “I free my schedule today just for you.”
I saw him smile sweetly at me. Then he grabs my hand, and we both leave that place to start our date.
It feels great to have someone you can talk to. Someone you can trust.
I told Alex everything about my relationship with Maru, from the family dinner where they announced the date of our wedding up to now.
He just listened and comforted me. This is what I miss about him. I feel like I will not able to open these things to my parents. I’m just really thankful Alex came into my life. He’s always been there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to.
It saddens me when he left me after I rejected him.
I can't blame him though, I know I hurt him big time.
He sent me home after our date.
“I wish I can extend the time today but it's already late. Your husband might get mad at you.” He said.
“I don’t think so. I’m sure he’s busy with his lover. Anyway thanks for today. I miss you. Don’t leave me again okay?”
He nodded and went out of his car to open the door for me.
He kissed me goodbye.
When he left, I decided to go inside the house.
“Is this how a married woman should act? What do you think the time is now?”  
I was startled when I heard Maru's voice.
I look at him, I can see anger on his face. I was a bit confused.
Why is he getting angry?
“It's only 8 pm, it's still early.” I rolled my eyes.
“You are with your EX SUITOR from morning till night! Then tell me what did you guys do?!” He shouted at me.
I was stunned by his sudden outburst.
“Maru please I don’t want to argue with you, I’m tired,” I said calmly.
His eyes widen. “Tired? WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?”
I felt irritated by his reaction. “Please Maru I just want to go to bed and rest.”
“No Mara! You answer me right now!”
I felt my blood rise. “Fine! If that's what you want then fine! We catch up, and bond like we usually do. And honestly? Spending the whole day is not enough because we miss each other! Happy now?!”

Bình Luận Sách (156)

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    Very good novel.. Romantic and help us to improve our relationship.


  • avatar

    most aso beutiful


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