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Chapter 2

Our wedding preparation happened so fast. I can’t believe that they can finish all the things needed for the wedding in 3 months.
If you look at how grand our wedding is, you’ll think that the preparation took more than a year to achieve this kind of wedding.
Today is my wedding day, but unlike the other bride, I felt nothing. I don’t feel nervous nor excited.
I just look emotionless as the makeup artist does my makeup.
“You know what? From all the bride that I handled, you are the only one who looks emotionless.” My makeup artist said.
I just smile at her.
She sighed. “You should be jumping with joy right now! My gosh! You are marrying Andrew Maru Ottave! You don’t know how lucky you are!”
I just raised my brow. “So what?”
Her jaw dropped with disbelief.
I can't blame her, I knew that Maru is one of the hottest guys on earth. Plus he's a freaking billionaire. What more can you ask for?
But I don't know, I felt nothing. I know he's a great guy.
After our café date, we start going out for 3 months to get to know more about each other.
And I can say that he can be a good friend to me. Just friends, I can’t go beyond that. Maybe because I know that he loves someone else.
I feel sad about their relationship. I found out that after our family dinner he broke up with Jana. Even though I told him that it is okay for me if they want to continue their relationship even after we got married.
But Maru did not agree with that idea. As per him, Jana did not deserve to be a mistress and I agree.
The wedding will start in a few minutes.
I went out of our house and ride our limousine. With me is Yelle, my best friend.
“Girl this is it! You are finally getting married!” She said, teary-eyed.
I just smile.
She softly hit me. “OMG Mara! I can’t see any emotion in you! I don’t know if you are nervous or happy! Look at me?! I’m already teary-eyed because you are getting married while you?! Emotionless girl!”
I sighed. “What do you want me to do? I don’t feel anything right now!” I said in frustration.
“You know what? I’m almost convinced that your heart is made of stone.” She commented.
I just shrugged.
“But be honest with me Mara, are you sure that you don’t have feelings for Maru? I mean OMG! That's Maru!!! He’s so freaking hot! I can’t believe that you are not attracted to him.” She asked me curiously.
I let myself think about him.
“Well... Maru is handsome, I must admit. Plus he is a gentleman, I didn’t expect that he also has a sense of humor, and he’s fun to be with.”
I didn’t notice that I am smiling while describing him.
“OMG friend!” Yelle teased me.
“Stop that! You’re acting crazy again.” I said while chuckling.
She hugs me. “I’m just happy because I prove to myself that my friend is not made of stone. You have a heart finally! And I didn’t expect to see you blush.”
My forehead furrowed. “Blush?”
She nodded and smile teasingly. “Oh yes, my friend. If you can only see yourself while you are describing him, you will see how much you admire him and... blushing.”
I thought to myself. ‘Did I blush? Does that mean that I felt something for him?’
The limousine stops.
“Girl we are finally here!” Yelle happily announces.
I look outside and I saw people getting ready for the wedding.
“Are you ready to be Mrs. Ottave, my friend?” Yelle ask me while feeling giddy.
I just gave her a forced smile.
I felt my heartbeat fast. ‘Why did I suddenly feel nervous?’
I’m not sure if what I feel right now is normal. My heart is beating so fast that I think it's going to explode.
“Friend are you okay?”
I looked at Yelle and just nodded. I can’t utter a word because of what I am feeling now.
We went out of the car. I saw my parent waiting for me.
“You’re so beautiful my child.” My mom said with admiration.
Her eyes look teary. She touched my face and hug me. I suddenly feel warmth in my heart. This is the first time that my mom did this.
I hug her back.
After that, my dad also gave me a warm hug.
“My princess will now be a queen. Are you ready my princess?” my dad said softly.
I find it so weird. My parents never did this thing to me. They act as if they care and love me.
My wedding finally started.
When the door of the church open for me to walk, I saw my parents waiting for me in the side.
When I reach them, my dad offers his hand to me. I accept it and started to walk with my parents.
Come and lay here beside me
I'll tell you how I feel
As I walk to the altar, my heart starts to race again.
There's a secret inside me
I'm ready to reveal
To have you close, embrace your heart
With my love over and over
These are things that I promise
My promise to you
Almost all the people in the church are looking at us.
They all look happy as they watch me walking.
For all of my life
You are the one,
I will love you faithfully forever
As I’m coming close to the altar, I finally saw my other half.
All of my life
you are the one
I'll give to you my greatest love
For all of my life.
He looked so handsome in his suit.
Beside him is Brent, his best man.
He is smiling at me.
Let me lay down beside you
There's something you should know
I smile at him too.
I pray that you decide to
Open your heart and let me show
Enchanted worlds of fairy tales
A wonderland of love
I don’t know what happens to me, the moment that I saw him waiting for me at the altar, I feel like the people in this church disappear. It's as if we are the only people in this place.
These are things that I promise
My promise to you
When we reach him, my heart beats crazily again.
For all of my life
My mom and dad kiss me. My dad slowly gave my hand to Maru.
You are the one,
I will love you faithfully forever
Maru softly holds my hand.
“Take care of my princess. Treat her as your Queen.” My dad told him.
I found myself smiling while hearing my dad said that to him.
All of my life
you are the one
I'll give to you my greatest love
For all of my life
“I will Uncle.” He said to dad while looking at me.
You are the one,
I will love you faithfully forever
“Ready my Queen?” I smile and nodded.
For all of my life
you are the one
I'll give to you my greatest love
For all of my life.
Everything is new to me. Not only this wedding but all of the things that are happening now.
First is my parents, they started to act as if they are loving and caring parents. And also my heart, it keeps on beating crazily.
“Are you okay?” Maru asks sweetly.
I forced myself to smile just to assure him that I’m okay.
He squeezed my hand.
I furrowed and look at him.
“Just relax. I'm here so no need to be nervous.” He said to assure me.
I heave a heavy sigh. I look at him again, this time with a genuine smile on my face.
I mouthed 'thank you’ to him.
“We have come together at the invitation of Mara Denise Almonte and Andrew Maru Ottave to celebrate the uniting in Christian love, their hearts, and lives. This is possible because of the love God has created in them, through Jesus Christ.” The pastor started the wedding ceremony.
“Jesus said, ‘I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.’ This abundant life, for many people, is an impossible dream, yet God wants us all to have this abundant life and proved His love for us by giving His Son, that we might have this life.”
“Another way that God provides for this ‘full’ life is creating those who will love us. Maru has found such a one in Mara hearts and spirits were drawn together before today by the Lord of all creation. Two lives are not united by ceremony, but only in the power, love, and grace of God.”
“Maru and Mara are here to publicly declare that because of Jesus Christ's love, they too can truly love one another. As God demonstrated His love in Jesus, our Lord, Mara and Maru will demonstrate this God given love by giving themselves to one another and one for the other.”
Can we truly love one another?

Bình Luận Sách (156)

  • avatar

    Very good novel.. Romantic and help us to improve our relationship.


  • avatar

    most aso beutiful


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