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chapter six

Please do the necessary things, doc,” I said, not thinking how costly it would be. I just want my dad to be better.
I called mom and told her we were in a hospital.
When she arrived, she almost cried, looking at my dad.
“How can we pay for this?” I asked her.
“Talk to your Aunt. Tell her we need help with money,” I was hesitant at first because my aunt was not approachable, so I was afraid of her reaction, but we had no choice. She was the only sibling of Dad who could help us right now.
Dad will be having his surgery later at night. I went to her house, which is kind of far from where we live.
I took a bus to get there, and I found her talking to her friends outside their house.
“Cara,” she said, smiling at me.
“Hi, Aunt Judy. Can I talk to you for a moment?” I said shyly.
We went inside their house.
“Is it money?” she asked right away. I smiled uncomfortably.
“I’m sorry, but can we ask for your help. Dad will be having surgery later, and you know our business is closed. Can we borrow money?” I asked, looking at the floor, so I won’t see her irritated face.
“Why? What happened to him?” she asked.
“A car hit him, and his right leg was severely injured,” I told her, fidgeting my hand.
“I told your father not to buy a motorcycle. Now, look what happened to him,” She said in disappointment. I couldn't answer her back, so I just waited for her to talk again.
“Your grandpa's land has been sold. No need to borrow. I’ll give him half of the payment.” I looked at her in shock. Not because she will give me money but because she sold the land of their parents.
Dad and Aunt Judy fights a lot because of that land. Aunt Judy likes to sell it, but Dad wouldn't allow her because he wants to build a house there.
But I guess Dad can’t do anything now that it has been sold.
“Don’t worry, Cara. I’ll talk to your Dad about the land when he’s okay now,” she said. “I’ll give you my number. Call me when you need anything. Your uncle sent a package from the US. I’ll give you some,” she said and went to the kitchen to get the goods sent by her husband.
She gave me a few canned goods and chocolates.
“I’ll visit your dad tomorrow, text me when his surgeries are done,” she said.
“Thank you, Aunt Judy. I appreciate your help.” I said sincerely.
“Your dad told me you and Carlon are afraid of me. Don’t worry. I’m just like this, but I care. Be comfortable with me, okay? Call me anytime,” she said and gave me a genuine smile.
I nodded and smiled at her. I went back to the hospital to tell mom about our conversation.
Dad's leg surgery will be later at 10 pm. I have a class tomorrow morning, so I decided to sleep here at home instead of sleeping in the hospital. I was too tired going back and forth to the hospital today, and the humid weather today makes me more tired. I wanted to sleep so bad, but my mind was a mess. I'm worried about my Dad. What would happen after the surgery? I know he can't go back to work immediately. I need to work double-time.


"Good morning, everyone!" I look at the door to see Julia holding a tray of brownies, wearing her bright smile.

"Good morning, Julia. You shine so brightly today," Alex complimented her energy.

"Thank you, Alex! Have some brownies. We baked it yesterday." She said, giving him a brownie.

"How was it?" she asked.
"It's good. It's delicious."

I watched Julia as she gave our classmates a free taste of our baked brownies.

Austin ran towards Julia. "Is there any leftover?" he asked, and he saw an empty tray. I laughed at his reaction as he looked betrayed.

"Where are the cookies?" I asked Julia.

"Inside my bag. Let's give it to our classmates on our next subject she murmured. I nodded.

After our class, I saw Austin asking our classmates if they liked the cookies and the brownies. "It's our new business. If you liked it, I'd appreciate it if you'd place an order on our websites." He said, flashing his smile to the girls.

I was thinking about what he said. A website? We haven't made one yet, so I asked Julia.

"A website?" she asked me. "Oh. Austin better makes a website later," she laughed.

Austin joined us at lunch. "Okay, fine. I'll make one later," he said in defeat as Julia kept annoying him.
The day went by slowly. I am here at the hospital with my Mom. She told me Aunt Judy visited earlier. The doctor came and advised us to take Dad on rehabilitation therapy if we wanted him to walk properly again.
I sighed. Of course, I want Dad to walk again, but where are we going to get money to pay for his therapy. I know mom was thinking the same thing.

When are we going to have a day without a problem?

Bình Luận Sách (426)

  • avatar
    Anna Masagca



  • avatar
    Mine Dimatulac

    so good 😊


  • avatar
    Nazer Fetalino

    ganda nah kwento


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