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Chương 8 after Eight years

"I think we should be going inside now," sunny interrupted, smiling at the two in front of her.
now that Xiao xiao is here she seem's to have confidence now!
"Let's go," Xiao xiao encircled her arm's in sunny's arm, "Uncli Xi, you don't have to go inside,don't worry I'll take care of sunny." she said reassuringly.
Me.Xi Lan bowed and respectfully leave as the two entered the school.
Now that Xi Lan had seen the two together he can tell the difference of the two young girls, They weren't really looked alike if you just stare at them carefully, but They could be so much alike, Yes! but the personality and their eyes were very different!
"Hello," a voice of a man reverted in the room as he answered a call, it was dark and only his silhouette could be seen, "Did you find anything?" he asked in the other end of the phone
"Sir, we found the young miss, She is now at the school. Are we going to execute the plan?" the man mumbled as he wait for the other end of the phone to say yes,
"No, that's enough for now, just keep an eye on them, it not yet the right time!" The man said before the call went off!
Bai Corporation
At the huge office of the chairman, Mr.Bai is busy reading a document when his phone ring. It rang few times before he was able to answer,
"hi, grandpa! did you miss me? because I missed you so much! I see that the little girl grown so much, she is really so pretty just like my wife! I should get her to marry me!" mr.Bai's grip on his phone tighten as his body tremble in anger!
"How dare you talk about my daughter! she was never your wife! and don't you dare lay even a single finger on my granddaughter because I will kill you!" mr.Bai said in an anger tone! if he could only see this man he was going go tear him apart a hundred times!
"oh come down, come down grandpa, your getting old already what if you faint because of your anger? right, you should come down," the other end of the phone talk so sweetly making mr.Bai even more angry!
"you son of a bitch bastard!...." before he could continue to say anything the other end of the phone hangs up!
mr.Bai couldn't help but to worry he had been using all of his connection to get this guy but no one could even find him!
while mr.Bai is being so furious because of the call, the man on the other end laugh in his room like crazy!
"just wait and see I'm going to kill my precious wife again!" he said as he laugh again!
The sunsets shines through the city, the cold breeze of the wind goes through as the nightfalls prepares to be seen, And the light of the city from afar started to light up the entire city.
A girl were sitting in the grass field, looking at the calm river of euthopia, She is wearing a simple shirt with a cute headband on her head, her long hair is dancing at the wind. holding a cake with a candles lighted in it, "Hi Jin, it's been a while since I came here, you know I've been doing fine this past year, I already graduated! and mother Su we're so happy for me, How about you are you happy for me? shouldn't you be here already to congratulate me?" Sunny said in the air, her tears started to fall down,
remembering the past she couldn't help but cried! it has been eighth year's since she left to study in the capital, and now she graduated at the University, She wants to come in here to celebrate her graduation and at the same time her birthday!
Blowing the candle herself, she closed her eyes to make a wish, ..
Sometimes sunny wonder what if Jin didn't left her? what life could she be having right now? "hah! why did she even think, of course, she will be a loving housewife to him and there future children! it was funny to think but now that I recollect the past if has always been my dream, to be your wife, it's so funny right? that up until now I still think of being with you, but it seems like you really won't come back again" sunny wipes away her tears, from now on she will try move on from him, maybe he is having a great life now wherever he is, so why can't she do that too? it's about time to start a new life without thinking of him.
"why are you crying?" Xiao xiao sat beside sunny, "why didn't you wake me up?" Xiao xiao says pouting her lips, They have started to be ave the capital this afternoon to visit the orphanage and now they are here, Sunny was driving Xiao xiao's car and on the way Xiao xiao had fall asleep those sunny didn't wake her up when she stop by at the river side of the city, it was the place she always went into when she was waiting for Jin, it was their secret place,
"you sleep like a log, how can I still wake you," sunny said as she laugh, avoiding to answer the question of her best friend!
"you're lying, I'm not like that, it you who sleep like a log" Xiao xiao rebutted, they both laugh at each other,
"we should eat that cake now, I'm so hungry," Xiao xiao said as she try to touch the cake,
"no, we'll give it to the kids, and I remembered you said you were on a diet?" sunny says as she put back the cake in the box.
"oh did I say that? I think I don't remember," Xiao xiao says not giving sunny a glance,
"silly," sunny chucked at her, as usual Xiao xiao always comfort her everytime she is sad, she would always talk nonsense to make her smile.
"it was because of my childhood best friend," sunny don't know where to start with, it was the first time that she will tell Xiao xiao about her past, it's been so many years now and they had been best friends but sunny couldn't talk about Jin, at all because it would always makes her cry everytime she remembered him, and Xiao xiao totally understand her so she never ask her to tell her story. Because growing up without a parents is a thing she had also experienced and she knows how difficult it was, what more with sunny's situation that she had no one else by her side through out her life! that is why she couldn't raised a question to her.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

  • avatar
    Nico Casiano

    maganda ang kwinto


  • avatar
    arellanomark Adrian

    I'm happy my game


  • avatar
    Aizel Gay



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