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Chương 4 It must've been though

"I understand mother but...." Sunny don't know what to say, it has never in her life had she think of going to school. But she remembered what Jin has been telling her, that he will work hard to make her go to school because going to school is fun.
"Don't make a decision right away, I want you to think about it carefully, the chairman just wanted to surprise her granddaughter to make you attend the same school as she did." Mother su says while combing sunny's hair with her fingers.
Sunny's mood brightens up a little when she heard that Xiao xiao will be there too.
Mother su didn't really expect that sunny would be so close to Xiao xiao, since the disappearance of Jin, sunny has never open up to anyone, thus, mother Su we're so worried about her.
But when Xiao xiao came into her life it's like she had been alive again, she started to be lively, she started to play and talk to other kids. And she started to smile again. That's why mother su was so happy that sunny is back to being a happy kid.
"Mother Su, give me more time to think about it." sunny uttered as she smiled at mother su. Mother Su nodded understandingly.
"Mother Su..." Xiao xiao called as soon as she arrived in the orphanage. the other kids went to her happily because they knew that she has brought delicious foods, everytime Xiao xiao wents to the orphanage she always brings food that cooked by thier personal chief at home.
"mother su here i prepared all of that, i mean i didnt prepaired it i was just the one who put it in that lunch boxes. but i didnt cooked it." Xiao xiao uttered shyly at mother Su. handing over the lunchboxes.
mother Su chuckles as she sees her reaction. "yes, thank you very much. your such a kind girl."
"big sister, Big sis Sunny is not here." the little chubby boy named Josh, said his chubby chicks pouting sligtly.
"oh i see.its okay ill just find her, you come with mother su so she could give you lots of food." Xiao xiao patted his head.
"yes, thank you so much." josh said before running into mother su happily.
"alright, alright lets go inside so you could all eat, your big sis brings a lot of food for all of you."
"yehheyyy" the kids run inside happily, as the other help mother su brings the lunch boxes.
"oh by the way, Sunny is in the rooftop." mother su uttered before she went inside.
"What's wrong?" Xiao xiao asked in a low tune, she noticed that Sunny seems to be trouble by something because she didn't even heard her when she called her name.
Sunny hurriedly wipe her tears, she has been crying since earlier when mother Su talked to her.
"Uhmm. It's nothing," sunny was a little startled she didn't even notice Xiao xiao who is now sitting beside her.
"It's pretty beautiful here, you can smell the food in the kitchen when your sitting here." Xaio xiao said laughing.
"Yeah, your right, the kitchen is just right under us." Sunny uttered smiling, whenever Xiao xiao is around she always says stupid things and she will laugh in her own, sunny just can't help but laugh with her.
"Xiao xiao, how does it feels like to go to school?" Sunny uttered as she looks down at some of the kids playing in the ground.
Xiao xiao puts her lefthand in her chest and the other is at her head, thinking really hard on how she should answer her best friend,
"I really don't know, I never enjoyed going to school, I can't even play with the other students because the principal and teachers won't let me, because their worried that I might get hurt and my grandfather might pull out of donating in their school."
"That's why I don't know, I don't really have a friend they would just approach me to ask me to tell grandpa what their parents told them. It's not fun," Xiao xiao uttered carelessly showing a sad face.
Truth to be told sometimes she wish she could live a normal life. Just like this appreciating the view and the people around her. But what else could she do, she was born in a rich family and soon enough she will need to inherit all her grandfathers wealth because she is the only family.
Even though Xiao xiao is just ten year's old she understands everything, and she knows that someday it is going to happen even though her grandfather didn't tell her. She knows she is the only one who will replace him someday.
Thinking about that, Xiao xiao could only sigh,
"I see, it must have been tough for you." Sunny could see through her, that she might be a happy girl outside she could see in her eyes that she was lonely too.
"No, it's alright, by the way why do you asked that? Are you going to school?"She asked,
"Oh I'm still thinking about it,"
"I bet it would be fun if we could go to school together. I would really love it." Xiao xiao uttered, how she wish that could happen.
Seeing her reaction sunny felt a little warmth inside, she couldn't understand why everytime she see's Xiao xiao she feels like she wants to make her happy even in a small way, Since the very first time she met Xiao xiao she cant help it but to just go with what ever she wants, seeing Xiao xiao happy makes her happy too, it's too odd,
She just wants to pamper her like her own little sister, ..
"Hmm," sunny answered smiling at her.
sunny thought about what mother Su has told her, now she thinks she knows what to do. She had made up her mind, she won't stop waiting for Jin, but she won't let her life just go to waste to, she have to live her life as well.
Hope orphanage is always there she could come anytime.
Sunny and Xiao xiao had been always together almost every day it had makes sunny's life a little more bright she doesn't feel sad anymore because of her.
3 weeks later.
"Why are you so sad?" Sunny asked Xiao xiao,
But Xiao xiao didn't look at sunny she just sway the swing where she had been sitting in.
"Xiaoya...." Sunny asked again, sitting in the other swing. She had been calling Xiao xiao as xiaoyah, ever since they became close to each other.
"I'm leaving tomorrow," Xiao xiao bites her lower lip, preventing herself from crying, she can't do anything about it. She had to attend school in the capital of euthopia, and it's a little far from the orphanage and she needed to fucos on her studying.
"Okay.." Sunny answered as if it's not something new. She didn't asked her anymore questions as she knows that she will just cry.
"But I will still come here every weekend, I promise." Xiao xiao uttered thinking that sunny might have been sad because of what she said,
"Hmm.." She answered in a low tone.
Hearing her answers Xiao xiao couldn't stop her self, and her tears rolls down her checks, It has been a longtime since they became best friends and they had been closed to each other,
Standing up from the swing Xiao xiao went to Sunny and she hugged her tightly.
Sunny couldn't help but smiled.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

  • avatar
    Nico Casiano

    maganda ang kwinto


  • avatar
    arellanomark Adrian

    I'm happy my game


  • avatar
    Aizel Gay



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