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Chương 3 Real friend

"Thank you so much Mr.Chairman!" Mother Su says happily as she shakes hand with Mr.Bai,
"It okay, I'm glad that I visited here before we go back to the Capital."
"We really thank you Mr.Chairman. it's a great help for the orphanage, thank you so much!"
"Don't mention it, I will have my Secretary to arrange everything so you could move in a much better place.its for the sake of the kids also."
"Ohh theres no need mr.chairman this has been our home for so many years and it has been very close in our hearts that is why we don't wanna move." Mother Su rejected directly! Truth to be told they didn't wanna leave the hope orphanage because this place is dear in her heart and aside from that she knows that Sunny will not leave this place.
"Oh I see, then I'll just send a help every month for the kids" mr.Bai said politely.
"That would be very much appreciated! Thank you so much" mother su can't hide her happiness by what he had said.
On a swing Sunny is swinging alone seeing that there was a visitor in the orphanage she thinks that they are here to adopt!
"Hi." A soft voice is heard at the side. Sunny looked over to see who she is,
Xiao xiao was smiling so sweetly as Sunny takes a look at her from head to toe!
"shes so pretty" sunny thought to herself.
After looking she looked away before answering her.
"Hello." Her short answer!
"Can you take me around I want to look everywhere it's so beautiful here. And has a fresh air too." Xiao xiao exhales the fresh air that the surroundings gives.She was smiling brightly and she talks very friendly too.
Sunny couldn't hold her self to smile back at her when she looks at her and thier eyes met.
"ohh you just smile!" Xiao xiao uttered happily when she sees that the girl infront of her smiled back at her.
"why, whats wrong with it?" sunny makes a serious avoiding her eyes!
"nothing, just a while ago you like the your carrying the whole world!" Xiao xiao laugh a little after saying it.
"and now?" sunny asked,
"uhmm, it looks likes you toss the world away! haha" Xiao xiao laugh at her words!
Sunny dont even know what to say about it,she didnt found it laughable but because of Xiao xiao's laugh she cant hold herself thus it made her laugh too..
"Im Xiao xiao," she extend her hands while intrudocing herself, she still wear that pretty smile on her face.
"i'm Sunny" sunny takes Xiao xiao's hand,they were smiling at each other as they shakes hand.
"grandpa let me come with you please!!" Xiao xiao says as she hugs her grandfathers hand. they were walking down in the long stair of Bai mansions!
"you've been coming there almost everyday, do want to live there?" mr.Bai uttered carelessly
"oh my grandpa can i really do that?" Xiao xiao, says happily her eyes shows how much she wants to!
"no,you cant! i just said that because you keep coming there almost everyday. And have you forget that i am here only because of some buseness, and you are for a short vacation, remember?" mr.Bai sat on the chair as they reach the dining table.
The table is filled of different dishes. as they were sorrounded by about fifteen house maids.
"i know, but grandpa," Xiao xiao pouts as she blinked her eyes making herself cute in front of her grandfather.
Mr.Bai sigh as he saw her expresions! he just cant get to win with this silly granddaughter of his. She was just so lovely just like her mother.
"alright, alright i will take you there." mr.Bai cant really say no to her.
"really, thank you so much grandpa i love you so much!" Xiao xiao hugs her grandfather and kissed him in his cheeks. She really knows how to get her way with her grandpa! she knows that it is just a short vacation but she wont mind that for now,
"alright, you eat now and we'll go there later"
"okay." Xiao xiao takes her seats, she was smiling brightly just thingking of seeing her best friend makes her smile even more brighter! she had forgotten she had just few more days left here in the city.
Xiao xiao is the only granddaughter of mr.Bai, Her mother pass away when she was a newborn, Her mother was the only daughter and only hier of the Bai Corporation, Her daughter had given births to a twin but unfortunately when the car accedent happen her daughter was brought in a hospital and had a urgent surgery and only Xiao xiao survives!
Thats why he gave everything that Xaio xiao needs, she was the only one left and he will do everything just to make her happy.
Xiao xiao has a very bright personality, and she lived her life as a princess, everything she needs is just right before her eyes, She was full of love even though she didnt grow up having a parents, Her grandfather is enough for her.
Although Xiao xiao has everything, she has no friends, the children only approached her because of her wealth, thus, she really didnt have a real friend! but when she met Sunny she feels so happy that she found a friend, A real friend she could talk to from everything.
thats why Xiao xiao goes to hope orphanage almost everyday to see sunny and played with her.
Being born in a gold spoon family, Xiao xiao only sees life in a beautiful way she has been protected in all her life keeping her to see life beautifully while Sunny grew up in a cruel way possible, They grew up in a very different world. One was bless with everything while the other one were living with the cruelty of the world.
"Baby lets go, I'll drop you off in the orphanage I still have lots of appointments" Mr.Bai said as soon as they sat down in the car.
"Yes, grandpa" Xiao xiao said happily. She couldn't wait to see sunny. The driver drove off.
"Sunny I have something to tell you." Mother Su talks to sunny in a very tender tone, she doesn't want her to misunderstood what she is about to say.
"Yes, Mother Su what is it?" Sunny uttered puzzled by the look of mother Su.
"You know that rich man coming here once in a while?" Mother su asked.
"Xiao xiao's grandfather?"
Mother Su nodded lightly,
"Yes, I saw him and I've talked to him also, he's really kind," sunny smiled as she said that to mother Su.
"He wants you to go to school, and he wants to give you a scholarship."
"What are you saying mother?" Sunny asked feeling a bit puzzled.
"Sunny, lol at me, you have to continue living your life, I know that you don't want to leave because you were waiting for Jin, but look it has been more than a year and your still at the age of growing up, you have to plan for your future." Mother su wants to convince sunny as much as possible.
This was a great opportunity for sunny, to be able to go to school and do the life of a normal kids. And besides, sunny is in the age where there is no one who wanted to adopt her.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

  • avatar
    Nico Casiano

    maganda ang kwinto


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    arellanomark Adrian

    I'm happy my game


  • avatar
    Aizel Gay



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