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Chương 2 How Rehearsal Goes

"Have you seen my best friend?" I asked Gabrielle because Enrique says that he's going to our rehearsal.
"Who is your best friend?" She asked.
"Enrique, Enrique Salazar." I replied.
"Oh he's at the lobby, I think he's waiting for you, so go, enjoy." I waved my hand and immediately goes into the lobby.
"Hi Quen." He ran at me when he saw me.
"Stop that!" I exclaimed, and laugh, if someone we don't know will look at us maybe she or he can tell others that we're couple.
"Okay... Sorry..." He said.
"Yeah... Oum Quen, I have crush." I said then smiled widely.
"Yiee, who is this man?" Quen asked.
"Secret... But he's here... He's in the production team." I said then hides my face, I know that I was blushing so hard.
"Is it Renz?" He asked.
"Of course not, he's cute but not my type." When our conversation ends I came back in the stage.
"Oh! I guess I will have a hard time in finding who's that man." He texted me, I just laughed.
"Blocking!" Our director shouted! We're still not in the stage, I saw the actors and actresses that are on stage, I think they already gave their best for 2 hours, they need a rest.
"Projection!" Direct shouted again.
I get out of the backstage.
"Direct, can I suggest something?" I faced Direct, there are many stories that I heard saying that our director was so terror.
"Yes. What is it?" His voice is a little bit loud.
"I feel that our talents are tired. Can we give them at least one hour to rest? We're gonna replace them in the stage." I said then he clapped his hands.
"Okay, call your team!" He shouted then I ran to Gabrielle.
"Take a rest!" Direct shouted then we get in the stage.
"We need to do better, for us not to stay in the stage for almost 4 hours haha." Gabrielle laugh after saying that.
It's true that if our performance is not well, we might took 4 hours here in the stage.
"Ready! Set! Action!" When Direct que us, everything goes fine.
"Job well done Gabrielle and Katie!" He clapped his hands and look at the teen performers.
"Can you do that for over 15 minutes?" He asked while facing them.
"He's not a good director." Gabrielle tells me in my ears.
"Quiet Gabby haha." I laughed.
"Why? It's true girl." She said while we're walking towards the pantry, Gabby said she wanna eat.
"Why? Is there something wrong with the director?" My hands get cold with the voice that I was heard.
"Ah... No.. There's nothing wrong." I said then Gabby pitch my hands.
"C'mmn Katie, why don't you tell Nicko?" She said.
"Why? Is there something wrong with the personnels here?" Nicko repeated his question.
"Direct Chito was not being fair with the talents." I said.
"Unfair in what way Katie?" He asked me.
"He's expecting the other talents to perform well even though they're on the stage for over 4 hours, they were tired and still, Direct are pushing them to perform. Not giving them enough time to rest." I said.
"Oh! That can't be! Thank you for this information Katie, I'll make sure that my Dad is going to find a better director." He said then walked away, I just smiled.
"Hey, what did he say?" Gabrielle asked.
"You didn't hear?" I asked.
"Yes, I didn't, his voice is too small kaya, I can't hear anything." Gabby said.
"Okay, he said that he's going to tell sir Jonathan about this incident." I tell Gabby.
"Can we request something?" I looked at Gabby while she's holding her head, thinking something I guess.
"Yeah, what is all about?" I asked.
"Can we request to replace the director?" Gabby asked and then I laughed.
"You are truly a basher of Direct Chito." Good thing that our door was closed.
"It's true Katie, I don't like him, do you like him?" Gabrielle asked.
"I don't like him too." I sat down beside Gabby.
"Ms. Katie, Ms. Gabrielle, Direct's calling you." A staff knocks at the door and call us.
"Gabby, I'm nervous." I said.
"Don't get nervous Princess Alleana." She called me by my name on the play.
"You're so strong Princess Aleiahe." I said.
"There's nothing to be afraid of." She said and then after a while we reach the stage.
"Direct, why are you calling us?" I asked.
"I just wanna inform you that your next rehearsal will be on April 24, but it's up to you if you still wanna go here i the following days." Yaaaass, a long vacation.
"Okay Direct, see you on April 24." Gabrielle pulled my hand and when we're outside she laughed very loud.
"Yaaaayy we're not going to see him in the next few daaayss woohhh!" She danced, a naughty dance.
"What did you say Gabrielle?" My eyes widened because Direct is at my back.
"Ah I said we're going to miss you, right Katie?" I just nodded.
"Okay, see you soonest." He left, where is the young talents? I don't see them now when we came back.
"Gab, where is the young talents?" I asked her.
"I think they go home, it was tiring here," she said. "Come, let's go home also." She added.
"Can I visit you sometimes?" I asked her.
"Yeah sure, I'm always available Katie." We get inside our own cars, I have a driver now. Thank God, I can finally sleep.
When I was about to close my eyes, my phone vibrated.
"Hi, Katie, you're going home?" Enrique asked while on the phone.
"Yeah but please don't come into my unit, I want to rest Enrique." I said then he smiled.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He said then end the call, I turned off my phone. When we reach my condo I immediately get into the bed. I can finally sleep.
"Mom!" I smiled when my phone rang again, serves as my alarm clock. It was my Mommy, calling.
"Hi Mommy!" I greeted when I answered it.
"You look so pale sweetie, are you okay?" She worriedly asked.
"Yes mommy, I'm okay, maybe I just need some vitamins, my schedule are so hectic." I said then get up into bed, I think I need some cutie here. A dog.
"But good thing mommy, Gabrielle and I performed well yesterday so we have almost a one week rest." I narratively said.
"Gabrielle? A new friend?" Se asked.
"Yes mommy, we're sisters in the play." I replied.
"Oh! That's good, just tell me when the play is ha, we're going to watch ha." She happily said.
"Mommy, I want to have a pet dog." I said.
"Make sure that doggy to get vaccinated before taking home 'nak." I nodded.
"Yes mommy." I said.
"Is it a poodle?" Mommy asked.
"Yah mommy, I'm so excited to have a pet dog. Just like baby Chaffey there in Canada." I said.
"Yeah, I think Chaffey miss you every night cause she's always going into your room." Mommy said.
"Awww, tell her that I miss her too, I can't wait to back in Canada mom, I think when my play gets done, I will come back." I said.
"Yeah but your fans will miss you too. You maybe get some endorsement when big companies watch you in that play." Mommy said.
"Mom, I feel like I'm talking to my manager right now! Haha!" I playfully said.
"I'm your manager before baby way back when you were a kid." She said.
"Yes mom, my very first manager and my very first boss. Right mommy?" I winked my eyes and she laugh.
"Yeah so you should follow my rules or else I will kick you out of my talent agency." We both laughed.

Bình Luận Sách (141)

  • avatar
    AlbañoM. F.

    so beautiful


  • avatar

    super great


  • avatar
    Charles Dump



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