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One Long Last

One Long Last


Chương 1 A New Life As A Theater Actress

It's been a very busy day because when the previous competition that I was in finished, I received many phone calls from a theater productions.
"Katie, let's go, you can finally go home now." My manager tell me with a sweet smile.
"Thanks, thank you for always be at my side Ma'am Ella." I said then hugged her.
"Anything for you sweetest Katie, love you as always, and your Mom told me to take care of you here in the Philippines." She said then I lay down in the sofa. I'm tired.
"You want to sleep or eat dinner first?" She asked while scrolling her phone.
"I'll sleep first Ma'am." I said then go to my bedroom, most tiring day ever. Aarrrghhh!
"Hi Nanang." I get out of my bedroom and look for my Yaya, I'm hungry.
"Nanang." I repeated but it seems like there is no one hearing me, where is she? I go to the nearest fast food chain to order a food, when I was about to push the door, I bumped into someone.
"Oh! I am so sorry Sir, sorry..." I don't know what I'm going to do because his coffee spill into his white T-shirt.
I ordered my food and I'll take it out.
"Nanang!" I shout when I came back at my unit.
"Yes ma'am, why?" She asked.
"Where have you been?" I asked her while I was putting the food in my plate.
"Ah... I sent money for my daughter... She need money for school project..." She said then bow down.
"I'm not angry. Don't get afraid." She goes inside the kitchen, when she came back, she's holding a pitcher of water.
"Thank you." I said.
"Nanang, can you open the door? I'm hearing something." While I was eating I feel that there is someone pressing the bell.
"Katie." I dropped my glass because of the voice that I heard.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him, her smile are on his ears.
"I bought something for you." He showed me the paper bag. It's from Brownies, why are they buying me foods? Am I skinny?
"Thank you, but I already ate my dinner." I said then lead him into the sofa.
"How is your love life?" I asked casually, it's up to him if he'll think something.
"I don't have special someone right now, I want you to be my special someone." My eyes widened because of it and then laugh loudly.
"Yucks!" I exclaimed.
"Yuck! In your wildest dreams Enrique." I get the chips inside the fridge.
"I'm just kidding Katie, by the way, I'm going home." He hugged me and get out of my condo, when I feel sleepy I immediately get to bed. I set my alarm clock into 6 AM.
"Kraaaanngg! Kraaangg! Kraaaangg!" I massaged my head ang find the alarm clock using my hands to stop it.
This is the usual time that I get up into bed. Take a shower, check my e-mails and go at the office of the theatre production.
"This is the budget to buy goods Nanang, I can't join you on buying those, I'm really busy right now." I get my car and go to Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City. This is a new place for me.
"Hi Katie." There's a man that lead me in the table. I'm familiar with him.
"Hello sir, what's your name?" I asked him.
"I am Mr. Jonathan Balbuena, owner of the JNK's Theatrical, the biggest theatrical company in the Philippines." I think he's mid 50s to 60s, and a pure Filipino.
"It's nice meeting you Sir." We shaked hands.
"My pleasure-and oh! This is Nickanor Balbuena, my son and the producer of your upcoming musical." I'm melting, kinda cute but I still have many priorities.
"I saw her yesterday Dad, she's the one who put coffee in my shirt." He said while laughing.
"You huh Nicko, me and your mom started there." His dad laughed sarcastically.
"Dad, Katie's hearing you." He said to his Dad.
"No, it's okay, the two of you are funny." We get quiet when someone entered the place and immediately sat at the chair in front of me. She looks scary.
"Hello everyone, good morning!" She greeted, I just smiled, that smile last only for 3 seconds.
"Hi Katie, I'm Gabrielle Louisse." She gave her hands to me but I didn't get it.
"I may look like strong Katie but trust me, I know how to get along with each other, I'm everyone's friend, right guys?" I saw that Mr. Jonathan and Nicko smiled, meaning Gabrielle was telling the truth.
"We need to be close to each other, we're sisters in the story." She said while laughing.
"Okay. So we're now friends." I gave my hand.
"Us?" Nicko asked.
"No, we're not friends HAHAHA." I'm easily learning how to be friendly with Filipinos.
"You are too harsh Katherine Megan." Who is she? I'm not Katherine.
"For your information Nicko, my real name is Katie Megan not Katherine, research before you bully me haha." When Mr. Jonathan speak, we immediately get quiet.
"Now that I saw how you talk to each other, I think I don't need to enroll you on a workshop, that's it. Me and my son are now leaving. Have a bonding girls." Mr. Jonathan said and Gabrielle take me into a park.
"What are we doing here?" I asked her.
"Bonding Katie, like Mr. Jonathan said." She said while smiling.
I like the personality of Gabrielle, I want her to be my best friend...
"Are you alone at your house?" She asked.
"No, I have Yaya." I answered immediately.
"No, I mean are you with your family?" She asked then I found my self thingking of Mom and Dad.
"No, they're in Canada, but I choose to be here, I still have many dreams." I answered then I just feel that she's caressing my back.
"It's okay, I feel you Kate." She said and I looked at her.
"Katie." I corrected my name.
"Sorry, I wanna call you Kate than Katie e, Kate is cuter." She said then clapped her hands with me. Looks like a kid.
"Salamat." That means thank you in English, I wanna try speaking Tagalog sometimes though it's a little bit hard for me.
"You are so natural Katie, your not that maarte thingy that your bashers are talking about." Oh? She know the things that my bashers always told me?
"How did you know?" I asked.
"I saw on Twitter..."
"I don't mind them, cause they didn't know what's my story." I said.
"Awww, I believe that you can achieve your dreams in theater Katie, I'm seeing it on your personality." She said.
"Really?" I also hold her hand.
"Yes, I feel you are a fighter, isn't it?"
"I only fight if I know that I was right." I said then she nodded.
"We're the same Kate..." She said.
"Then I guess we will fit together." I said then I winked my eyes. Seems happy.
"Yuh.... I wanna be your friend."

Bình Luận Sách (141)

  • avatar
    AlbañoM. F.

    so beautiful


  • avatar

    super great


  • avatar
    Charles Dump



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