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Emilia cosmetics shop

Kelly packed some of his needs into a backpack, waiting patiently at the main road for a cab to take him to the location. that was text to him by his tutor on how to be a female. he had never tried such a thing since he was an assassin.
He has used a lot of tactics to kill a lot of other spectacular, strong and well protect people in this game but he just decide to abduct Harry Kel with this new manoeuvre and he considered disguise to be the best means for a special reason.
He finally flapped down a Cab. "Visiting this address", he lowered his body to the taxi, displaying the address.
"30 USD for your destination sir", the driver said opening the door.
He hoop in and slammed the door closed, the driver drove away.
He had a seat in the middle seat, while the other two were empty, he was the only one in the cab, counting his fingers with his headphone plugged into his ears.
A puzzling board of an unarranged photo, he tried to arrange the piece to get the main one, that is placed at the top corner of it. For confirmation.
"How long will it take to get there", he asked lifting his face, staring directly at the mirror in front of the cab.
"half an hour, sir", he said rolling the steering wheel.
"Okay, no problem", he keeps on arranging the puzzle.
"Buut..!!. When you get there let me know", he muddled.
"You are in the right tax sir", he stopped the car and open the door for another passenger, that passed in from the right door.
He gearup the car, the male passenger was reading a magazine spreading across his legs with a pack of popcorn beside him.
"Hi Mr", he lifted his hand, winked at kelly
"Hi, I'm kelly!! and you"? He asked closing the puzzle book. Looking at the magazine in his hand.
"Justine, you can call me justice, I only fight for justice", he smiles still focusing on the magazine.
"Is like you are into the magazine", he didn't respond to Kelly, rather he flipped the magazine to the next page.
"Yes, I love his magazine".
"Who's he?". Kelly bombed into his word.
"He is Harry Kel". he said pointing to Harry's photos.
"Harry..!! the billionaire entertainer", the driver interpolates.
Kelly looked very surprised to hear that Harry Kel is a billionaire entertainer, someone that he's planning to abduct with a very simple means - get his reward from Jack Ugly and then add another name to itself.
He's a millionaire? No this is just a mere joke to him.
Yes I know about that, Justin respond the driver boringly.
"I'm one of his biggest fans so far" the driver added again, smiling and humming one of his songs.
"That should be "I'm alone in this?", Justin asked glancing at the driver
"Yes, I love the song, its lyrics are too deep and emotional for someone like me", the said turning the car around.
Why are you quiet, not even partaking in this conversation, Justin said to Kelly focusing on the sights mirror. Kelly was deeply carried away by the thought of how he would decoy Harry to a cage.
"I hope you are not a stranger here, cause almost everybody speaks about him".
"Not a stranger tho...., this is my home town". he paused putting off the headphone. I "just travel around the globe, that's why I don't get to know Harry Kel".
"You must be from the eighth's, cause he's everywhere you go, kelly". Justin exploded is fingers in Kelly's face
"I heard his house is made of steel and gold product?", the driver asked Justin that was diving along with him in the conversation.
"Yes, that's what the 'media' said about his house. And presently over 100 hundred security guard is protecting him"
"That's so much for only one person isn't it?" Kelly ask checking on his wristwatch, it was ticking around the digit.
Why wouldn't kelly ask such a question when he never expects his target to be this protected, he thought it was just an ordinary witness that could just be kidnapped with just blinking of an eye.
"No one knows why his security guard increased this few days. And anyway he visits, he must be with over 20 security guard". Kelly cannot hide the fact that he knows why he's protected that much.
"Really!!". Vain gawked at the driver
"Yes, and no one gets to touch him in any means".
He stopped the car engine. Justin opened the door and step out with his magazine and briefcase.
"Nice meeting you too", he waves goodbye at them, paying the driver before walking away.
                 Cosmetics shop
Emilia push the glass door open with her two arm, shrugging her hair, holding her handbag on her left arm, cat walking into the beautiful hall, she was in a pink gown, letting down her curling black hair floating on her shoulder.
Her deodorant was able to change the scent of the cosmetics hall. She was smiling with no resistance on her face.
"you are expecting someone new - why not appear neat in your best outfits", she soliloquized, twirling in the centre of the shop swinging her Crossing handbag in the hair
A lady in white was dusting some tools in the shop. another part of the shop was used for playing pool and male hair-cutting saloon.
She had a seat. there was a big mirror with a lot of make-up tools placed on it, she picked on the red lipstick dropping it a little on her lips. She stood up examining her outfit in the mirror
"You are very beautiful Emilia", a lady on the other end screamed to make sure she hears her properly. She was signalling that someone is unable to open the door.
Thank you, dear. She turned around, Kelly was pushing the door, he was pushing the door on the wrong side.
She ambled to the door and push it open for Kelly to step in. "Thank you, I'm kelly", he said demanding for a handshake.
"Emilia, nice to meet you Vail", she handshake him and escort him to have a seat.
They both have a seat on a properly arranged glass table with a white ceramic flower vase placed on top of it.
  A jug was placed on the table with a design mug for Emilia and Kelly
"Need a coffee, tea or anything"?. She asks taking a sip of her juice.
"No, I will manage the juice for now, sorry for being late Emilia". He said lowering his gaze to the table.
"No problem. so what makes you choose my training?" She asked, taking another sip of her juice
"I.. i...i", he stammered picking the mug.
He feels... like telling her the truth, but how on earth would he explain such a thing to Emilia. that he wants to use this training to kidnap someone - very special to everybody - just to have access to a particular amount of money and not even that alone. Also to add a strong tag to his name as the best assassin of all time. No!! he can't tell her such a big secret just to be a loyal student to her.
"Emilia!, as I said before I need your training to represent a friend on a modelling show", he sips the juice. Not only that, sometimes I admire the way girls always behave in this world.
"From their smile, their beauty, their hair and the way they care for their loved ones. Sometimes I ask myself if a girl wishes to be like a boy, the same way I wish to be like a girl", he said sounding pathetic
Why won't Kelly cook up a lie? just to create space in Emilia's heart - to make her - surrender everything in her life and teach him everything he needs to know about a girl.
I know! I really know. It sounds crazy Emilia. Kelly said pretending to weep.
"Who cares? no one cares". He wiped off his tears looking back at Emilia that was already feeling pity for him.
You are one step closer to being my students, kelly. "I'm also afraid; if you would like me to make your dream come true".she asked smiling at him
"Anything Emilia, I'm ready for this". Kelly nodded
She brought out a file from her handbag. "You are to write your name and sign here and here", she said handing him a pen
He browse through the file and was okay with the terms and conditions of the training, he signed his signature on it.
"Then you are fully welcome to the class, first of all, let me introduce you around we are starting the training tomorrow".
They both stood up and went around the shop. Emilia was introducing him to her co-workers, showing him around the shop, and introducing him to a certain tool.
She kind of liked him - for telling her that sometime he want to be like a girl. Apart from that Kelly is very handsome and stunning that every lady that comes across him. find it so simple to fall in love with him for his simple lifestyle, but Kelly finds it so hard to fall in love with anybody. He just loves sticking to his mission and mission alone.
He found love to be a serious distraction to his target in life, that is why any lady that tries to make him fall in love, he keeps away from them to focus on his deadly mission.
"Is time I take my leave Emilia", he said waiting for her response
"You are free Kelly."Just stick to your time, tomorrow we train". Kelly walked out of the cosmetics with a beautiful smile cause he's about to start the mission with Emilia.

Bình Luận Sách (463)

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    ilove it


  • avatar
    Shaira Tibatib

    First of all the idea of the author is reliable to the story. You can imagine while reading the story the situation of the characters. How the flow of the story and scenario the ideas where in you can relate. Some of the scenario sometimes you can think the reason why it happens something like that. But the author give the fully idea or how the story flow. I think the author are very dedicated on how he show about what he think because for me the story i will rate it very satisfactory good job!


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    SeseZanjoe lee

    morning how are you doing today I o uglot me to siya y me to do you say I think I think I love the time na na na normal time bro 😊😄 hehehe I love it so much I appreciate you and you know I will never be here in a bit I think I love the time I get you some money pamasahe ani uwan sa inyo mao ba geh laay mn tanawon ron 😊❤️ me sa imo love to siya 🙄 on sa ko ma'am I think ugma bai practice and you can I love the moon is a good morning bro 😊 muwaahhhh you are the moon is that ok ra to oyy 😊😄 h


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