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Chương 2 Disaster is coming

It has been a week since the party ended; Ling Guang suffered from increasing headaches, he invited good healers in the dragon world to diagnose his illness, all of whom did not know what disease he had. . Dragon people are famous for their vajra body, no disease can penetrate, much less condition can arise in people. Most of the healers in the dragon world mainly treat young dragon people who have not yet reached adulthood, they are prone to colds and flu.
Tortured by a headache, his temper became increasingly hot-tempered and aggressive. In the past, he was famous as a talented king, a faithful husband, loving his wife and children, now he is like a different person.
The sound of broken glass echoed in the room, his roar growing louder.
“A bunch of trash, how dare you call yourself a god of dragon medicine? Where are you, bring these charlatans to death!" – One of his fists smashed the sturdy gemstone table, angrily ordered
"Your Majesty, spare your life, we really don't know what disease you are suffering from..."
"If you don't know, let the next life know, where are you, get them out quickly"
Liu Wu rushed to stop her, living together for nearly 30 years, this is the first time she saw her husband like this, this is not the old man anymore, her husband absolutely does not abuse his power to kill innocent people like this.
"Your Majesty, calm down, you can't kill these doctors, they are innocent, you have a strange disease that the dragons did not have before, must be very patient to find the cause of this disease. .”
"If you still ask for these people, don't blame me for taking action against you, women like you can't do anything, you're all trash. Get out of the way!” – He shoved her hand, with his strength easily knocking her down.
The atmosphere is tense, but she is determined not to let her husband lose his temper and kill innocent people, although as the queen, she accepts to kneel and beg for a way to live for them. Seeing her like this, Ling Guang agreed to spare the lives of the royal doctors, and he angrily walked out.
His second son – Ling Tian was 3 years old, a hyperactive dragon boy who likes to climb and mess, but so far he has not shown any signs of strength like other children his age. Ling Guang is very angry, always single-handedly calling his son a waste, does not care about him, in contrast to his father, Liu Wu has always pampered and loved this little prince, no matter what, She is also the child she gave birth to.
Ling Tian gradually grew up, the more he understood that his father did not like him, gradually became quiet, less talkative. Instead, he has always worked hard to practice martial arts, hoping to reveal his natural strength soon.
For fear of humiliation, Ling Guang did not allow his son to go to school, nor did he allow him to interact with his peers. Lonely wants to have friends, he climbed the gate to go out but was discovered, he was imprisoned in the warehouse for a week even though he cried, shouted, banged on the door, and begged.
Too depressed with her husband's changing personality, Liu Wu became ill. The queen's funeral was solemnly held not long after she died, and everyone mourned this virtuous queen.
Ling Tian grew up without his father's love; his mother died early, becoming more and more lonely. The Eastern Palace after her death was also much different from before; in contrast to the image of the East Palace always bustling with laughter and laughter of the couple, the Eastern Palace now always has the color of pain, the atmosphere is always tense. And the noise of lavish booze parties.
Ling Guang became more and more of a military man, every time the party ended; he immediately took his son to vent his anger, fierce whips old wounds that had not yet healed have added new ones. He wants to die with white skin due to anemia and reluctance to accept violent beatings; after the party tonight, he knows how the night will end, can't escape, and has to sit still and wait.
Entering the room, Ling Guang's large body smelled of alcohol, but the killing intent was still radiating; the atmosphere became quieter; he looked at his son, who was kneeling on the ground, and growled:
“Scum, do you know what to sit here and wait today? Where are you, bring me the whip today; I will show him pain." – He walked up to him, kicked Ling Tian in the stomach, held his stomach in pain, and cried.
The whistling sounds of the whip rang out; he didn't dodge; he reluctantly used his back to bear the pain; the thin skin after the blows began to bleed, and the blood flowed out more. For some reason, Ling Guang got angrier; his eyes were red and striped, like a mad animal; he hit harder, couldn't stand it, fainted, and another painful night passed.
Three years later, the human world encountered a disaster; the Asura tribe began to invade the human world, dominate the earth, and maintain the balance of the tribes in the universe; the dragon world sent troops to support humans against Shura.
Asuras are described as having pale green skin, white eyes without irises, large and muscular bodies that are not inferior to dragons, long fangs, their hobby is eating raw meat, even cannibals. They value strength, proclaimed king through violent wars, and who is the last to stand is considered a marshal.
As the last tribe to sign a peace treaty, living separately at the end of the world, a dry, dead land, lava flows all year round, devoid of any life, the leading food of Shura is a beast that can withstand the heat of the fire, flying around the crater.
For some reason, Asura decided to make war, violate the peace treaty, and ignore the promise of balancing the races in the universe. They were getting stronger and stronger, to the point that even dragons with heavenly powers couldn't stop them.
After half a year of fighting, the final victory belonged to the Asura Realm, humanity became slaves, and the Dragon Realm suffered heavy losses. The human world became hell, the smell of blood spread throughout the area, the scent of the Asuras stunk, and standing in the outer sky could also be smelled.
Ling Jie – Ling Guang's first son, was a general guarding the border between the dragon clans and Shura; because of helping people, he was pierced by Shura with a single blow. At the east palace.
For some reason, after the death of Liu Wu and the life of his eldest son in danger, Ling Guang's headache has improved a lot, but his temper still hasn't returned to the way it was before.
Seeing his youngest son drawing in the yard, he was curious about the painting and approached to see that it was only an incomplete picture. Inexplicable anger came again; he used his fist to hit Ling Tian on the couch. He screamed in pain away, blood spurting out of his mouth, ribs were probably broken.
The headache came again suddenly, causing Ling Guang to become extremely angry; he summoned terrible lightning and struck down the eastern palace; wherever lightning struck, that place was destroyed, and his body was huge. More and transformed into a giant dragon, a black dragon, red horns around his body covered with blood-red lightning, his long body surrounded the entire east bow, where his tail swept it became ruins, his roar resounded in the east.
He summons lightning strikes around him that gather into a giant lightning bolt; no matter how skilled he is, being hit by this attack can't be fatal. He killed his son, and big lightning struck through LingTian 's body; his right hand and two severed legs were thrown out and burned black.
His father killed him…

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